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In general, tourism plays a significant role in the economy of archipelagos and islands. The Autonomous Region of the Azores has a great potential for tourism, offering multiple attractions, both natural and cultural, creating a big challenge for a sustainable tourism policy since little attention has been paid to the archipelagos and their special needs. This work aims to understand the profile and type of ecotourist that visits the Azores. This knowledge is of great importance for a better management and development of nature-based tourism, and products tailored to the needs and expectations of visitors. The data were collected by means of exit surveys conducted at the Airport of São Miguel Island, the larger and most populated island of the archipelago, during the high tourist season—July–September 2009. The analysis of the visitor’s profile and preferences is crucial to draw adequate strategies of management for tourism, while it helps to adequate the offer to the demand. Results showed that 41.1 % of the tourists claimed to be attracted to the islands due to their “natural values” (e.g., landscape, biodiversity, and geodiversity). The most practiced activities were whale-watching (32.4 %) and mountaineering/hiking (31.6 %), followed by diving (7 %) and other sports (5.1 %). The tourists’ profile points to a mainstream, soft, and incidental type of ecotourist. This information helps to develop and support a strategic planning and management, both at local and regional levels, for sustainable tourism policies.  相似文献   

分析我国各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力演变及其影响因素,有助于为处于不同发展阶段和不同发展水平的省份提供产业竞争力方面的指导。首先构建我国港澳台外31省(市、自治区)森林公园的旅游产业竞争力指标体系,然后计算各省旅游产业竞争力得分并分析其时空演变特征,最后采用分位数回归研究影响森林公园旅游产业竞争力空间差异的主要因素。结果表明:中国森林公园旅游产业平均竞争力值较低,区域差异较大,呈现东部向中西部递减的状态;2004~2014年期间西部各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力进步较小,主要原因是受到“短板效应”的制约,表现为西部各省在产业效益方面与东、中部省份存在较大差距;中国的森林公园存在东北和东南两个高层次旅游产业竞争力集聚中心,并存在逐渐向周边地区扩散,带动周边省份提升发展的趋势;回归表明,国家扶持力度、管理投入、资源禀赋、经济基础、品牌效应和交通便利性会在不同分位点上对各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力产生影响。森林公园旅游产业竞争力在不同分位点上影响因素的差异为有针对性的提高各地区竞争力提供了良好的参考。  相似文献   

旅游资源是旅游活动的客体,是旅游业赖以生存和发展的物质基础和前提条件。现有旅游资源区际竞争力的比较研究中,主要采用指数法、位序得分法和专家打分排序,主观因素影响过大。TOPSIS法是一种多属性决策方法,基本原理是通过构造决策问题中的各指标最优解和最劣解,计算比较对象贴近最优解和远离最劣解的程度,给出比较对象的优劣排序,作为决策判据,此方法可减少人为因素的干扰,提高评价结果的可靠性和可信度。首先阐述加权TOPSIS法,其次依据旅游资源的属性,构建旅游资源区际竞争力比较指标体系,在此基础上以长江三角洲16个城市为例,进行旅游资源区际竞争力实证研究。结果表明,地区间旅游资源存在较大的差异,苏州、杭州的旅游资源竞争实力最强,泰州、南通实力最弱。  相似文献   

运用STATA统计分析工具,将动态因子分析法应用到旅游业竞争力研究中,借助该方法从纵向和横向分析四川省旅游业竞争力情况,通过分析,重在了解四川省旅游业的发展变化及在全国的地位,为其今后制定有效的旅游业发展战略提供参考。结果表明:运用动态因子分析评价四川省旅游业竞争力客观可行,结果较切合实际。从横向来看,四川省旅游业竞争力在全国处于上游水平,说明综合实力较强;从纵向来看,2006~2010年四川省旅游业竞争力发生明显变化,主要是由于2008年汶川地震造成的影响。进一步提出四川省应注重从5个方面提升旅游业竞争力,即社会经济环境、旅游接待能力和市场、旅游资源、技术人才和生态环境  相似文献   

