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本文基于联合国可持续发展行动网络牵头发布的可持续发展目标指数和指示板报告,对中国实现2030年可持续发展目标状况进行了分析,认为尽管中国的SDG指数在全球整体排名中呈逐步上升趋势,但生态环境相关指标总体依然面临严峻挑战:中国与生态环境相关的目标评级偏低;SDG指数和指示板报告采用的评价指标与中国生态环境保护重点工作关联性不强;中国的统计数据难以满足测量2030年议程的数据需求等。为实现联合国倡议的2030年可持续发展目标,中国应打好污染防治攻坚战,提高环境治理水平,加快建立中国本土化评估指标体系,形成SDGs指标年度报告制,建立SDGs实施机制,建立与2030年议程相适应的统计支撑体系。  相似文献   

政府承担生态环境损害赔偿责任的理论基础是政府对环境质量负责,政府对环境质量负责的实质是政府作为公共环境的管理者和控制者对维护公共环境利益所负担的安全保障义务。根据政府的环境安全保障义务,政府承担生态环境损害赔偿责任应以过错推定为归责原则,责任构成的核心是政府负有其职责范围内特定的环境安全保障义务,因未尽环境安全保障义务间接引发生态环境损害。由于政府未尽环境安全保障义务的行为并非直接也并不必然导致生态环境损害,所以政府一般仅根据自身行为的可责性及其程度对生态环境损害承担补充性的赔偿责任,只有在特殊情况下才承担连带赔偿责任,在政府不负有特定环境安全保障义务的情况下政府不承担赔偿责任。  相似文献   

如何有效激活农民主体性,激发人居环境整治中的群众参与是实现农村环境善治的重要议题。村庄调研发现,在当前国家资源向村庄密集输入的情况下,自上而下的单一环境供给方式既浪费资源,又难以满足居民诉求。动员村庄女性群体组织化参与是农村人居环境整治自下而上的群众动员和需求整合的有效方式。一方面,女性群体因其身份在村、关系在村,市场参与不足,成为村庄环境整治的潜在力量,与环境治理事务具有耦合性。另一方面,组织化参与为女性社会性身份的展演提供长效机制,利益吸纳成为激发女性参与的直接诱因。女性群体参与人居整治实践机制反映的是以农民为主体的农村环境治理需要抓住核心力量,对积极分子进行识别、激活和组织。  相似文献   

构建合理的量化评估指标体系是科学监测可持续发展进程的关键,为有效监测我国生态环境领域可持续发展目标的进程,本研究构建了一套与 IAEG-SDGs全球指标框架吻合、对应生态环境部主管部门职责且有数据支撑的可持续发展目标评估指标体系,对我国生态环境领域可持续发展子目标及评估指标的状态和发展趋势进行定量分析,结果显示,我国生态环境领域的可持续发展子目标整体表现较好,但具体表现仍然存在差异。据此,本文提出了进一步完善可持续发展目标评估体系、强化重点领域短板研究、提升中国生态环境领域 SDGs的整体表现和增加国际对于中国可持续发展工作的接纳度与认可度等政策建议。  相似文献   

村镇生态化治理的问题、经验及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中国现代化的关键是农村现代化,中国绿色化的关键是村镇绿色化。本文在广泛调研并汲取他山经验和教训的基础上,提出村镇生态化治理的八大理念:坚持村镇规划的分区化,以功能分区原则引领村镇生态化建设;坚持村镇环境的宜居化,以人地和谐原则引领村镇生态化建设;坚持村镇道路的差异化,以融通古今原则引领村镇道路的分类建设;坚持村镇民居的特色化,以产品差别原则构筑村镇建筑的个性化特征;坚持村镇水系的生态化,以水体灵动原则引领村镇生态化建设;坚持村镇资源的循环化,以绿色发展理念引领自然资源高效利用;坚持村镇景观的园艺化,以美丽乡村目标引领村镇美丽家园建设;坚持村镇治理的科学化,以各司其职理念构建多主体协同治理格局。  相似文献   

