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2003—2018年全国酸雨状况变化趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2003—2018年全国291个城市降水监测结果的分析表明:全国降水酸度明显降低,其中,2003—2006年有所升高,2006年之后呈降低趋势;酸雨区面积呈减小趋势,共减少约97万km2,酸雨发生频率超过5%的面积减少了20.9个百分点;全国酸雨城市比例为21.3%~40.9%,2009年开始总体呈下降趋势,2018年降为21.6%,重酸雨城市比例在2005年之后总体呈下降趋势;全国平均酸雨频率为11.7%~25.6%,2006年之后总体呈下降趋势,2018年酸雨频率在50%以上的城市比例较2006年下降了13.9个百分点。基于174个城市的降水离子组分分析结果显示:我国降水中的主要阴离子为硫酸根,其离子当量浓度占比为19.4%~32.9%,2003年以来年平均降低0.6个百分点;降水中的主要阳离子为钙离子和铵离子;硫酸根沉降通量年平均下降0.68 t/km2,硝酸根沉降通量年平均降低0.05 t/km2,全国SO2浓度变化趋势与硫酸根沉降通量变化趋势基本一致;我国降水中的硝酸根与硫酸根离子当量浓度比值总体呈升高趋势,表明硝酸根离子对降水酸度的影响逐渐增加,酸雨类型正由硫酸型向硫酸-硝酸混合型转变。  相似文献   

通过运用GIS、ENVI、Fragstats等技术手段分析南昌市近十年的遥感影像数据,解析景观格局变化的动态特性和时间节点,分析景观格局变化的社会经济和政策驱动力因素。结果表明:2008—2016年间,南昌市规划区内裸地和农田类型用地分别减少634%和1129%,而绿地、建设用地、水体分别增加738%、458%、567%,景观破碎化上升,城市内部建设用地斑块优势度降低。固定资产投资(不含农户)、城镇人口数、建筑业和第三产业中的交通运输仓储邮电业是景观格局变化的主要社会经济影响因素。南昌市大力推动的“旧城复兴”等规划措施使得研究区内绿地和水体斑块面积得以恢复和提升,灰色斑块面积扩大和向外分散式扩张的趋势得到有效控制。  相似文献   

为有效制定城市层面的低碳发展政策,实现碳达峰的发展目标,利用碳卫星2号(OCO-2)监测的高分辨率大气CO2柱浓度数据(XCO2),分析浙江省杭州、宁波和嘉兴3个典型城市的XCO2变化特征,以及人类活动和XCO2变化的关系;识别城市碳排放热点区域,评估碳排放热点源对XCO2的影响,并利用拉格朗日粒子扩散模型(LPDM)进行验证。结果表明:(1)2016—2021年3个城市的XCO2年增长量分别为3.1×10-6,2.3×10-6和2.2×10-6,杭州的增长量最为明显;杭州和宁波在2019—2021年XCO2增量明显,分别为8.0×10-6和5.7×10-6。杭州XCO2的变化趋势与临安大气本底站CO2观测数据的变化趋势一致。(2)与2017年相比,3个城市的建筑用地面积都略有增加,分别增加了0.9%,2.2%和4.8%;从人口和GDP数据来看,2016—2021年3个城市也均呈持续增加的变化趋势。表明CO2浓度升高与人类活动密切相关。(3)XCO2正距平高值区域基本都对应了碳排放热点源(电力企业)的下风向地区,电力企业CO2的排放会导致下风向地区的XCO2出现局地性增长,增量为7×10-6~9×10-6。  相似文献   

基于2013—2022年全国339个地级及以上城市环境空气质量监测数据,分析了10年来环境空气质量变化特征。结果表明,2013—2022年全国环境空气质量持续改善,74个重点城市ρ(PM2.5)从2013年的68μg/m3降至2022年的29μg/m3,降幅为57.4%;一次排放污染物ρ(SO2)和ρ(NO2)10年降幅分别为71.9%和27.6%,ρ(CO)自2015年以来下降42.1%;全国ρ(O3)波动变化,受高温干旱影响,2019和2022年ρ(O3)为148和145μg/m3,其他年份ρ(O3)在137~139μg/m3波动。全国74个重点城市优良天数比例从2013年的65.7%上升至2022年的83.0%,相当于10年间每个城市优良天数增加65d;重污染天数比例从2013年的7.9%下降至2022年的0.6%,重污染天数减少90%。2020—2022年,90%以上的非沙尘重污染天出现在秋冬季(11—12月和1—2月),夏秋季O3超标问题对优良天数比例影响显著,建议进一步强化重点区域污染联防联控与重点城市大气污染防治,加强多污染物协同治理,推进空气质量持续改善。  相似文献   

