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根据设备设施、工艺流程、危险物质的特点,将中国运载火箭技术研究院危险点分为起重机械、机械设备、变配电站(室)、锅炉、压力容器、危化品等6类。以该分类为基础,选用风险评价半定量的评点法作为危险点评价分级的理论依据。分析并研究各类危险点所应考虑的不同评点因素,设计评点分层标准和评点分值,计算各类危险点的总评点分值。结合研究院危险点安全管理的控制重点,统筹分析每类危险点的风险等级分布情况,确定其等级划分标准。  相似文献   

避免工伤事故和职业危险,最切实、最有效的办法就是找准工作中的危险源,采取切实有效的措施控制好危险点.  相似文献   

通过系统梳理危险点、危险源之间的区别与联系,明确危险点概念,对设备设施、生产工艺过程、地面试验等开展危险因素辨识,进行危险点分级、分类评估定量方法研究,统一危险点分级标准,使危险点具有纵横向可比性,并完善危险点管理支持性技术文件,以加强危险点的管理,提高管理资源利用率,促进危险点安全管理规范化、科学化发展。  相似文献   

据国内外有关资料统计表明,90%以上的事故是由于现场作业人员对有可能造成伤害的危险点缺乏事先预想,或者虽然预想到有可能存在危险,但缺乏有效防范造成的.为此,开展危险点预控工作,对避免可能诱发事故的人为因素,将事故遏制在萌芽状态具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

某输送管道的一根基桩严重倾斜,导致基桩上排列的5根化工管道局部变形,带来了安全隐患.对化工管道变形的后果进行分析,采用不同的方法回收各管道内的输送介质.通过对液化石油气管道进行力学分析,计算最危险点的最大应力,并与管材的强度进行校核,为用水置换液化石油气的可行性提供理论依据.针对水置换过程中的危险因素,提出相应的安全对...  相似文献   

通过分析焦化企业干熄焦锅炉的危险有害因素,针对干熄焦锅炉危险性最大的汽包爆炸问题,利用数据模型计算其事故严重度,从而为干熄焦锅炉的设计、管理和正常运行提供参考.  相似文献   

本文对锅炉危险、有害因素和事故进行了分析,从锅炉的设计、制造、安装、调试、检验、修理和改造等环节阐述了锅炉安全管理的有关要求,并重点阐述了锅炉使用(运行)过程中的安全管理和锅炉"四管"爆漏的预防措施。  相似文献   

在电气作业中,采取“讲危险”的方式,根据工作项目、可能存在的情况及以往电气预防性试验过程中存在的问题,事先进行作业危险点分析和预控,可以减少和避免事故发生。危险点的查找方法现场查勘法发动车间、班组职工,实地查看每条线路、每个设备的危险点,进行记录汇总。如针对防电气误操作开展专项查找(如对断路器、隔离开关和运行方式变换的操作,继电保护的投切,悬挂接地线时的接地端、导体端的选择等),可汇编成《电气  相似文献   

造船用双角钢式脚手架的危险点电测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对角钢式脚手架进行应力测试和理论计算研究.采用电测法测试了危险截面的应力大小及分布规律.结果表明,2、4测点是危险点;采用斜弯曲理论进行理论计算,所得结论与实验测试是一致的,其中2点受拉应力作用.上述分析为脚手架的设计、制作和安全使用提供了强度分析依据.同时还对脚手架其他安全问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

电力建设是一个技术密集型行业,作业面广.涉及的号业多,工种杂.从业人员多,作业过程中存在的危险点多.可能发生事故的概率高。为了治理习惯性违章行为和预防事故,电力行来从反事故斗争的实践中摸索出一种新做法——危险点分析预控理论,危险点分析预控理论,是以实现系统安全为目的,应用安全系统工程原理和方法,  相似文献   

HSE管理的出发点应是预防为主。因此尽早识别风险、评估可能的风险是HSE管理的关键。风险分析最重要的是要承认:石油勘探开发活动不可能绝对安全,风险总是客观存在的。风险分析就是尽早识别、分析和评估可能的风险所在、大小和频率。风险管理就是在风险分析的基础上,采取有针对性地措施将风险消减到可接受的水平。本文在总结近年国内外HSE管理中风险分析方法的基础上,结合CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目的经验,提出了一套风险分析的定性和定量方法,包括系统风险分析、节点风险分析、概率统计分析等。由于大力推广和应用这些方法,使CNPC在委内瑞拉运行石油项目9年来没有发生任何HSE大事故,被委内瑞拉国家石油公司誉为“国际石油投资者HSE工作的典范”。  相似文献   

