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钢铁产业作为国民经济的重要基础支柱性产业和高碳排放行业,其绿色低碳转型对实现碳达峰、碳中和目标具有十分重要的作用。在梳理国内外钢铁产业绿色低碳技术进展的基础上,阐述了江苏省钢铁产业绿色低碳技术发展的特点及实现“双碳”目标面临的挑战,提出了由能源结构优化、能效提升、钢化联产协同处置和低碳突破性创新等技术综合集成的绿色低碳技术创新体系发展路径。  相似文献   

对2006—2020年上海闵行区工业能源碳排放量进行估算,采用可拓展的随机性的环境影响评估模型(STIRPAT)分析了工业能源碳排放的影响因素。结果表明:2006—2020年闵行区工业能源碳排放总量、碳排放强度与工业能源消耗量均呈逐步下降的趋势;煤炭所占工业能源消费比重、人均工业产值、工业化率和工业能源强度与闵行区工业能源碳排放呈正相关关系,其中煤炭所占工业能源消费比重对闵行区工业碳排放影响最大,工业增加值、电力所占工业能源消费比重对闵行区工业能源碳排放影响不显著。基于因素分析结果,提出闵行区可通过调整工业能源消费结构、优化产业结构、提高工业能源利用效率等措施降低工业碳排放。  相似文献   

应用生命周期评价法(LCA)对条斑紫菜养殖加工行业进行了全周期的碳足迹分析,明确了各环节中碳排放源的种类和数量。结果表明,100亩条斑紫菜养殖加工过程中碳排放总量为1.25×105~2.47×105 kg CO2,远高于条斑紫菜100亩养殖形成的可移出碳汇量(9.43×103 kg CO2)。基于全产业链的分析,条斑紫菜产业尚不是一个碳汇产业。养殖阶段碳排放量最大,排放源主要来自石油化工材料的大量使用。二次加工阶段碳排放量仅次于养殖阶段,排放源主要来自纸壳包装和塑料包装的大量使用。在一次加工阶段,热源的使用是影响该阶段碳排放的主要影响因素,生物质燃料是碳排放量最低的热源形式。  相似文献   

安徽省能源消费与碳排放分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据联合国政府气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)2006年版碳排放指南中的计算公式和碳排放系数缺省值,计算了安徽省1995~2009年能源消费和碳排放情况。结果表明:安徽省能源消费由1995的4217.82万t标准煤增长到2009年的8895.90万t标准煤,平均年增长率为5.48%,其中第二产业部门能源消费量均占能源消费总量的79%以上;能源消费产生的二氧化碳由1995年的3507.36万t增长到2009年的8536.12万t,其中在各种能源消费碳排放量中原煤的碳排放量最大,占总碳排放量的78%~82%;碳排放强度总体上呈现下降的趋势,低于全国平均碳排放强度,但高于全球和美国;碳排放的因素分析得出碳排放量与人口、人均GDP、能源强度呈现高度相关性。  相似文献   

人民网消息非营利组织地球政策研究所最新发布的一项报告指出,2007年到2011年的4年间,美国使用煤炭产生的碳排放减少了10%,石油的碳排放减少了11%;相比之下,使用天然气产生的碳排放增加了6%。总体来说,4年中美国的碳排放量削减了7%。  相似文献   

为探究连云港市碳排放特征,实现“碳达峰”“碳中和”的目标,以2011—2020年连云港市的碳排放量数据为核心,采用可拓展的随机性的环境影响评估模型(STIRPAT)以及岭回归方法进行碳排放量数据的“双向”分析。首先,根据连云港市2011—2020年能源消耗数据,“反向”核算出连云港市历年的碳排放量,结果表明,连云港市碳排放量呈现逐年持续上升趋势;其次,选取人口因素、人均地区生产总值、城市化率、能源结构、产业结构为主要因素,构建了STIRPAT模型这一“正向”预测媒介,采用岭回归分析法得到了连云港市的碳排放量拟合模型,结果表明,不同的因素对连云港市碳排放量的影响程度存在差异;最后,通过情景分析法预设6种连云港市未来发展情景模型,对连云港市的碳排放量进行了预测,结果表明,中增长-高减排的发展模式更适合连云港市,将于2030年以4 788.9万t的碳排放量实现达峰。针对这一发展模式要求,提出连云港市应积极调整能源结构比例、加快产业结构优化等相关建议。  相似文献   

