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自动化压井是指计算机能够按照一定的控制原则独立完成压井的1种方法。为了验证自动化压井系统的可行性和平稳性,开展了多种不同程度的试验井气侵模拟,利用自动化压井系统进行司钻法自动化压井操作试验,成功实施了司钻法第1循环周压井。研究结果表明:自动化压井系统能够实时获取和分析溢流参数,迅速准确生成压井施工单,对节流控制箱实施远程控制并完成节流阀开度的调整;在不同气侵程度下,自动化压井系统能够按照压井设计曲线将立压稳定控制在目标值附近;在气侵气体向上运移和排出井口的过程中,井底压力波动远小于人工压井所产生的压力波动。该项研究基本验证了自动化压井系统在钻井井场应用的可行性。  相似文献   

天然气进入井筒并溶解于油基钻井液会对钻井安全产生潜在威胁,溶解气随钻井液运移到井口附近突然发生析出 并膨胀,使气侵早期监测及预警的难度显著增加。为了降低井喷发生概率和钻井作业风险,针对水平井油基钻井液溶解 气运移规律进行了研究。采用气液两相流模型,模拟了不同初始气侵速率情况下甲烷溶解气和游离气随钻井液在水平段 和垂直段的运移过程,得到环空中钻井液的流速变化、甲烷析出过程、井筒环空气液两相流流型变化、泥浆池增量随时 间变化和截面含气率沿程分布等规律。模拟结果表明,油基钻井液发生气侵时的初始进气率存在临界值;在小气侵速率 情况下,侵入环空的甲烷将以溶解气的形式运移到井口,在井口分离释放,对钻井安全构成的威胁较小;而当气侵量超 过临界值时,在环空上部发生气体分离,分离点迅速下移,如不及时控制,在极短时间内便可演化为井喷,危险性极大 。  相似文献   

为了更加精细地描述体积法压井过程中井内气体的分布和运移规律,针对体积控制法压井开展了试验研究,通过在试验井井底注气的方式,模拟气侵并实施体积法压井;测量并分析压井过程中套压、立压、出口流量及注气速率等参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:体积法压井控制过程中,由于井筒内气侵气体以多个短气柱和弥散型气泡分布为主,在钻井液泄流过程中套压很难实现理想状态的稳定控制;井口出现气体并不代表气侵气体以气柱形式全部到达井口,通过气液混合泄流,可有效控制井底压力实现井底准恒压;当部分气体在井口形成气柱后,可提前启动置换流程,这种体积控制流程和置换流程结合的方式可有效降低地层破裂风险;置换流程中压井液的注入会产生井底附加压力,针对薄弱地层,需考虑此参数以降低风险。  相似文献   

Deepwater drilling is one of the high-risk operations in the oil and gas sector due to large uncertainties and extreme operating conditions. In the last few decades Managed Pressure Drilling Operations (MPD) and Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) have become increasingly used as alternatives to conventional drilling operations such as Overbalanced Drilling (OVD) technology. These newer techniques provide several advantages however the blowout risk during these operations is still not fully understood. Blowout is regarded as one of the most catastrophic events in offshore drilling operations; therefore implementation and maintenance of safety measures is essential to maintain risk below the acceptance criteria. This study is aimed at applying the Bayesian Network (BN) to conduct a dynamic safety analysis of deepwater MPD and UBD operations. It investigates different risk factors associated with MPD and UBD technologies, which could lead to a blowout accident. Blowout accident scenarios are investigated and the BNs are developed for MPD and UBD technologies in order to predict the probability of blowout occurrence. The main objective of this paper is to understand MPD and UBD technologies, to identify hazardous events during MPD and UBD operations, to perform failure analysis (modelling) of blowout events and to evaluate plus compare risk. Importance factor analysis in drilling operations is performed to assess contribution of each root cause to the potential accident; the results show that UBD has a higher occurrence probability of kick and blowout compared to MPD technology. The Rotating Control Devices (RCD) failure in MPD technology and increase in flow-through annulus in UBD technology are the most critical situations for kick and blowout.  相似文献   