比较4种职业健康风险评估模型在某采石场中应用的优缺点,探索适合采石行业职业健康风险评估的最佳方法。选取湖北鄂东某采石场为研究对象,进行现场调查和采样检测,应用4种模型进行评估分析:国际采矿与金属委员会职业健康风险评估模型(ICMM模型)判定采石场工人接触粉尘为不可容忍或者高风险水平;风险定义法(MES法)判定采石场工人接触粉尘和噪声为四级或三级风险水平;罗马尼亚职业事故和职业病风险评估方法(MLSP法)判定采石场工人接触粉尘和噪声为低风险或非常低风险水平;澳大利亚职业健康与安全风险评估管理导则(UQ法)判定采石场工人接触粉尘和噪声为高风险或中等风险水平。与有毒作业分级结果比较验证,ICMM模型、MES法、MLSP法相对一致,适合评估某一具体采石场的职业健康风险,UQ法因不考虑个体差异,更适合评估整个采石行业的职业健康风险。  相似文献   

Laboratory hydrogen generators, medical oxygen, and micro-breweries are examples of modular and micro technologies that are commercial successes. Researchers, patients, and unskilled workers operate these facilities but more complex processes require highly qualified personnel to ensure they operate safely. Modular-micro processes in isolated locations meet economic objectives when operated remotely thereby minimizing labor costs. Mitigating the risk requires a comprehensive hazards analysis with advanced control systems particularly for explosive and toxic compounds. Here, we propose a method called Failure Mode Risk Decision (FMRD) to review the inherent hazards of a micro-refinery unit (MRU) that converts flared and wasted natural gas to long chain hydrocarbons. This approach combines the Process Flow Failure Mode (PFFM) methodology as a systematic and reliable technique with a novel numerical risk assessment to improve the analytical evaluation of hazardous conditions. The objective is to combine causes and consequences in a single metric, where scaled probability of evident causes and severity of consequences are used to derive a risk level measure. With the proposed metric, the magnitude of a potential hazard is directly correlated with the risk level. This mechanism identifies extra risk scenarios compared to the classical hazard analysis method and provides a straightforward comprehensive numerical assessment to represent the inherent and residual risks to facilitate justifying the hazardous scenarios. Accordingly, we design a safety loop and supply all the required facilities to remove the potential risks at the process plant. Not only the proposed methodology clarifies the risks of the MRU presented in this study, but can be extended to review the hazards of other chemical process plants.  相似文献   

传统锅炉内部检验方法有着工作周期长、经济效益差、危险性高的局限性,而无人机检验具有成本低、反应灵活、空间适用性强等优势,本文旨在通过将无人机应用于电站锅炉及垃圾焚烧锅炉内部检验的应用实例,根据无人机本身特性及锅炉内部结构特点,确定无人机检验方案,完善无人机检验方法,并指出目前在锅炉内部进行无人机检验时存在的问题以及改进方向。  相似文献   

电建单位在安装水冷壁等电站锅炉产品时,首先在地面的组装平台上根据设计总图,将单屏摆拼焊接之后,再整体起吊安装,对于组装时发现的形位尺寸问题只能现场解决。本文主要探讨了在锅炉制造企业内部模拟现场组装条件进行预组装,介绍了电站锅炉管屏产品的结构特点、厂内预组装的意义、预组装工装设计、技术条件以及预组装前后质量的对比分析,通过加强管控和优化工艺流程等手段提高厂内制造精度,保证设备顺利安装。  相似文献   

This paper reports the first investigation of risk perception by workers on offshore oil and gas installations on the UK Continental Shelf, following changes in offshore safety legislation in the wake of the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988. The Offshore Safety Case regulations (Health and Safety Executive, 1992, A Guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations) put the onus on the operator to identify the major hazards and to reduce the risks to As Low As is Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). The regulations specifically state that Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) must be used when preparing the Safety Case. However, people do not use QRA when making everyday judgements about risk; they make subjective judgements known as risk perceptions, which are influenced by a number of different factors. This study was designed to complement the extensive QRA calculations that have already been carried out in the development of Safety Cases. The aim was to measure subjective risk perception in offshore personnel and examine how this relates to the more objective risk data available, namely accident records and QRA calculations. This paper describes the Offshore Risk Perception Questionnaire developed to collect the data and reports on UK offshore workers' perceptions of the risks associated with major and minor hazards, work tasks and other activities aboard production platforms.  相似文献   