2013—2016年74城市臭氧浓度变化特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用2013—2016年74城市臭氧(O3)监测数据,综合探讨了全国74城市O3浓度时空变化特征、变化趋势。结果表明:2013—2016年,74城市O3-8 h各百分位浓度总体呈上升趋势,且百分位较高区间O3浓度逐年上升速率越快,O3-8 h第95百分位浓度年增长5.3 μg/m3,其次是第90百分位;O3区域性污染特征明显,京津冀及周边、长三角、珠三角O3污染问题突出;74城市O3浓度超标天数年增长3 d/城市,O3污染呈明显日、季节变化特征,午后14:00—17:00达到小时浓度峰值,超标日主要集中于5—10月;O3对环境空气质量综合指数贡献率逐年增加,北京、上海和广州O3贡献率年增长分别为1.9%、1.1%和0.8%。  相似文献   

以我国干旱区典型内陆湖泊流域——新疆艾比湖流域为研究区,对其平原区1990--2005年的景观格局动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,1990--2005年,研究区农田、湿地及人居地景观的面积增加,其中以农田景观的面积增加量最大;而林地、草地、沙地、戈壁和盐碱地景观的面积呈减少趋势,其中草地、盐碱地和林地景观面积减少较多;各景观类型中以盐碱地、林地、草地和戈壁的转出率较高,而以农田、人居地的转入率较高;研究区景观组份构成没有大的变化,戈壁依然是研究区景观的基质。景观格局变化对区域生态环境的影响主要表现为:农田斑块数量和面积的增加,加大了区域水资源利用压力;林地、草地斑块面积减少,使得平原区绿洲遭受风沙的危害性增大;沙地、戈壁和盐碱地面积减少,使绿洲不同区域生态环境呈现不同变化特征;湿地斑块面积略有增加,对减少艾比湖流域沙尘危害较为有利。  相似文献   

基于2018年与2019年春节期间常规空气污染物数据、2019年细颗粒物PM2.5中水溶性离子和OC/EC的化学组分数据,结合气象资料,分析了春节期间烟花爆竹燃放对海口市空气质量的影响。结果表明:春节期间烟花爆竹燃放对海口市初一的空气质量影响较大,主要影响污染物为PM10、PM2.5和SO2,对NO2、CO和O3影响相对较小;实施烟花爆竹严格管控后空气质量明显改善,2019年除夕夜PM10、PM2.5和SO2质量浓度峰值较2018年分别下降67.4%、68.5%和66.7%;烟花爆竹集中燃放主要造成K+、Cl-、Mg2+和SO42-快速上升,其中K+影响最为显著,K+短时上升了16.21 μg/m3,增加17.01倍;对于NO2-、Na+、F-、NO3-、Ca2+、NH4+等6种离子和OC/EC影响较小。  相似文献   

为了解海州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构,分析人类养殖活动对其影响,于2012-2017年对该区域大型底栖动物进行调查。结果表明:6年间共发现120种大型底栖动物,依据种类组成进行聚类分析可分为4组;调查中总平均丰度为3 495.9 ind./m2,范围为506.7~17 864.0 ind./m2;总平均生物量为197.26 g/m2,范围为1.58~489.17 g/m2。光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)为第一优势种,其繁殖盛期在每年9-10月。调查期间生物多样性整体呈下降趋势,人类的养殖活动主导着海州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构的变化。  相似文献   

利用常州市6个环境空气质量评价点PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO和水溶性离子数据,结合后向轨迹、激光雷达探空资料、气象资料等,分析了2018年1月29日—2月2日长三角区域一次持续重污染过程。结果表明,重度污染时次高达94 h,PM2.5最高值达235 μg/m3,由外来输送污染物与本地排放的污染物叠加而成,在不利气象条件影响下,污染物在长三角区域长时间滞留;重污染期间,污染物日变化规律显示,PM2.5受外来源影响更显著,而SO2、NO2受本地污染源影响更显著,水溶性粒子组分与常州市本地源存在较大差异,其中NO3-、NH4+、K+、Mg2+和SO42-值增加最为明显,较污染前分别增加了9.1,5.9,4.3,4.2和4.1倍;K+值升高较快,说明污染期间也受到了生物质燃烧的影响。此外,NO3-和SO42-在空气质量较好时,在水溶性离子中的占比日变化幅度较大,而在重污染期间,NO3-和SO42-日变化幅度明显减小。  相似文献   

