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古尔班通古特沙漠边缘植被破坏严重,沙丘活化明显,是新疆干旱区植被恢复的重点地区之一,一般缺乏地表水补充,其沙丘的水分状况便成为植被生存和恢复过程的关键条件。为掌握古尔班通古特沙漠边缘活化沙丘水分状况,并在其上恢复自然植被,对植物生长期内沙丘水分进行连续监测,并采用当地采集的梭梭、白梭梭种子进行植被恢复实验,结果表明:活化沙丘表层存在干沙层,沙丘中部和下部存在稳定湿沙层,处在距沙丘表面60 cm以下,且厚度超过100 cm,具备植被自然恢复的基础,干沙层的形成速率和风蚀是制约活化沙丘植被自然恢复的决定因素。  相似文献   

新疆北部沙漠边缘植被恢复可能性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古尔班通古特沙漠边缘植被破坏严重,沙丘活化明显,是新疆干旱植被恢复的重点地区之一,一般缺乏地表水补充,其沙丘的水分状况便成为植被生存和恢复过程的关键条件,为探究古尔班通古特沙漠边缘植被恢复的可能性,在植物生长期内对流动沙丘和固定沙丘不同部位的水分状况进行了连续监测,结果表明:沙丘大多数层次含水量月变化与月降水量分布相一致;流动沙丘含水量从上部到下部依次升高;流动沙丘中部和下部稳定湿沙层处在距沙丘表面60 cm以下,且厚度超过100 cm,固定沙丘稳定湿沙层只存在于沙丘中部距沙丘表面60~150 cm内,其厚度不超过100 cm,在一般年份,该地区利用本地种进行植被恢复是可行的.  相似文献   

在帕米尔高原高寒草原地区,选择了4个自然放牧梯度、处于3种典型退化阶段的草地为研究对象,进行了土壤草毡表层加厚引起的系统氮、磷分配和水分利用的变化过程的研究。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增加,草地禾本科植物逐渐减少,蒿类植物成为优势种群,土壤草毡表层逐渐加厚,从新疆银穗草+硬叶苔草群落的3.02±0.53 cm发育到高山绢蒿、西藏亚菊群落阶段的8.24±0.53 cm;矮生嵩草群落使系统生长需要的氮、磷养分数量急剧增加,分别从12 g/m2到23 g/m2、0.84 g/m2到1.7 g/m2,成为生物养分固定累积于土壤;同时致密加厚的、特别是老化死亡的草毡表层的存在,使土壤水分的渗透速率从新疆银穗草+硬叶苔草群落的1.94 mm/min降低到小嵩草群落的1.38mm/min,使系统接受自然降水的能力大大减弱,水分的利用效率极低,而根系数量的急剧增长导致需水量的增加,土壤湿度逐渐降低,降幅最大达到18.85%。草毡表层加厚导致的营养供求失调、干旱胁迫是引起高寒草地退化的内在原因之一。  相似文献   

严峻的大气颗粒物污染导致的能见度下降和城镇灰色景观可能会阻碍居民压力恢复路径,损害居民身心健康。为研究大气PM_(2.5)污染对人体压力恢复的影响,基于压力恢复理论设计了一项生理心理学实验。随机招募127名被试(女性63名,男性64名),并随机分为6组(编号为G10、G30、G50、G100、G160和G260),每组被试在压力恢复阶段分别对应观看ρ(PM_(2.5))平均值分别为10,30,50,100,160和260μg/m~3的实景照片。结合压力自评量表和皮肤电、心电等电生理技术测量了被试观看不同环境ρ(PM_(2.5))实景照片时的压力恢复比例。结果显示,G10、G30、G50组被试的皮肤电水平、心率和心率变异性恢复比例约为40%~50%,50%~70%和60%~80%,G100、G160、G260组被试的皮肤电水平、心率和心率变异性恢复比例约为20%~40%,10%~40%和30%~50%,即观看ρ(PM_(2.5))低于50μg/m~3实景照片的被试在3 min内的压力恢复比例比观看ρ(PM_(2.5))高于100μg/m~3的实景照片的被试高20%以上。基于皮肤电的逐10 s压力恢复比例分析显示,2min内的清洁空气照片(G10、G30、G50组)暴露能使压力恢复至初始水平的60%左右,而暴露时间的增加可能会使被试产生疲劳和厌倦,从而导致压力恢复比例下降。指出,电生理技术是对自评量表测量的有力补充,能够客观、有效地测量压力水平变化,丰富了开展环境健康风险评估的手段,可为大气污染心理健康风险管控提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