为了研究深水钻井过程中热交换作用对井壁稳定性的影响规律,建立了钻井液、钻柱、海水和地层各介质热交换作用下温度控制方程,根据热弹性理论计算温度变化对井周应力的影响,结合地层强度准则与拉伸破坏准则确定深水井壁坍塌压力与破裂压力。结果表明,钻井液循环对地层产生的冷却作用能够降低井壁坍塌压力与破裂压力,但破裂压力降低幅度比坍塌压力的降低幅度稍大。因此,尽管钻井液的冷却效果能够抑制井壁坍塌,但应注意低温度的井壁更易形成诱导缝,甚至引发地层漏失。计算结果对深水钻井作业具有指导意义。  相似文献   

自进式高压水射流超短半径水平钻进技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高压水射流径向水平孔钻进技术是水平孔施工技术之一,它是在垂直瓦斯抽放或煤层气勘探钻孔布置机械或水力扩孔装置,对准选定的煤层部位进行扩孔.扩孔后下入特制的转向工具在300mm的曲率半径内实现由垂直转向水平.自进式钻头由旋转喷嘴、钻屑整和装置、推力提供装置等组成.自进式钻头带动为其提供高压水动力供应的特制胶管向前连续钻进.高压水通过高压胶管为自进式钻头提供动力进行钻进、推力及排渣.该技术可以使用同一垂直钻孔,在不同煤层内完成多个水平钻孔.这些径向水平钻孔的形成沟通了新的瓦斯流动通道,从而大幅度提高瓦斯抽放效率.  相似文献   

针对目前煤矿井下钻孔工作面粉尘浓度高和降尘效率低的现状,提出了湿式引射除尘技术,分析其基本原理和性能特点。分别进行了钻孔风力排渣气体流量测量试验和湿式引射降尘试验。前者得出了压气压力和钻孔深度的变化关系式以及钻孔过程中所需处理的含尘气体量。降尘试验表明,湿式引射除尘技术对全尘和呼吸性粉尘都有很好的降尘效果。  相似文献   

阶梯水平井作为一种特殊水平井,是开采低渗透、薄油藏的有效途径,然而,针对小井眼双阶梯水平井,由于钻具重量有限,定向滑动钻进过程中,钻压的施加极为困难,直接关系到钻井安全。分析了小井眼双阶梯水平井摩阻产生的原因,形成了以改善接触正压力和摩擦系数为主的小井眼双阶梯水平井降摩阻配套技术,并进行了现场应用。结果表明,通过简化井身结构,增加下部钻具的柔性,改善钻具与井眼之间的间隙,优化井眼轨道类型、靶前位移及造斜率,采用强抑制低摩阻低伤害暂堵钻井液体系等配套技术措施,可降低钻井过程中的摩阻,在确保安全钻井情况下,能有效地提高机械钻速,成功实现地质钻探目的,平均砂岩钻遇率为70.4%,为小井眼双阶梯水平井提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

YB122井录井人员从收集区域及邻井资料等基础地质工作开始,通过随钻地层跟踪分析,准确判断实钻地层层位,依据钻时参数变化、钻井液液面波动、池面上涨、气测异常等常规技术方法成功地监测到地层压力异常并采取应对措施,为该井顺利钻进提供了依据,对相似地层的地层压力监测工作有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着开采深度的增加,辛置煤矿瓦斯涌出量显著增大。为了提高瓦斯抽采效率,拟采用水力压裂卸压增透技术。理论分析了水力压裂对煤层的卸压增透作用,基于此利用RFPA模拟软件对辛置煤矿2-559回采工作面水力压裂卸压增透进行了数值模拟。研究表明,水力压裂主要在以下3个方面对煤体起到增透作用:使煤体卸压、提高煤层透气性;湿润煤体,增加塑性;改善瓦斯抽放环境。辛置煤矿2-559回采工作面水力压裂所需压力约为15MPa,压裂半径为5-6m,以此可以初步确定现场施工过程中水力压裂钻孔间距以不大于10m为宜。  相似文献   