工业园区是中国工业产业、人才和先进要素集聚发展的核心单元,也是能源消耗和碳排放最集中的地区之一。双碳(碳达峰和碳中和)目标下,各类工业园区将在双碳战略实践中发挥至关重要的作用。分析了工业园区碳排放特征,构建碳排放识别模型,利用系数法、宏观和微观结合的方法核算工业园区碳排放数据;应用Kaya恒等式、改进可拓展的随机性的环境影响评估模型(STIRPAT)、对数平均权重分配模型(LMDI),分析了工业园区碳排放的主要影响因素和低碳发展思路;应用能源环境情景分析模型(LEAP)规划工业园区绿色发展路径,为工业园区碳达峰与碳中和行动提供技术支持。  相似文献   

以江苏省为例,针对化工企业装置泄漏检测与修复(LDAR)逸散量和挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放总量定量分析,提出了一种核定典型化工行业LDAR逸散量占比的方法。结果表明:以间歇性生产为特点的有机化工类企业和以连续化生产为特点的石化类企业LDAR逸散量和VOCs排放总量均呈下降趋势;石化类企业LDAR逸散量占比呈下降趋势,有机化工类企业LDAR逸散量占比呈上升趋势;石化类企业LDAR逸散量占比远大于有机化工类企业,是无组织排放管控的重点;有机化工类企业LDAR逸散量占比虽然低,但对VOCs排放的贡献逐渐提高。  相似文献   

简述了发展绿色经济的重要性,指出了南京市发展绿色经济的有利条件及存在问题。提出,南京发展绿色经济,必须树立绿色发展理念,推动科学发展实践;制定绿色发展战略,推进可持续发展;支持绿色技术研发,培育新经济增长点;打造绿色优势产业,促进结构向高端转型;倡导绿色消费行为,推进资源节约、环境友好型社会建设;建立健全绿色制度,提供经济社会发展保障。  相似文献   

本文对国外3种名烟、国内畅销47种烟及新疆7种烟进行研究。结果表明:香烟中~(210)Po和~(210)Pb平衡系数为0.801;烟雾中~(210)Po和~(210)Pb比值为1.15,表明烟雾中~(210)Po量比~(210)Pb多;主流烟雾中~(210)Po占整支烟~(210)Po量的12.93%,而~(210)Pb占8.17%;烟咀阻留~(210)Po效率为(52.0±10.7)%,阻留~(210)Pb效率为(58.3±7.2)%;估算了每日吸一盒烟的人,20年肺和支气管剂量当量,约1.38 ×10~(-2)S_v。  相似文献   

China is committed to peaking its carbon emissions by 2030 and become a carbon-neutral society by 2060. The building sector that accounts for over one-third of the total carbon emissions is expected to face a great challenge in helping China achieve this goal. Shenzhen, as a low-carbon pilot city, whether its low-carbon work of urban buildings reaches the target is crucial. An attempt has been made in this study to assess the intensity of carbon emissions and associated reduction efficiency of urban buildings (operation stage) in Shenzhen by using the life cycle assessment method. The results show that the total carbon emissions generated from the buildings' operation stage have increased from 22 million metric tons (Mt) CO2eq in 2005 to 42 (±13%) Mt. CO2eq in 2019. Carbon emissions mainly result from the buildings' electricity use (79%), followed by refrigerant release emissions (12%). The energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction intensity in Shenzhen is at the middle level in China, and there is considerable space for improvement. According to scenario-based analysis, the carbon emission of the buildings sector can probably reach its peak by 2025 with the implementation of suitable policies – 5 years earlier than national target by 2030. Overall, this study makes a systemic analysis of the characteristics of urban buildings energy consumption and carbon emissions reduction, which can provide supportings for justifying the effectiveness of low-carbon activities in Shenzhen and beyond.  相似文献   