系统易懂地阐释生态文明概念,对于帮助国际社会清晰地理解和认识中国的生态文明,以及在全球视野下推进生态文明建设至关重要。中国政府提出的生态文明建设已经从过去传统的哲学思想上升为国家的发展战略,是具体的、可理解的、可操作的国家治理概念和术语。理解生态文明建设的要点包括:建设生态文明是中国国家发展总体战略的核心构成,是中国国家治国理念和发展战略的转变,是国家环境与发展转型的整体性战略,其路径是将生态文明融入到经济、政治、社会和文化等领域建设的全过程和各方面,其关键手段和工具是大幅提高经济绿色化程度,其主阵地和根本措施是加强环境保护。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,越来越多的水环境问题开始涌现。海绵城市的提出正是立足于当下中国城市内涝及相关环境问题。基于此,本文简要分析了中国城市内涝的原因及海绵城市相关构建思路,重点阐述了美国可持续雨水管理经验与守护水资源上的实际做法,并给出了美国雨水管理实例,以期为中国海绵城市建设提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Techniques were developed using vector and raster data in a geographic information system (GIS) to define the spatial variability of watershed characteristics in the north-central Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada and to assist in computing model input parameters. The U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System, a physically based, distributed-parameter watershed model, simulates runoff for a basin by partitioning a watershed into areas that each have a homogeneous hydrologic response to precipitation or snowmelt. These land units, known as hydrologic-response units (HRU's), are characterized according to physical properties, such as altitude, slope, aspect, land cover, soils, and geology, and climate patterns. Digital data were used to develop a GIS data base and HRIJ classification for the American River and Carson River basins. The following criteria are used in delineating HRU's: (1) Data layers are hydrologically significant and have a resolution appropriate to the watershed's natural spatial variability, (2) the technique for delineating HRU's accommodates different classification criteria and is reproducible, and (3) HRU's are not limited by hydrographic-subbasin boundaries. HRU's so defined are spatially noncontiguous. The result is an objective, efficient methodology for characterizing a watershed and for delineating HRU's. Also, digital data can be analyzed and transformed to assist in defining parameters and in calibrating the model.  相似文献   

Implementing children's perspectives into playground management could be a way of improving play possibilities for children in the local public space and supporting sustainable development, but it requires adults' understanding. Children's perspectives on playground use were studied through group interviews in two Swedish towns and were also compared with the understanding among the local park workers. Children described their playground use through challenges, manipulation and place-making, something which was partly recognised by the park workers. The results indicate that children's perspectives on playground use, particularly manipulation, should be implemented more fully into management work. Children's participation in on-site management activities is discussed as a way of making playgrounds more adapted to children's use and perspectives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Estimates of the upper constraint on actual evapotranspiration are required as input data in the majority of rainfall-runoff models. This paper compares and discusses the applicability of Penman's potential evapotranspiration estimates and Morton's wet environment evapotranspiration estimates in rainfall-runoff modeling applications. Morton's wet environment evapotranspiration depends only on the atmospheric variables and is the estimate of evapotranspiration that would occur when water supply is not limiting. It is a conceptually more correct representation of the upper constraint on actual evapotranspiration compared to Penman's potential evapotranspiration which is dependent on the water supply to the soil-plant surfaces. Although Penman's potential evapotranspiration and Morton's wet environment evapotranspiration are two different quantities, comparison of the two estimates using data from different climatic regions throughout Australia indicate that they provide similar magnitudes of the upper limit of actual evapotranspiration at moderate climatic conditions when reliable estimates are required in rainfall-runoff models. The two estimates can therefore be used interchangeably in rainfall-runoff modeling applications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rate of return on invested capital can be used as a guide to resource allocation by municipal water departments (MWD's) in the same way it is used in the private sector. To achieve economic efficiency, the target rate of return for MWD's should be the market rate of return as an approximation to the opportunity cost of capital. The actual internal rate of return for a sample of 30 California MWD's for the period 1970-1982 is calculated for this study. The operating internal rate of return varies across the sample MWD's from less than 2 percent to 14 percent. If 10 percent is taken as the opportunity cost of capital, 25 of the 30 MWD's were inefficient; i.e., earned less than 10 percent. Half the sample earned less than 5 percent. An examination of potential causes of low rates of return shows that low average water prices are the primary reason for the low rates of return. For efficient operation, MWD's should set a target rate of return equal to the opportunity cost of capital and adjust water prices so as to achieve that target.  相似文献   

