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为保障通航隧洞的安全高效运营,提出了一种船舶跟驰安全间距计算方法.在分析通航隧洞船舶间距影响因素的基础上,首先应用交通流及跟驰理论建立通航隧洞船舶跟驰安全间距模型,研究通航隧洞内船舶不同状态下安全间距计算方法;然后,对通航隧洞不同位置船舶安全间距进行分区研究,提出通航隧洞船舶安全间距控制模式;最后,结合乌江二线思林枢纽通航隧洞的具体资料和数据开展案例研究,并将结果与现有乌江一线构皮滩通航隧洞船舶安全间距进行比较.结果表明,通航隧洞内船舶安全距离与船舶所处位置有关,并存在较大差异.在隧洞运营管理和调度中需考虑位置特点进行分区来控制前后船舶间的安全距离.  相似文献   

为探究安全变道概率条件下高速公路立交最小净距,将相邻立交净间距分为向内侧变道段、标志识别段和向外侧变道段3部分。结合动力学和速度一致性原理,分析安全变道时的临界车头间距;运用概率论和交通流理论研究车辆变道概率组合特性。综合考虑车道数、服务交通量、设计速度和限制速度等条件,建立高速公路立交净距与安全变道概率关系模型。研究表明,安全变道概率阈值为0.95时,一级服务水平下不同车道数和设计速度的高速公路立交最小安全净距分别为:1 800 m(2,3车道,100 km/h)、2 200 m(2,3车道,120 km/h)、2 350 m(4车道,120 km/h),安全变道概率随立交净距的增大而呈阶梯型增长。  相似文献   

为缓解日益严重的城市快速路交织区拥堵现象,重点考虑临时驶出车辆的影响,结合车辆变道安全间距、变道决策等因素,建立基于元胞自动机(CA)的多车道交织区离散模型,仿真模拟饱和状态下多车道交织区交通流演变过程,分析交织区拥堵的形成机制;通过仿真试验与实际道路交通量的比较,对模型予以初步验证。结果表明:该模型能够更加合理地重现交织区车流运行情形,常规驶出车辆与临时驶出车辆对交织区车流影响较大,其中车辆临时驶出具有突发性,对交织区系统流量干扰严重;交织区长度对其通行能力有影响,为使交织区通行能力最大化,其长度应不小于150 m。  相似文献   

为探究事故车辆对城市三车道道路交通影响机制,首先,分析考虑事故车辆的城市三车道道路交通流特征;然后,构建左车道优先且考虑主动抢道和被动抢道行为的元胞自动机交通流模型;最后;研究事故持续时间td变化时事故车辆分别位于M道和R道的城市道路交通流演化。结果表明:事故车辆会形成交通瓶颈,呈现上游车辆聚集下游车辆稀疏的时空特征,诱发交通拥堵,事故车辆对三车道交通影响明显小于两车道情形;且事故车辆位于R车道对道路交通流影响比事故车辆位于M车道更小,但这种影响的差异随进车率pe增加而减小。  相似文献   

为使瓦斯抽采效果在技术、经济方面达到最佳,研究了瓦斯抽采过程中煤层瓦斯的运移规律和钻孔的合理布孔间距。将煤层视为双孔隙双渗透率弹性介质,推导了煤基质、裂隙渗透率演化方程,综合考虑了瓦斯吸附/解吸特性、煤岩变形等因素的影响,建立了煤层双重介质流固耦合模型,并进行了钻孔瓦斯抽采模拟,分析了钻孔间距对瓦斯抽采的影响。结果表明:不同钻孔间距的瓦斯压力随抽采时间的增加先快速下降再趋于平缓,且钻孔间距越小,瓦斯压力下降越快;随着钻孔间距的增大,O点消突时间逐渐增加,与钻孔间距呈二次方关系;现场试验与模拟结果基本吻合,钻孔间距5 m时瓦斯抽采效果最佳。  相似文献   

采用驾驶模拟系统平台,以不同车道类型及不同交通流状态(自由流/稳定流/不稳定流/强制流)为虚拟试验场,应用心理试验设计方法,测试得到21名被试在不同交通流状态下的视觉注意力需求及驾驶行为。对5种车道类型及4种交通流状态下被试驾驶时的视觉注意力需求特性和驾驶行为特性数据进行分析,得到不同车道不同交通流状态下的视觉注意力需求变化情况。利用多元回归方法分析了不同交通流状态下驾驶人视觉注意力需求与驾驶行为之间的关系,并构建了基于驾驶行为特性的驾驶人视觉注意力需求预测模型。结果表明,驾驶人视觉注意力需求与制动次数、油门踏板位移和车辆轨迹偏差之间存在相关关系。  相似文献   