Globally, the transportation industry is one of the leading fields that generate the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. While undergoing rapid development, countries worldwide aim to solve the problems involved in high energy consumption. Taking China as an example, this paper studies the main factors of carbon emissions in the transport sector and analyses the decoupling states between carbon emission and economic growth, making energy efficiency policies accordingly. In order to better demonstrate the dependence of the economy on the carbon emissions in China's transportation industry comprehensively, combined with the CD production function, this paper develops the decomposition and decoupling technology based on the LMDI approach. Additionally, it quantifies seven effects: energy emission intensity effect, energy structure effect, energy intensity effect, transportation intensity effect, technology state effect, labor input effect and capital input effect. The results show three major points: (1) From 2001 to 2018, the cumulative carbon emissions of China's transportation industry increased by 633.46 million tons, in which the capital input effect is the key factor driving carbon emissions, accounting for 157.70% of the total cumulative increased emissions, followed by energy structure effect at 10.39%. The labor input effect accounted for the smallest proportion at 2.26%. In this case, the technology state effect is the primary factor in restraining carbon emissions. During the study period, it reduced carbon emissions by 292.27 million tons, accounting for 46.14%. To a certain extent, energy intensity effect, transportation intensity effect and energy emission intensity inhibited carbon emissions, representing 16.67%, 5.32% and 2.22%, respectively. (2) During the research period, two decoupling states existed between carbon emissions and economic growth in China's transportation industry, specifically weak decoupling and expansive coupling. (3) The analysis of decomposition and decoupling state of influencing factors of carbon emissions shows that, on the one hand, factors promoting carbon emissions (capital input effect, energy structure effect and labor input effect) hinder the decoupling process. On the other hand, factors restraining carbon emissions (technology state effect, transportation intensity effect, energy intensity effect and energy emission intensity effect) accelerate the decoupling process. The research findings provide a new perspective for achieving carbon emission reduction in the transportation industry and curbing energy consumption growth.  相似文献   

碳减排是当前国际政治、经济和环境保护战略斗争的新领域。昌吉州的碳减排工作在新疆具有一定的示范意义,昌吉州目前所排放的二氧化碳主要来自于燃煤、建筑取暖、农业生产及居民生活等方面。现阶段可通过发展循环经济、走可持续发展道路,加强节能减排和植树造林,提倡节约、减少浪费,发展绿色生态农业,积极开发清洁能源,发展新能源等方式来发展低碳经济,降低昌吉州的二氧化碳排放量,为国家减少碳排放的战略目标做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

化石燃料燃烧产生的温室气体与大气污染物具有同根同源性,但具体治理中减污降碳的协同效果尚不明确。以浙江省11个设区市为研究样本,对环境空气质量和二氧化碳(CO2)排放数据进行分析研究,结果显示:2016—2020年浙江省环境空气质量持续改善,但CO2排放总量仍处于增长阶段。11个设区城市PM2.5年均浓度降幅在26%~41%之间,二氧化氮(NO2)年均浓度下降趋势不明显,大部分城市呈现碳排放增加、NO2浓度下降的特征,只有杭州和温州两市呈现碳排放总量和NO2、PM2.5浓度协同下降的趋势。因子相关性分析结果表明,各设区市呈现NO2浓度与碳排放相关性较大、协同性强,PM2.5浓度与碳排放相关性较小的特点。进一步通过减污降碳协同定量评价分析表明,浙江地区在环境空气质量改善和温室气体减排已表现出一定成效,但各设区市因产业结构、环境基础条件、协同程度等不同导致减污降碳综合绩效有明显差异。从源头减排实现...  相似文献   

2011—2021年,熟料产量呈波动上升趋势。水泥行业整体生产运行水平不断提高,熟料单条生产线平均规模由43.8万t/条提升至115.3万t/条,熟料单位产品综合能耗下降14.4%,熟料单位产品CO2排放强度下降6.3%,但CO2排放总量增加了13.8%,与氮氧化物减排趋势形成较大反差,碳污治理水平差距明显。熟料生产中石灰石分解和煤炭燃烧过程的CO2排放合计占比为92.9%~93.8%,是CO2排放的主要来源。由于熟料系数偏高、非碳酸盐原料替代不足、综合能耗仍然较高等原因,安徽等7个熟料产量大的省份的CO2排放强度高于全国。建议实行碳酸盐熟料产量总量控制,逐步降低熟料应用比例,加快建材市场熟料产品和非碳酸盐原料替代,降低高标号水泥使用比例。应大力推广水泥行业节能降耗增效技术,加快熟料落后产能淘汰。对熟料产量大、碳排放强度高的地区,应结合当地碳排放特点,实行差别化降碳策略。各大气污染防治重点区域应因地施策推进水泥行业减污降碳工作。  相似文献   

研究了美国国际集团(AIG)注资新疆昌吉玛纳斯等3县开展温室气体减排项目的推进过程.这是在中国成功开展的第一例农业温室气体自愿减排项目,该项目共减排温室气体21×104t CO2当量.主要通过农户沼气推广、沙漠防沙林种植、农业滴灌灌溉等项目,达到温室气体减排、节约能源、防沙造林、改善当地的生态环境、增加农民收入等目的....  相似文献   