分析2014—2016年江苏省O3污染状况,以及苏北、苏中和苏南3个典型区域O3年度、季度、日变化和频度占比等分布特征。结果表明,江苏省的O3空间分布呈现北低南高,2014—2016年的O3超标占比由18.4%上升至34.9%;2016年苏北、苏中和苏南地区O3-8h第90百分位数与2014年相比,上升2.7%,21.8%和3.3%;3个区域夏季O3-8h均值最高,春、秋2季次之,冬季最低;O3-1h日变化呈单峰状态,最低值出现在06:00—07:00,最高值出现在15:00—16:00;2016年3个地区的O3频度占比均呈正态分布,主要集中在40~80 μg/m3,所占比例均>15%;苏中和苏南区域2016和2014年相比O3频率占比的变化幅度较大,苏北地区变化幅度不大。指出,江苏省的O3污染程度在逐年提高,污染范围从苏南逐渐往中部和北部城市扩大。  相似文献   

Characterizing the forest fragmentation of Canada’s national parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characterizing the amount and configuration of forests can provide insights into habitat quality, biodiversity, and land use. The establishment of protected areas can be a mechanism for maintaining large, contiguous areas of forests, and the loss and fragmentation of forest habitat is a potential threat to Canada’s national park system. Using the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Forests (EOSD) land cover product (EOSD LC 2000), we characterize the circa 2000 forest patterns in 26 of Canada’s national parks and compare these to forest patterns in the ecological units surrounding these parks, referred to as the greater park ecosystem (GPE). Five landscape pattern metrics were analyzed: number of forest patches, mean forest patch size (hectare), standard deviation of forest patch size (hectare), mean forest patch perimeter-to-area ratio (meters per hectare), and edge density of forest patches (meters per hectare). An assumption is often made that forests within park boundaries are less fragmented than the surrounding GPE, as indicated by fewer forest patches, a larger mean forest patch size, less variability in forest patch size, a lower perimeter-to-area ratio, and lower forest edge density. Of the 26 national parks we analyzed, 58% had significantly fewer patches, 46% had a significantly larger mean forest patch size (23% were not significantly different), and 46% had a significantly smaller standard deviation of forest patch size (31% were not significantly different), relative to their GPEs. For forest patch perimeter-to-area ratio and forest edge density, equal proportions of parks had values that were significantly larger or smaller than their respective GPEs and no clear trend emerged. In summary, all the national parks we analyzed, with the exception of the Georgian Bay Islands, were found to be significantly different from their corresponding GPE for at least one of the five metrics assessed, and 50% of the 26 parks were significantly different from their respective GPEs for all of the metrics assessed. The EOSD LC 2000 provides a heretofore unavailable dataset for characterizing broad trends in forest fragmentation in Canada’s national parks and in their surrounding GPEs. The interpretation of forest fragmentation metrics must be guided by the underlying land cover context, as many forested ecosystems in Canada are naturally fragmented due to wetlands and topography. Furthermore, interpretation must also consider the management context, as some parks are designed to preserve fragmented habitats. An analysis of forest pattern such as that described herein provides a baseline, from which changes in fragmentation patterns over time could be monitored, enabled by earth observation data.  相似文献   

Human activities produced great impacts on wetlands worldwide. Taking Jiangsu Province, China, as a representative wetland region subject to extensive human activities, the aim of this study is to understand the conversion trajectory and spatial differentiation in wetland change from a multi-scale perspective. Based on multi-temporal Landsat images, it was found that the natural wetlands decreased by 11.2% from 1990 to 2006 in Jiangsu Province. Transition matrices showed that the conversion of natural wetlands to human-made wetlands (mostly aquaculture ponds) was the major form of natural wetland reduction, accounting for over 60% of the reduction. Percentage reduction and area reduc tion of natural wetlands were respectively quantified within different wetland cover zones using a moving window analysis. Average percentage reduction showed a decreasing tendency with increasing wetland cover. The high-cover and mid-cover zone presented the largest area reduction at the scales of 1-2 km and 4-8 km, respectively. Local hotspots of natural wetland reduction were mapped using the equal-interval and quantile classification schemes. The hotspots were mostly concentrated in the Lixiahe marshes and the coastal wetland areas. For the area reduction hotspots, the quantile classification presented larger area and more patches than the equal-interval classification; while an opposite result was shown for the percentage reduction hotspots. With respect to the discontinuous distribution of the natural wetlands, area reduction could be more appropriate to represent reduction hotspots than percentage reduction in the study area. These findings could have useful implications to wetland conservation.  相似文献   