HAZOP分析方法是目前危险性分析领域最盛行的分析方法之一,广泛地应用于石油化工行业。但是其分析过程仅依靠专家积累的知识与经验,不仅评价的内容不严格,而且分析的可信程度有限,对实际工作的指导意义不高,不能适应工业现场的要求。鉴于HAZOP分析方法中的不足,提出了基于SDG模型的HAZOP分析方法,并利用该方法对钻井作业过程进行了危险性分析。基于SDG模型的HAZOP分析方法从复杂系统的内部逻辑入手,进行深层次的推理,不仅提高了分析效率,而且分析所得结果的完备性较好。  相似文献   

Risk analysis is an essential tool for company safety policy. Risk analysis consists of identifying and evaluating all possible risks. The efficiency of risk analysis tools depends on the rigueur of identifying and evaluating all possible risks. The diversity in risk analysis procedures is such that there are many appropriate techniques for any circumstance and the choice has become more a matter of taste. In this paper, we examine the risk analysis tools used by 24 chemical plants in Belgium, mainly located in the port of Antwerp, the second largest chemical cluster in the world after Houston, TX, USA. The aim of this paper is to identify the current practice in the chemical industry subject to European Seveso legislation and to examine how the present methods can be integrated to improve safety policy, especially towards preventing major accidents. Moreover, conclusions on the prevention of catastrophic external domino accidents involving several companies are formulated. This paper also gives impulse to investigating cross-company management implementations concerning external domino accident prevention.  相似文献   

为了保证余热锅炉安全运行,预防爆炸事故发生,利用FMECA方法和模糊FTA方法,研究余热锅炉事故致因。通过对余热锅炉潜在危险因素的分析辨别,探讨设备故障类型、原因及相应处理方法,引入模糊FTA对余热锅炉爆炸事故定性和定量分析,进而构建了基于FMECA与模糊FTA的余热锅炉安全分析框架,并计算得出事故发生的模糊概率以及对基本事件的敏感性分析。研究表明,余热锅炉系统的可靠度大约为96.92%,未按规定排污,报警器失灵,安全阀压力连接管堵塞及除氧器不合格事件对顶事件发生概率的影响最大,从而为该系统的安全决策提供支持。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe path toward enhancing laboratory safety requires a thorough understanding of the factors that influence the safety-related decision making of laboratory personnel. Method: We developed and administered a web-based survey to assess safety-related decision making of laboratory personnel of a government research organization. The survey included two brief discrete choice experiments (DCEs) that allowed for quantitative analysis of specific factors that potentially influence safety-related decisions and practices associated with two different hypothetical laboratory safety scenarios. One scenario related to reporting a laboratory spill, and the other scenario involved changing protective gloves between laboratory rooms. The survey also included several brief self-report measures of attitude, perception, and behavior related to safety practices. Results: Risk perception was the most influential factor in safety-related decision making in both scenarios. Potential negative consequences and effort associated with reporting an incident and the likelihood an incident was detected by others also affected reporting likelihood. Wearing gloves was also affected somewhat by perceived exposure risk, but not by other social or work-related factors included in the scenarios. Conclusions: The study demonstrated the promise of DCEs in quantifying the relative impact of several factors on safety-related choices of laboratory workers in two hypothetical but realistic scenarios. Participants were faced with hypothetical choice scenarios with realistic features instead of traditional scaling techniques that ask about attitudes and perceptions. The methods are suitable for addressing many occupational safety concerns in which workers face tradeoffs in their safety-related decisions and behavior. Practical Application: Safety-related decisions regarding laboratory practices such as incident reporting and use of PPE were influenced primarily by workers’ perceptions of risk of exposure and severity of risks to health and safety. This finding suggests the importance of providing laboratory workers with adequate and effective education and training on the hazards and risks associated with their work. DCEs are a promising research method for better understanding the relative influences of various personal, social, and organizational factors that shape laboratory safety decisions and practices. The information gained from DCEs may lead to more targeted training materials and interventions.  相似文献   

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