“十二五”以来中国低碳发展进展及政策评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国已经比较系统地构建起推动低碳发展、积极应对气候变化的低碳发展目标体系、规划体系和体制机制,及时开展中国低碳发展进展及政策评估,对于反映政策进展与成效、识别问题与挑战、指导下一阶段的低碳发展工作具有重要意义。本文使用层次分析法构建起包含35个评价指标的中国低碳发展指数,对2010—2018年中国的低碳发展进展和政策进行系统的定性定量评价。结果显示:"十二五"以来,中国的低碳产业发展进展显著,但二氧化碳排放控排水平、能源领域的低碳发展仍有较大提升空间;低碳发展政策建设水平显著提升,但低碳发展政策目标的科学性和有效性不足,管理体制、制度建设、配套机制均有待完善。本文建议,围绕国家二氧化碳排放达峰目标,研究制定"十四五"时期低碳发展的政策目标,以碳排放总量管理作为2020年以后我国低碳发展的基础性制度,有序推动低碳发展配套制度建设,完善低碳管理的信息机制和资金机制建设,抓好建筑、交通等重点领域碳排放增量管理工作,加强对已发布的低碳发展相关规划、控温方案、低碳试点示范的效果评估。  相似文献   

How is young people's pro-environmental orientation related to their parents' pro-environmental values, attitudes, and behaviours? To answer this question, we examine parent–child similarities of general values as well as specific attitudes and behaviours related to three common household practices: purchasing environmentally friendly products, curtailing electricity use, and handling waste responsibly in a sample of 601 Danish families. Significant and positive, but weak correlations between parents' and children's values are found across all of Schwartz's ten value domains. The parent–child correlations are stronger for specific pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours. The positive correlations suggest that family socialization exert a significant influence on young consumers' pro-environmental orientation. Still, the young generation is, on average, significantly less environmentally concerned than their parents' generation. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的对外经济贸易有了显著的发展,外商直接投资和进出口的快速增长有效地推动了经济的快速发展。然而在经济发展的同时,我国碳排放水平日益提高,已成为全球最大排放国。为了更好地管控碳排放,研究外商直接投资(FDI),对外贸易与碳排放的关系具有重要意义。本文通过对我国1995—2011年29个省(市、自治区)的FDI、对外贸易对碳排放的动态效应分析发现,FDI与进出口水平的提升均有利于降低我国碳排放的水平,“污染天堂”假说在我国并未得到证实。同时,本文验证了“环境库兹涅茨曲线”在我国的存在,证实了我国的碳排放水平与人均GDP存在倒“U”型关系。  相似文献   

China's water scarcity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been facing increasingly severe water scarcity, especially in the northern part of the country. China's water scarcity is characterized by insufficient local water resources as well as reduced water quality due to increasing pollution, both of which have caused serious impacts on society and the environment. Three factors contribute to China's water scarcity: uneven spatial distribution of water resources; rapid economic development and urbanization with a large and growing population; and poor water resource management. While it is nearly impossible to adjust the first two factors, improving water resource management represents a cost-effective option that can alleviate China's vulnerability to the issue. Improving water resource management is a long-term task requiring a holistic approach with constant effort. Water right institutions, market-based approaches, and capacity building should be the government's top priority to address the water scarcity issue.  相似文献   

化工产业园区化是政府合理规范化工园区且将化工园区外化工生产企业关停并搬迁至化工园区内的产业集聚化,是解决目前中国化工产业安全事故频发、环境污染严重等问题,推进化工产业转型升级的重要政策之一。中国化工产业园区化的社会—生态系统框架刻画了化工园区、化工产品、化工园区管委会、企业和公众四个核心子系统的关联,在此基础上,中国化工产业园区化的博弈模型将参与者简化为政府(包括化工园区管委会)、企业(化工生产企业)和公众(化工生产企业现址影响半径内的居民群体),并分别构建了政府与企业间的博弈模型与公众参与下的政府与企业间的博弈模型。根据模型推论,此两类情景博弈的纳什均衡都可以为(政府行政政策,企业按期搬迁入园)或(政府经济政策,企业按期搬迁入园)。中国化工产业园区化的驱动机制,是在作为外在驱动主体的政府和公众的引导和监督下,作为内在驱动主体的化工生产企业,在各驱动因素的协同作用下,实现其"按期搬迁入园"的机制。进而得出化工生产企业与化工园区"按期匹配搬迁入园"、提升化工园区公共服务能力、差异化地一企一策及建立公众和企业与政府的三方对话机制的四点政策建议。  相似文献   