目的地居民对旅游影响的认知态度实证研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅游地居民对旅游影响的认知态度研究是旅游影响研究的主要内容之一。以浙江乌镇为例.在实地调研的基础上.利用问卷调查方法,分析了乌镇居民对旅游的社会文化影响、环境影响和经济影响的感知程度.以及居民对旅游业发展的态度.归纳总结了乌镇居民对旅游影响的一般认知态度状况.对制定合理的旅游发展政策、改善居民对旅游者的态度和提高居民对旅游业的支持、促进旅游地可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本文的调查结果进一步证实了以往居民对旅游影响认知态度研究的研究成果。乌镇居民对旅游给当地社区带来的社会、文化和环境效益感知强烈令人鼓舞。这与Liu和Var等诸多学者通过研究发现目的地居民对旅游发展产生的各方效益感知明显是一致的。此外,乌镇居民对旅游经济影响的正面感知一致较强与现有研究成果也是相符的。所有这些证实了旅游地生命周期早期阶段居民更易倾向于正面感知。  相似文献   

While the world is going into different tourism expectations, the tourism understanding in Turkey is defined as tourism in the sea-sand-sun triangle. However, it is possible to contribute to the income and local development of the indigenous people by developing nature-based tourism. Besides, with the sustainable use and preservation of the natural-cultural assets, the damage of the traditional tourism industry on the natural and cultural environment could be reduced. In this study, it is aimed to bring up the nature-based tourism concept in Çanakkale by evaluating the nature-based tourism industry in the general of Turkey and assessing the natural-cultural resources that Çanakkale comprehends. The most important areas that have a nature-based tourism potential in Çanakkale and the tourism activities that are most suitable for these areas have been determined.  相似文献   

This study explained the importance of environmental protection in tourism development and illustrated the relationship between recreational resource valuation and environmental consideration. We compare different models of travel cost method and reiterates long-time existing problems of multi-destination and treats of time opportunity cost (TOC). Taking Jiayuguan's cultural sights as an example, we establish an updated method called multi-destination zonal tourism cost method to evaluate the recreational values (RVs) of selected three cultural sights. We divide trip packages of Jiayuguan's tourists into 11 portfolios. Each portfolio can be seen as a separate commodity, and each commodity has its own demand curve. According to demand curves we can calculate consumer surplus (CS) of different portfolios of tourist destinations and later we sum up the total travel costs (including travel expenditure and TOC) and CS to come to the RVs of each portfolio. We then apply suitable proportions to calculate the RVs between different destinations in the portfolio. In the end, we add up all the RVs calculated for the objective destination. Using this method, we draw conclusions that Jiayuguan's RV in 2006 includes national and international values, summing up to 738.4762 million yuan. The tourist expenditure, CS and TOC of Jiayuguan is proportionating 62.96, 32.28 and 4.76%, respectively. This study is also an example of non-market valuation of cultural tourism resources.  相似文献   

生态环境、景观质量是自然风景地旅游吸引的基本因素 ,对中国而言 ,如何协调旅游开发与景观、环境保护的关系是一个亟待解决的问题。本文在分析我国自然风景地主要的景观、环境问题成因的基础上 ,提出了一些框架性的对策和建议  相似文献   

在对武汉市城郊534个乡村旅游地进行类型划分的基础上,运用数理统计和空间分析法,对其时空分布特征和影响因素进行研究,得出以下结论:(1)武汉市城郊乡村旅游地在发展过程中,呈现出四个明显的发展时段,旅游极化发展形成的空间冷热点区随时间而发生变化,现已在武汉市西北、西部和南部形成三大旅游集聚区。(2)武汉市城郊乡村旅游地类型日益多元化,从发展初期的休闲观光和乡村文化两种类型逐步增加至休闲观光、乡村文化、农事体验、农业科技、特色村镇等五种类型;不同类型的乡村旅游地发展速度、规模、极化趋势各异。(3)与中心城区距离、相关政策、道路交通条件、水文因素、旅游资源禀赋等均对乡村旅游地的时空分布特征产生影响,各个因素对不同类型旅游地时空分布的影响存在一定差别。  相似文献   

Although Chile has been touted for developing a broad market liberalization and opening to the international economy, evidence is emerging that such neoliberal economic policies are dramatically impacting biodiversity and the natural resource base. This paper examines the evidence on the plundering of forestry and fishery resources and the damming and pollution of aquatic ecosystems. Although it may be argued that economic liberalization policies have been effective in reallocating agricultural resources toward more competitive activities, the ecological toll imposed by the expansion of export-led modern agriculture has been heavy. An effective agricultural development strategy in Chile should confront such ecological costs and should promote alternatives to high input agriculture.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Globally, the national and cultural resources of a country are major sources of attraction for tourism. Pakistan is gifted with abundant natural and...  相似文献   