Efforts to achieve carbon peak is one of the Chinese government's commitments, but the diversity of future development paths leads to the uncertainty of carbon emissions. Based on the carbon peak simulation, this study develops a framework to assess the carbon emission uncertainty, aiming to explore the potential low-carbon paths. The STIRPAT model is firstly introduced to explore the influence of population, economic and technology factors on carbon emissions, which is followed by emission peaks simulation. The resilience theory is then introduced to define the concept of low-carbon resilience (LCR), which refers to the ability to maintain a low level of carbon emissions. The uncertainty of carbon emission changes between different scenarios is identified by considering peaking time, cumulative increase and mitigation process. This study taking 10 Chinese coastal provinces as an example, and results show that all provinces can achieve the target of carbon emission peak in low-emissions scenario, the cumulative growth of carbon emissions is low and can be mitigated over a relatively short term, showing a strong LCR. In high-emissions scenario, Liaoning, Tianjin, Fujian and Guangxi may not have a peak before 2050, the uncertainty of carbon emission changes is relatively high, while Hebei, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Guangdong show relatively low uncertainty for the clear peaking time. The study also designs intermediate scenario to reduce the uncertainty of carbon emission changes to provide reference for each province's emission reduction path. These findings help to understand carbon uncertainty to reduce the risk of increasing cumulative emissions under the scenario of only focusing on peaking times, and provide a basis for future carbon resilience and sustainable emission reduction policies.  相似文献   

通过分析新疆准东经济技术开发区各行业的二氧化碳排放量及排放特征,研究新疆准东经济技术开发区碳达峰碳中和的实现路径。分析结果显示,准东经济技术开发区最主要的二氧化碳排放源是化石燃料燃烧,其对二氧化碳排放量的贡献比例在95.2%以上。能源活动二氧化碳排放量占总排放量的98.5%以上;工业生产过程排放的二氧化碳较少,占比在1.5%以下。新疆准东经济技术开发区主要二氧化碳排放行业是煤电、电解铝、煤化工、硅基新材料。在此基础上,结合各行业特点,提出发展园区循环经济、制定低碳行业标准和培育低碳产业等详细对策。  相似文献   

Carbon emission is supposed to be the strongest factor for global warming. Removing atmospheric carbon and storing it in the terrestrial biosphere is one of the cost-effective options, to compensate greenhouse gas emission. Millions of acres of abandoned mine land throughout the world, if restored and converted into vegetative land, would solve two major problems of global warming and generation of degraded wasteland. In this study, a manganese spoil dump at Gumgaon, Nagpur in India was reclaimed, using an integrated biotechnological approach (IBA). The physicochemical and microbiological status of the mine land improved after reclamation. Soil organic carbon (SOC) pool increased from 0.104% to 0.69% after 20 years of reclamation in 0–15 cm spoil depth. Soil organic carbon level of reclaimed site was also compared with a native forestland and agricultural land. Forest soil showed highest SOC level of 1.11% followed by reclaimed land and agriculture land of 0.70% and 0.40%, respectively. Soil profile studies of all three sites showed that SOC pool decreased from 0–15, 15–30, and 30–45 cm depths. Although reclaimed land showed less carbon than forestland, it showed better SOC accumulation rate. Reclamation of mine lands by using IBA is an effective method for mitigating CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

The building sector accounts for the largest proportion of global carbon emissions. The implementation of a market-based emission trading scheme offers a wider range of strategic choices and greater flexibility for building owners to reduce carbon emissions, but few of them are enthusiastic and actively engaged. To address the problem, this study explores how governments can effectively guide the carbon mitigation actions of building owners under an emission trading scheme (ETS) by continually adjusting and optimizing their regulation strategies. First, an extended evolutionary game model is built, considering the synergistic effect of multiple regulation policies, to theoretically depict the long-term interactive, extensive correlative, and dynamic feedback relationship between the government and building owners. Second, taking advantage of system dynamics as a policy laboratory, a scenario cultivation and simulation analysis is conducted to fully investigate the implementation effects of different regulation strategies based on the behavioral responses of building owners under different scenarios. The city of Shenzhen is a pioneer in covering the building sector in its carbon trading scheme in China, and its hotels above four stars are selected as the realistic setting for the simulation analysis. The results demonstrate that under the emission trading scheme, compared with increasing levels of carbon monitoring and non-financial incentives for building owners, intervention measures, including penalties, subsidies, and public scrutiny, are more efficient and important for the government. These findings provide important theoretical guidance and practical implications for the government to further adjust and optimize its carbon regulation strategies for the building sector.  相似文献   

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