为安全有效地疏散突发事件造成的高速公路网拥堵,评估不同应急疏导措施的效用,首先,分析突发事件下高速公路网拥堵传播消散规律,基于提出的高速公路节点容纳能力(HNAC),结合基本图(FD)模型,建立HNAC-FD消散计算模型;然后,根据疏散案例交通流数据,使用Vissim软件搭建仿真模型,仿真分析不同疏导措施对疏散交通流速度的影响,并利用Logistic速密模型计算路网各个区段的交通流状态;最后,根据高速公路网突发事件案例,设计不同疏导措施方案,并通过HNAC-FD模型计算拥堵消散时间,从事件影响消散时间和拥堵队列车辆平均行程时间,评估不同疏导方案的效用。结果表明:疏导措施会延迟事件影响消散,但能提升疏散交通流的速度,减少拥堵队列的车辆平均行程时间,且组合方案的疏散效果与单一措施差别不显著;可逆车道具有最佳疏散效果。  相似文献   

互通立交分流区存在频繁的变换车道现象,导致交通流运行紊乱、交通冲突频发。为分析互通分流区交通安全状况,首先分析车头时距及车辆变道位置等交通流特性与交通冲突的关系,然后采用间隙接受理论判别交通冲突区间,构建基于间隙接受理论的分流区交通冲突预测模型。结果表明:车辆变道位置与交通冲突地点存在显著相关性,均位于距基准点600 m以内和减速车道的前60 m路段;交通冲突临界间隙为2.21 s,基于间隙接受理论的交通冲突区间为(2.06 s,2.31 s);分流区交通冲突预测模型预测结果与实际统计结果的相对误差在10%以下。减速车道长度以及分流比是影响交通冲突数的主要因素,可作为分流区交通安全改善方案的依据。  相似文献   

压缩天然气瓶组安全间距数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气气瓶组的安全间距是压缩天然气加气站内的主要安全参数之一.基于CFD软件的物质传输与反应模块建立了高压天然气的泄漏扩散数值模型.应用模型对天然气气瓶组的泄漏扩散进行了研究,并考察了不同泄漏孔径(0.01 m、0.02 m、0.05 m)对泄漏扩散所形成危险区域传输距离的影响.依据数值结果确定了天然气气瓶组的安全间距.研究结果表明: 该泄漏扩散模型能直观实时的显示不同时刻天然气泄漏扩散在模拟区域中的传输距离与浓度分布,因此可用于高压天然气泄漏扩散事故的分析和储存装置安全间距的确定.相关研究结论可以为高压天然气泄漏扩散事故的处理提供依据,为天然气加气站的设计以及高压天然气场合安全间距的确定提供参考.  相似文献   

为提高不良天气条件下高速公路行车安全性,基于车流波理论,构建不良气候条件下的交通安全控制模型。首先,分析交通流速度-密度之间的关系,以此检验采取限速管理后车辆间距是否符合安全制动距离要求;然后结合高速公路实际交通量、气候条件,确定能保证足够安全制动距离的交通流密度范围,提出提前分流与限速的对策,最终建立不良天气条件下的交通安全控制模型。结果表明:相对于根据能见度和路面摩擦因数制定限速标准的模型,该模型考虑了交通流密度的影响,采取提前分流或限速的措施,保证交通流进入不良气候影响区后不会出现安全制动距离不足的情况。  相似文献   

This paper presents a multivariate analysis on the impact of the exclusive motorcycle lane on motorcycle accidents along the Federal Highway Route 2, Malaysia. A number of statistical models have been developed to explain the relationship of motorcycle accidents and explanatory variables relevant to motorcycle safety. The best model showed that motorcycle accidents are directly proportional to the cubic power of traffic flow and reduced by approximately 39% with the motorcycle lane. A clear benefit of this lane is observed when the traffic flow exceeds 15,000 vehicles per day per lane for motorcycle proportion of between 20% and 30%. Besides supporting the notion for motorcycle segregation, this finding provides an initial guideline on the warrants for an exclusive motorcycle lane for highly motorcycled countries in Asia.  相似文献   

城市快速路出入口交通安全仿真评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为评价城市快速路出入口在不同的渠化设计和设施设置条件下的交通安全水平,以交通冲突次数表征交通安全水平,确定实验因素,设计仿真实验方法,建立基于SSAM的仿真模型并标定参数,进行仿真实验以获取不同实验因素水平下交通冲突数据。结果表明:与入口相比,出口冲突次数更多;匝道坡度对冲突数有一定影响,但并不明显;车辆提前变道和提前减速对于提高交通安全水平极为重要,是降低交通冲突有效的方法。结论显示的趋势与以往事故数据和定性分析结论一致。最后基于实验结论提出快速路渠化设计和安全设施设置原则。  相似文献   