为了厘清改革开放以来忻州市各类生态系统及生态系统格局的时空特征,使用忻州全市1980、2000、2018年的土地利用和覆盖(LULC)二级分类数据,经过土地转移矩阵和景观格局指数计算,探讨分析了忻州市改革开放以来近40年的LULC及格局的长时间序列时空变化特征,以揭示忻州市的生态环境变化态势。研究区近40年来以城镇用地和其他建设用地增加为主,其他各类减少,城镇化和人口增长带来的土地和生态压力主要集中在草地、耕地以及湿地上;其中2000—2018年的变化更剧烈,人类活动对自然的干扰加剧,但同时在这一阶段已经开始了森林、湿地的保护,开展经济发展与生态文明同步建设。  相似文献   

北京市典型道路交通噪声排放特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用北京市道路交通噪声自动监测系统2013—2017年采集的等效连续A声级数据,对城市快速路、城市主干线、城市次干线、城市支路的代表性站点噪声排放情况进行了统计分析,结果显示,北京市不同等级的道路噪声排放具备一定的特征,排放水平从大到小依次为城市快速路城市主干线城市支路和城市次干线,道路噪声随时间变化存在较为一致的周期性排放特征,24 h变化特征比较明显。个别道路排放特征存在特异性,如城市主干线道路的一个代表监测站点噪声监测值出现了逐年下降趋势,分析发现,北京市非首都功能疏解对其噪声值的下降有一定贡献。采取一定的规划和管理措施有助于减少道路交通噪声的排放。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the current state of the environmental quality of soils in Beijing, we investigated contents of 14 metals in Beijing urban soils inside the 5th ring road by even grids sampling. Statistic analyses were conducted to identify possible heavy metal pollutants, as well as the effects of land uses on their accumulation. Our results revealed that the urban soils in Beijing were contaminated by Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn. Land uses and urbanization ages affected the accumulation of the four heavy metals in soils significantly. Soils in industrial areas have the highest average Cu and Zn contents, while Pb contents in park areas and Cd in agricultural areas are the highest. The accumulations of Pb and Zn in urban soils increase significantly with sampling plots approaching the city center. And Pb, Cd, and Zn contents in soils in traffic areas also tend to increase in the city center. However, residential areas have the lowest contents of all the four heavy metals.  相似文献   

Increased water use associated with rapid growth in the Las Vegas Valley has inadvertently led to the creation of unique wetland systems in Southern Nevada with an abundance of biological diversity. Constructed and naturally created wetlands in the Las Vegas Valley watershed were studied to characterize and understand their potential role for improving ecosystem services (i.e., water purification). Nutrient and metal removal was assessed at four sites including a natural urban runoff wetland, a constructed urban runoff wetland, a constructed wastewater wetland, and a natural urban runoff/wastewater wetland. Plant nutrient uptake was dependent on ambient nutrient concentrations in water and sediments of specific wetlands, irrespective of the type of plants present. Phosphorus was mostly concentrated in below-ground plant parts whereas nitrogen was concentrated in above-ground parts. As for metalloids, bulrushes were more efficient than cattails at taking up arsenic and selenium. Averaging all the wetland sites and plant species, total nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and selenium removal was 924.2, 61.5, 0.30, and 0.38 kg/ha/year, respectively. Our findings suggest that natural and created wetland systems can improve water quality in the Las Vegas Valley watershed for some common pollutants, however, other measures are still needed to improve water quality below regulatory thresholds.  相似文献   