为在压回法气井压井计算中进一步贴合现场实际情况,提出新的压回法气井压井过程计算方法。在压井过程中,考虑压井液与侵入井筒的气体发生置换,导致井筒流体自上而下分布为液-气液2相-气-气液2相的实际问题,建立压井过程模型,并对井底压力的变化进行计算分析。结果表明:发生气液置换对压回法压井过程井底压力以及注入压力具有明显影响,考虑气液置换对井底压力的控制可更加精确,同时,气液置换越多,压回过程所需要的注入压力越大,易引起更加严重事故。因此,气液置换过程在压回法压井过程不可忽略。  相似文献   

聚氨酯-水泥带压注水封孔测压技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于传统上向钻孔测压技术的分析,提出一种新型上向孔测压技术—聚氨酯—水泥带压注水封孔测压技术。该技术利用气体渗透性大于液体的弱点,变传统封堵漏气通道为封堵液体泄漏通道,降低封堵漏气难易程度,提高测压成功率;同时利用水作为动力介质和辅助封孔材料,实现主动测压和钻孔带压注浆,隔绝钻孔瓦斯与外界环境的直接接触,提高系统本身测压的可靠性。通过理论分析及与常用测压技术对比表明,该技术用于煤层瓦斯压力测定是完全可行的。  相似文献   

为对深水高压气井测试地面流程中的节流油嘴段的温压场及水合物生成情况进行研究,采用数值模拟的方式对整个节流管路进行气体流动特性分析。并利用P-T图回归公式法,得出不同温压场条件下的水合物生成情况,进行水合物生成范围对比。结果表明:针阀出口后端气体速度随着管路入口压力和针阀直径的增大而增大,随管路出口压力的增大而减小,而气体温度随管路入口压力、管路出口压力、针阀直径的变化趋势与之相反。管路入口压力的递增、管路出口压力的递减以及针阀直径的递增,都会导致针阀突变径处的速度场、温压场波动更加剧烈,并使得水合物生成范围扩大。  相似文献   

The formation of hydrate will lead to serious flow assurance problems in deepwater submarine natural gas transmission pipelines. However, the accurate evaluation model of the hydrate blocking risk for submarine natural gas transportation is still lacking. In this work, a novel model is established for evaluating the hydrate risk in deepwater submarine gas pipelines. Based on hydrate growth-deposition mechanism, the mathematical model mainly consists of mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. Meantime, the model results are obtained by finite difference method and iterative technique. Finally, the model has been applied in the production of deepwater gas field (L Gas Field) in China, and the sensitivity analysis of relevant parameters has been carried out. The results show that: (a). The mathematical model can well predict the hydrate blockage risk in deepwater natural gas pipelines after verification. (b). Hydrate is easily formed at the intersection of horizontal pipeline and vertical riser, and the maximum blocking position often occurs in middle of the riser. (c). The hydrate blockage degree and length of hydrate formation region (HFR) decrease with the increase of gas transport rate. (d). The hydrate blockage degree and length of HFR decrease with the increase of gas transport temperature. (e). The hydrate blockage degree and length of HFR increase with the extension of horizontal pipeline. (f). Injecting inhibitors can effectively inhibit hydrate formation and blockage, but the improvement of transmission measures can significantly reduce the dosage of inhibitor. It is concluded that measures such as increasing gas transportation rate and temperature, shortening horizontal pipeline length, optimizing inhibitor injection point and injection rate can play a safe, economic and efficient role in hydrate preventing and controlling.  相似文献   