Inefficient operation of traffic in work zone areas not only leads to an increase in travel time delays, queue length, and fuel consumption but also increases the number of forced merges and roadway accidents. This study evaluated the safety performance of work zones with a conventional lane merge (CLM) configuration in Louisiana. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the crash rates for accidents involving fatalities, injuries, and property damage only (PDO) in each of the following 4 areas: (1) advance warning area, (2) transition area, (3) work area, and (4) termination area. The analysis showed that the advance warning area had higher fatality, injury, and PDO crash rates when compared to the transition area, work area, and termination area. This finding confirmed the need to make improvements in the advance warning area where merging maneuvers take place. Therefore, a new lane merge configuration, called joint lane merge (JLM), was proposed and its safety performance was examined and compared to the conventional lane merge configuration using a microscopic simulation model (VISSIM), which was calibrated with real-world data from an existing work zone on I-55 and used to simulate a total of 25 different scenarios with different levels of demand and traffic composition. Safety performance was evaluated using 2 surrogate measures: uncomfortable decelerations and speed variance. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine whether the differences in safety performance between both configurations were significant. The safety analysis indicated that JLM outperformed CLM in most cases with low to moderate flow rates and that the percentage of trucks did not have a significant impact on the safety performance of either configuration. Though the safety analysis did not clearly indicate which lane merge configuration is safer for the overall work zone area, it was able to identify the possibly associated safety changes within the work zone area under different traffic conditions.  相似文献   

In conjunction with a nationwide motorcycle safety program, the provision of exclusive motorcycle lanes has been implemented to overcome link-motorcycle accidents along trunk roads in Malaysia. However, not much work has been done to address accidents at junctions involving motorcycles. This article presents the development of predictive model for motorcycle accidents at three-legged major-minor priority junctions of urban roads in Malaysia. The generalized linear modeling technique was used to develop the model. The final model reveals that motorcycle accidents are proportional to the power of traffic flow. An increase in nonmotorcycle and motorcycle flows entering the junctions is associated with an increase in motorcycle accidents. Nonmotorcycle flow on major roads had the highest effect on the probability of motorcycle accidents. Approach speed, lane width, number of lanes, shoulder width, and land use were found to be significant in explaining motorcycle accidents at the three-legged major-minor priority junctions. These findings should enable traffic engineers to specifically design appropriate junction treatment criteria for nonexclusive motorcycle lane facilities.  相似文献   

In conjunction with a nationwide motorcycle safety program, the provision of exclusive motorcycle lanes has been implemented to overcome link-motorcycle accidents along trunk roads in Malaysia. However, not much work has been done to address accidents at junctions involving motorcycles. This article presents the development of predictive model for motorcycle accidents at three-legged major-minor priority junctions of urban roads in Malaysia. The generalized linear modeling technique was used to develop the model. The final model reveals that motorcycle accidents are proportional to the power of traffic flow. An increase in nonmotorcycle and motorcycle flows entering the junctions is associated with an increase in motorcycle accidents. Nonmotorcycle flow on major roads had the highest effect on the probability of motorcycle accidents. Approach speed, lane width, number of lanes, shoulder width, and land use were found to be significant in explaining motorcycle accidents at the three-legged major-minor priority junctions. These findings should enable traffic engineers to specifically design appropriate junction treatment criteria for nonexclusive motorcycle lane facilities.  相似文献   

为研究海底隧道入口段驾驶员眼动特征,以海底隧道收费站至入口为研究对象,运用Facelab5.0眼动仪和录像机等设备,采集真实状态下驾驶员眼动特征、行车速度和行车位置数据,并依据道路线形、车辆行车特征和路段标志标线设置,将收费站至入口划分为提速驶离段、换道减速段、缓和段和过渡段(入口段),分析各区段驾驶员眼动特征及车速变化规律,并建立相应数学模型。研究结果表明:驾驶员驾车通过换道减速段和过渡段时,分别受交织车流与黑洞效应影响,行车速度减小、眼睑闭合度下降、眨眼频率增大;驾驶员行经入口段,车速呈上升-下降-上升-下降的趋势,眼睑闭合度呈增大-减小-增大-减小的趋势,眨眼频率呈减小-增大-减小-增大的趋势,且受交织车流与黑洞效应的影响显著。  相似文献   

IntroductionChoosing a safe gap in which to cross a two-way street is a complex task and only few experiments have investigated age-specific difficulties.MethodA total of 18 young (age 19–35), 28 younger-old (age 62–71) and 38 older-old (age 72–85 years) adults participated in a simulated street-crossing experiment in which vehicle approach speed and available time gaps were varied. The safe and controlled simulated environment allowed participants to perform a real walk across an experimental two-way street. The differences between the results for the two lanes are of particular interest to the study of visual exploration and crossing behaviors.ResultsThe results showed that old participants crossed more slowly, adopted smaller safety margins, and made more decisions that led to collisions than did young participants. These difficulties were found particularly when vehicles approached in the far lane, or rapidly. Whereas young participants considered the time gaps available in both lanes to decide whether to cross the street, old participants made their decisions mainly on the basis of the gap available in the near lane while neglecting the far lane.ConclusionsThe present results point to attentional deficits as well as physical limitations in older pedestrians. Several practical and have implications in terms of road design and pedestrian training are proposed.  相似文献   

为分析加速车道几何参数对合流区交通状况的影响,基于实验方案和效率-冲突率评价指标,构建实验平台并标定对应参数,结合实际交通场景数据及速度偏差和交通冲突相关系数指标,验证实验平台有效性。结果表明:w,l随主线流量增大而增大,合流区交通状况逐步变好;随主线流量增大,在l=60 m时,w对合流区交通状况的影响较大且整体交通状况较差,而l相应增大后,w对交通状况影响较小。  相似文献   

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