旅游风险感知就是旅游者在其旅游行为前及过程中对可能发生的负面结果的感知,风险感知目前已成为旅游安全研究中的重要内容。通过构建旅游者风险感知量表,以九寨沟为案例地进行实证研究得出:(1)旅游者感知风险主要分为3个维度:功能障碍型、危机事件型及文化冲突型;(2)旅游者的总体风险感知较小,其中功能障碍型风险较大,其次为危机事件和文化冲突,并且地震等危机事件并未成为旅游者担心的主要风险;(3)不同旅游者的差异主要体现在“花费冤枉钱”、“迷路或与同伴走失”、“语言障碍”等方面,性别、地域、是否经历过灾害、是否买保险、是否带药品等因素对各类风险感知差异没有显著影响。旅游者风险感知研究为完善旅游安全理论提供了参考,并且对旅游地的风险管理提供了依据,具有指导和借鉴意义  相似文献   


This study explained the importance of environmental protection in tourism development and illustrated the relationship between recreational resource valuation and environmental consideration. We compare different models of travel cost method and reiterates long-time existing problems of multi-destination and treats of time opportunity cost (TOC). Taking Jiayuguan’s cultural sights as an example, we establish an updated method called multidestination zonal tourism cost method to evaluate the recreational values (RVs) of selected three cultural sights. We divide trip packages of Jiayuguan’s tourists into 11 portfolios. Each portfolio can be seen as a separate commodity, and each commodity has its own demand curve. According to demand curves we can calculate consumer surplus (CS) of different portfolios of tourist destinations and later we sum up the total travel costs (including travel expenditure and TOC) and CS to come to the RVs of each portfolio. We then apply suitable proportions to calculate the RVs between different destinations in the portfolio. In the end, we add up all the RVs calculated for the objective destination. Using this method, we draw conclusions that Jiayuguan’s RV in 2006 includes national and international values, summing up to 738.4762 million yuan. The tourist expenditure, CS and TOC of Jiayuguan is proportionating 62.96, 32.28 and 4.76%, respectively. This study is also an example of non-market valuation of cultural tourism resources.  相似文献   

The eminent crisis threatening biological and resource diversity is a global adversity. Global resource diversities are constantly disappearing and deteriorating at quite an alarming proportion, provoking renewed thinking regarding the effectiveness of existing environmental management approaches and practices. For the past four decades, several epochs of environmental management policies and practices disregarded the cultural imperative for safeguarding efficient environmental management outcomes, particularly at the community level. Even in the rouse of this reality, issues of spirituality and how it binds local community people to their natural environment appear to be given only a window dressing attention through the recognition of sacred natural sites. Eight sacred groves and shrines in the Bongo District were investigated based on an endogenous development framework. The data were collected using focus group discussions with stakeholders at the local and district levels and individual interviews with key local natural resource managers from four selected communities. The study revealed that the way indigenous people construct the worldviews and interactions with nature using ancestors and other spirit mediums can safeguard the environment against long periods of human interference and destruction. It also demonstrates that in certain places traditional institutions are becoming malleable and open to the use of external knowledge and resources in order to sustain places of sacred significance. It concludes that cultural imperative and the issues of spirituality are critical for the sustainable management of environmental resources. The study recommends revisiting local practice and cultural values that promote good environmental management practices within the local communities.  相似文献   

碳市场碎片化状态使各国碳排放因减排力度差异而消长,不仅造成碳泄漏风险,同时对减排国家经济特别是排放密集产业的国际竞争力产生负面冲击。本文建立多区域多部门CGE模型,设计4种边境碳调节政策,模拟分析其对我国的福利、碳泄漏和出口型排放密集产业(EITE)竞争力产生的政策效应。研究显示,我国制定边境碳调节政策,既要考虑碳关税也要考虑出口返还,前者有利于改善我国的福利水平,后者可以收到抑制碳泄漏和保持EITE产业国际竞争力的效果,因而有必要把边境碳调节政策纳入我国碳市场制度设计。无论从产出还是贸易来看,我国EITE产业中的非金属矿、有色金属、钢铁产业在边境碳调节政策影响下,面临来自日本和亚洲其他国家的竞争压力,双方的碳泄漏和产业竞争力呈现此消彼长的动态变化。在我国碳市场建设过程中,边境碳调节政策与拍卖相结合,有利于在实现碳减排目标和维护产业竞争力之间实现平衡。  相似文献   