为了研究泄爆面不同开启压力对甲烷爆燃压力的影响,针对受限空间内甲烷/空气混合物爆燃传播过程,建立由水平管道构成的数值模型。研究结果表明:水平管道内存在爆燃压力积聚和泄放的双重效应,随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,测点爆燃压力峰值增大而且测点间爆燃压力峰值差异逐渐减小;在泄爆面不同开启压力条件下,泄压效应造成泄爆面及外部空气域爆燃压力衰减,随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,泄爆面开启时间近似呈线性增大;与水平管道内和泄爆面附近测点相比,水平管道外侧测点的爆燃压力峰值和振荡幅值均显著衰减,而且随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,测点爆燃压力峰值及测点间爆燃压力峰值差异均逐渐增大。  相似文献   

针对市政排污管网等典型受限空间内可燃气体爆燃风险,建立由水平管道和竖直分支管道构成的数值模型,研究竖直分支管道不同泄爆开启压力对甲烷爆燃压力的影响.研究结果表明:不同泄爆开启压力条件下,管道内存在爆燃压力积聚和泄放的双重效应;水平管道内各测点压力时程曲线均表现为先增大后减小而后出现亥姆霍兹振荡,随着与爆源距离的增加,初...  相似文献   

针对深水钻井作业过程中的井喷溢油问题,基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法,通过UDF函数给定海流流剖面、波浪入口边界条件和海水静压分布情况,结合标准k-ε方程,采用VOF模型实现对油、气、水三相自由面的追踪,建立了溢油扩散事故数值仿真模型,评估深水条件下溢油扩散危害区域,研究海流流速、溢油量对原油扩散的影响。结果表明,海流流速和溢油量是原油扩散行为和危害区域分布范围的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

An important question with respect to the Macondo blowout is whether the accident is a symptom of systemic safety problems in the deepwater drilling industry. An answer to such a question is hard to obtain unless the risk level of the oil and gas (O&G) industry is monitored and evaluated over time. This article presents information and indicators from the Risk Level Project (RNNP) in the Norwegian O&G industry related to safety climate, barriers and undesired incidents, and discusses the relevance for deepwater drilling. The main focus of the major hazard indicators in RNNP is on production installations, whereas only a limited number of incident indicators and barrier indicators are related to mobile drilling units. The number of kicks is an important indicator for the whole drilling industry, because it is an incident with the potential to cause a blowout. Currently, the development and monitoring of safety indicators in the O&G industry seems to be limited to a short list of “accepted” indicators, but there is a need for more extensive monitoring and understanding. This article suggests areas of extensions of the indicators in RNNP for drilling based on experience from the Macondo blowout. The areas are related to schedule and cost, well planning, operational aspects, well incidents, operators’ well response, operational aspects and status of safety critical equipment. Indicators are suggested for some of the areas. For other areas, more research is needed to identify the indicators and their relevance and validity.  相似文献   

PurposeInvestigation reports into the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig disaster identified issues with the drill crew's situation awareness (SA). The aim was to (1) apply the Driller's Situation Awareness (DSA) model to the cognitive data extracted from accident reports from this event to determine if it could help to explain why the crew erroneously concluded that the well was stable, which would (2) provide a preliminary evaluation of the model's validity.MethodThe DSA model was used for a content analysis of the SA components in the accounts of the crew's actions during two Negative Pressure Tests (NPT), in the hours before the blowout.ResultsThe analysis provided (1) insight into the crew's likely cognitive processes before the blowout. In particular, it revealed issues with their interpretation and mental models of the well state, as well as possible influencing factors including expectation, distraction and experience, emphasising the impact that SA can have on process safety. The categorisation has (2) initially suggested that the DSA model does contain the appropriate components.LimitationsThere are limited first hand reports of this event and thus cognitive processes have to be inferred with a degree of caution.Practical implicationsThe findings give a preliminary validation of the DSA model for further use in training and in investigation of well control events. Recommendations based on the findings are offered for assisting driller SA and consequently, for supporting safe and efficient drilling operations. There is also the opportunity to adapt the DSA model and apply the recommendations from the analysis to similar monitoring positions, where SA is essential, within the process industries.  相似文献   

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