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), one of the nation's three national security laboratories, is initiating a major research effort in industrial ecology with the goal of increasing the economic and environmental efficiency of the U.S. and global economies. Closer to home, ongoing efforts to reduce LLNL's environmental impact on the surrounding community provide an example of how the environmental efficiency of a major research facility can be systematically improved. In the late 1980s, LLNL initiated its waste minimization and pollution prevention program, changing its focus from end-of-pipe waste management to a proactive and preventive strategy—total quality environmental management (TQEM). LLNL's success in integrating pollution prevention with R&D and operational activities is well illustrated by the waste reduction and energy and water conservation accomplishments described in this article. LLNL represents a model of how industrial ecology, design for environment, and pollution prevention can be incorporated into a comprehensive R&D and operational program. This article describes LLNL's developing industrial ecology program, gives some specific technical accomplishments that have application to many industrial facilities, and presents a case study of TQEM at LLNL's remote experimental test facility, Site 300. The integration of TQEM philosophy with LLNL's scientific capabilities holds much promise for new ideas and creative solutions to national and international industrial ecology concerns.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Once referred to as America's “best landscaped sewer,” the Connecticut has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last three decades. During this time, a number of public agencies and private organizations have worked diligently to implement policies and measures aimed at improving the river's quality. Ample data collected over the years indicate that the actual water quality conditions of the Connecticut River, as measured by empirical parameters, have improved. However, prior to this study, no data existed regarding the public's perceptions of these changes. This paper will address this issue by presenting the results of a multiyear survey designed to assess the public's perceptions regarding the Connecticut's current quality, and its suitability in supporting various recreational activities. The results suggest that the majority of individuals perceive the Connecticut's water quality to be high enough to support a wide range of recreational activities including those involving physical contact with the water. Additionally, this research concludes that the vast majority of individuals who have recreated on the river for 20 years or more do perceive a significant improvement in the river's overall quality. Thus, it appears that policies and actions taken to improve the Connecticut's quality have been successful in the public's eye.  相似文献   

工业是当前中国经济绿色转型升级的关键行业,而工业园区作为工业集聚化发展的主要载体,工业园区生态化发展是解决资源环境问题、实现经济可持续发展的有效途径。本文关注工业园区生态化发展的中长期发展战略和具体方案,致力于通过仿真模拟的方法提出工业园区生态化发展的方向和优化路径,实现研究方法的创新。研究以3E系统(经济—环境—能源)为基础,综合分析工业园区经济发展与能源环境之间的耦合关系,并结合动态投入产出模型和系统动力学模型构建生态化发展决策模型,通过最优化动态模拟方法开展趋势预测和路径研究。通过辛集工业园区的实证和案例研究,对其生态化发展路径进行深入研究,验证了研究方法的科学性和可靠性,能够为工业园区生态化发展提供实践指导。本文为工业园区生态化发展规划提供新的研究方法,为制定合理有效的工业园区综合战略和实施路径提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This article presents an assessment of Russia's energy sector, its current state and planned future direction. The analysis of Russia's energy trends is based on a set of indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED), developed under the leadership of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The article discusses Russia's Energy Strategy to 2020, and outlines major developments and challenges of the country's energy system. Russia's energy priorities, captured in the Strategy to 2020, emphasize securing a stable and uninterrupted energy supply; reducing energy intensity and improving energy efficiency; developing the domestic energy resource base; reducing negative environmental impacts; and ensuring affordable energy for the poorer segments of the population. Energy needs and challenges are discussed in relation to the three aspects of sustainability as defined in Agenda 21: economic, social and environmental. Concerns are expressed regarding environmental repercussions of energy development, in particular since Russia's 1998 economic rebound. There are also concerns, despite the economic recovery, that anticipated increases in energy tariffs may exceed the affordability of poorer segments of the population.  相似文献   

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