若尔盖高原湿地生态旅游资源保护性开发研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
若尔盖湿地以其独特的自然和人文景观为湿地生态旅游提供了有利条件。本文从分析若尔盖湿地的旅游资源入手,提出了若尔盖湿地生态旅游资源保护性开发的几点建议。  相似文献   

The article establishes the appraisal index system for entire urban agglomeration and its interior cities individually, concretely including five aspects: driving forces for tourism development, the level of tourism development, tourism impacts, tourism economic connection and tourism contributions of different cities to the whole urban agglomeration. As tourism competitiveness has the characteristics of comprehensiveness, systematicness and dynamicness, the article attempts to apply the structural prediction means of system dynamics to evaluating tourism competitiveness, aiming to provide some research methods and analysis ideas for tourism competitiveness measurement and trends analysis in urban agglomeration. Taking Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration as the study area, the article simulates and analyzes the tourism competitiveness trend of the whole region and its interior cities from 2005 to 2020, and the result reflects that integrated development and regional combination of tourism are important means to upgrade tourism competitiveness in this region.  相似文献   

制造业仍然是中国国民经济的支柱产业.金融危机对外向型的中国制造业造成了严重的冲击,应对危机的根本途径是在提高国际竞争力和承担社会责任之间取得平衡,走可持续发展道路.在中国制造业中,民营企业已经占据主体地位,但是国际竞争力并不强.增强民营制造业企业的国际竞争力是我国制造业乃至整个国民经济摆脱困境的必然选择.目前,我国民营制造企业虽有一定发展,但总体上还处于国际分工价值链的低端,"硬竞争力"和"软竞争力"都明显不足,既受到技术、资金的硬件限制,又没有形成优秀的品牌和企业文化.要提高其国际竞争力,既取决于民营制造企业自身的努力,又要靠政府提供有利的发展环境.民营制造业企业要自主创新、以质取胜、加强管理,并且要增加社会责任感.政府需要在准入条件、融资环境和税收环境方面提供支持.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes an inclusive community based sustainability framework with a focus on a resort destination in providing a potential model for more inclusive long-range destination planning and implementation. Four diverse, but interrelated areas of sustainable tourism were specified in this framework for a more comprehensive process including ecological, cultural, economic and socio-community sustainability. In addition a strategic community driven structure, which provides direction, information and practices, serves the purpose of integrating and implementing the framework. The unique tourism destination, Noosa in Australia is used as an example of embracing sustainable tourism as a community and as part of a larger focus on the four key components of sustainability. By viewing sustainable community attributes as assets, all of which are important to manage, enhance and/or conserve, it is expected that the resort community will continue to attract visitors to feel connected and committed to experiencing its lifestyle, sense-of-community and natural features while also contributing to community sustainable stewardship and a strong tourism economy. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue. Dr. Richins is Chair of the Graduate Program within the School of Travel Industry Management at University of Hawaii. He holds a Ph.D. from James Cook University in Australia and a B.S. and M.S. from University of Oregon. Previously he held leadership positions for over 15 years in Australian and New Zealand including Waikato University, University of Newcastle and University of the Sunshine Coast. He was also Chair of the Resort Management program at Sierra Nevada College in Nevada.  相似文献   

This study deals with regional climate change in five low mountain areas in Eastern Germany and assesses the awareness of tourism professionals towards climate change, its impact on winter tourism and adaptation options. Favourable conditions for winter tourism decreased over the last decades in the Saxon low mountain ranges. A change from predominantly snow-based to a wider variety of winter tourism options appears indispensible as climate models project continuing warming. Diversifying touristic options provides opportunities to develop new business fields and to attract new target groups. This paper reveals obstacles and opportunities to adapt and develop winter tourism in the central European low mountain ranges and to increase the competitiveness of regional tourism. A survey explored the current awareness of representatives of most of the Saxon downhill skiing areas and of selected winter tourism municipalities towards climate change and its implications on their business. Awareness is essential to successfully implement adaptation measures. About half of the interviewees were not aware of the regional changes in natural snow conditions projected for the next 15–20 years. Nevertheless, the majority recognized climate change as a serious issue. Yet, stakeholders repeatedly emphasized their uncertainty about related scientific facts. They attributed their perception to mass media reports that suggest a lack of scientific consensus on climate change issues. Adaptation options for slope-based and general winter tourism are developed and presented, involving ideas of the interviewees. To successfully move towards adaptation, supply and marketing of alternative offers need to be strengthened. A survey of tourist expectations is planned to ensure a successful implementation of new (winter) touristic offers in the Saxon mountains.  相似文献   

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