Global positioning systems (GPS) are increasingly being used for habitat mapping because they provide spatially referenced data that can be used to characterize habitat structure across the landscape and document habitat change over time. We evaluated the accuracy of using a GPS for determining the size and location of habitat patches in a riverine environment. We simulated error attributable to a mapping-grade GPS receiver capable of achieving sub-meter accuracy onto discrete macrophyte bed and wood habitat patches (2 to 177 m(2)) that were digitized from an aerial photograph of the Laramie River, Wyoming, USA in a way that emulated field mapping. Patches with simulated error were compared to the original digitized patches. The accuracy in measuring habitat patches was affected most by patch size and less by patch shape and complexity. Perimeter length was consistently overestimated but was less biased for large, elongate patches with complex shapes. Patch area was slightly overestimated for small patches but was unbiased for large patches. Precision of area estimates was highest for large (>100 m(2)), elongate patches. Percent spatial overlap, a measure of the spatial accuracy of patch location, was low and variable for the smallest patches (2 to 5 m(2)). Mean percent spatial overlap was not related to patch shape but the precision of overlap was lower for small, elongate, and complex patches. Mapping habitat patches with a mapping-grade GPS can yield useful data, but research objectives will determine the acceptable amount of error and the smallest habitats that can be reliably measured.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at analyzing and interpreting changes in landscape pattern and connectivity in the Urla district, Turkey using core landscape metrics based on a 42-year data derived from 1963 CORONA and 2005 ASTER satellite images and ten 1/25,000 topographical maps (1963–2005). The district represents a distinctive example of re-emerged suburbanization in the Izmir metropolitan area. In order to explore landscape characteristics of the study area, nine landscape composition and configuration metrics were chosen as follows: class area, percentage of landscape, number of patches, patch density, largest patch index, landscape shape index, mean patch size, perimeter area fractal dimension, and connectance index. The landscape configurations in the Urla district changed significantly by 2005 in that the process of (sub-)urbanization in the study area evolved from a rural, monocentric urban typology to a more suburban, polycentric morphology. Agricultural, maquis-phrygana, and forest areas decreased, while the built-up, olive plantation and phrygana areas increased. There was nearly a fivefold increase in the built-up areas during the study period, and the connectivity of the natural landscape declined. To prevent further fragmentation, it is important to keep the existing natural land cover types and agricultural areas intact. More importantly, a sustainable development scenario is required that contains a green infrastructure, or an ecological network planning for conservation and rehabilitation of the vital natural resources in the study area.  相似文献   

Due to the complexity of factors that influence species density on a large geographical scale, the effectiveness of the species distribution model (SDM) is still debatable. That is why the buffer zone (the area within 100 m from the outside edge of the patch), the core, i.e. (patches excluding the 100 m buffer zone from the patch’s edge) and patch shape are explored in this study to see how they affect the density of habitat specialist and generalist bird species. Two sets of generalised additive models were generated separately for each of the four bird species: One set of models contained landscape configuration metrics as an additional predictor variable, and the other did not. The results showed that models including the core, the buffer zone and the shape of patches turned out to be definitely better than models without them. Specialist species, the Corn bunting and the Wood nuthatch, are more likely to occur in the core of the preferred patches, and they choose those of a simple shape; while generalist species, the Whinchat and the Tree pipit, are more probable to be present in the buffer zone of a more complicated shape. Thus, the results clearly show that specific landscape configuration models can improve the predictive power of SDMs and can be used as an effective tool for predicting species density and functional bird diversity (specialist and generalist). Furthermore, from the applied ecology perspective, detailed landscape configuration metrics can be considered as a surrogate of elusive habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Despite California policies requiring assessment of ambient wetland condition and compensatory wetland mitigations, no intensive monitoring tools have been developed to evaluate freshwater wetlands within the state. Therefore, we developed standardized, wadeable field methods to sample macroinvertebrate communities and evaluated 40 wetlands across Northern California to develop a macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity (IBI). A priori reference sites were selected with minimal urban impacts, representing a best-attainable condition. We screened 56 macroinvertebrate metrics for inclusion in the IBI based on responsiveness to percent urbanization. Eight final metrics were selected for inclusion in the IBI: percent three dominant taxa; scraper richness; percent Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera (EOT); EOT richness; percent Tanypodinae/Chironomidae; Oligochaeta richness; percent Coleoptera; and predator richness. The IBI (potential range 0–100) demonstrated significant discriminatory power between the reference (mean = 69) and impacted wetlands (mean = 28). It also declined with increasing percent urbanization (R 2 = 0.53, p < 0.005) among wetlands in an independent validation dataset (n = 14). The IBI was robust in showing no significant bias with environmental gradients. This IBI is a functional tool to determine the ecological condition at urban (stormwater and flood control ponds), as well as rural freshwater wetlands (stockponds, seasonal wetlands, and natural ponds). Biological differences between perennial and non-perennial wetlands suggest that developing separate indicators for these wetland types may improve applicability, although the existing data set was not sufficient for exploring this option.  相似文献   

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