上海市浦东城区冬季颗粒物数浓度及其谱分布特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用APS-3321空气动力学粒径谱仪对上海市浦东城区2012年12月至2013年2月0.5~20μm大气颗粒物浓度及其谱分布进行了实时监测。结果发现,上海市浦东城区冬季大气颗粒物数浓度为360个/cm3,其中0.5~1.0μm颗粒物数为345个/cm3,占总颗粒物的95.7%;1.0~2.5μm颗粒物数为15个/cm3,占颗粒物总数的4.1%;2.5~20.0μm颗粒物数为0.6个/cm3,占颗粒物总数的0.2%。当空气质量为AQI≤50、50AQI≤100、100AQI≤200、AQI200时,颗粒物数浓度分别为77.5、243.2、522.6、868.5个/m3。随着空气污染的加重,小于PM2.5颗粒物数浓度增加显著且对总的颗粒物数浓度的贡献也有所增加,且AQI200时,PM2.5中1.0~2.5μm颗粒物数浓度贡献增幅最大;此外,不同空气质量条件下,颗粒物数浓度的日变化存在一定差异,这对于空气污染防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据潍坊市国家环境空气质量监测点位和国家气象台站监测数据,对潍坊市2019年灰霾发生情况进行统计,并分析了灰霾天气与气象要素、环境空气质量的关系。结果表明:潍坊市 2019年按小时计算的灰霾发生频率为22.4%。灰霾在冬季和秋季相对高发,发生次数占全年小时灰霾数的66.7%,发生比例为56.2%。从时间上看,灰霾发生频率呈正弦曲线分布,在早上06:00-07:00发生频率最高,17:00前后发生频率相对较低。灰霾发生时风速、温度与能见度呈正相关关系,相对湿度与能见度呈负相关关系。潍坊市灰霾现象主要发生在风速小于3 m/s、相对湿度大于30%时,当风速大于5 m/s、相对湿度小于10%时极少发生灰霾。PM2.5是影响灰霾发生的主要污染因子,与能见度的相关系数最高。灰霾主要发生在48 μg/m32.5质量浓度<239 μg/m3条件下,占灰霾总次数的84%;而当PM2.5质量浓度>140 μg/m3时灰霾发生频率达到100%;灰霾天气统计期间潍坊市空气中PM2.5与PM10的质量浓度平均比值为0.52,其中,灰霾发生时比值为0.75,非灰霾时比值为0.43。随着灰霾程度的加重,PM2.5/PM10逐渐增大;当灰霾程度达到轻度及以上时,PM2.5/PM10大于全年平均值。  相似文献   

采集2013-10-09~18日的PM2.5环境受体滤膜样品,对PM2.5颗粒物的质量浓度、二次粒子、无机组分、碳组分进行了分析测试,并对污染过程的各组分的变化趋势进行了深入分析。结果表明,石家庄市PM2.5颗粒物污染严重,过程均值达到162μg/m3,受气象条件影响显著,当风向为北、东方向时有利于污染物的扩散;通过对污染过程的变化趋势研究表明:二次粒子随着污染程度的加剧所占比重有所上升,在严重污染时比重达到58%;无机元素Al、Ca的异常高值显示了人类活动的显著影响;随着污染程度的加剧OC、EC以及SOC浓度值明显上升,且SOC的比重也由10%上升至50%左右,表明在重污染的条件下有利于二次粒子与SOC的转化。  相似文献   

珠三角地区不同季节颗粒物数谱分布特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于珠三角大气超级站不同季节3 nm~10μm颗粒物数谱分布在线监测数据,系统分析不同季节颗粒物数浓度、表面积浓度与体积浓度的水平与构成及数谱分布日变化规律,揭示了珠三角地区颗粒物数谱分布特征。结果表明,冬季、春季和秋季珠三角大气超级站总颗粒物数浓度分别为2.17×104、1.97×104、2.24×104个/立方厘米,总颗粒物表面积浓度分别为2.98×103、2.28×103、2.78×103μm2/cm3,总颗粒物体积浓度分别为1.33×102、1.04×102、1.40×102μm3/cm3。颗粒物总数浓度中,爱根核模和积聚模态颗粒物是主要贡献者,在总数浓度的比例均达到40%以上;总颗粒物表面积浓度中,积聚模态颗粒物是主要贡献者,月平均比例高达88%以上;总颗粒物体积浓度中,积聚模态颗粒物也是主要贡献者,月平均贡献为65%~80%,其次为粗粒子模贡献较大,比例为20%~30%。积聚模态颗粒物的重要贡献较好地体现了超级站的区域性。冬季、春季和秋季颗粒物数浓度平均日变化趋势均为7:00~9:00和18:00~20:00存在较高的爱根核模态颗粒物数浓度,意味着机动车排放对细颗粒物污染的影响较显著。10月颗粒物数谱分布平均日变化中存在明显的颗粒物增长过程,体现了新粒子生成事件的重要影响。  相似文献   

研究了碱提取吹扫捕集气相色谱冷原子荧光光谱法测定沉积物中甲基汞的影响因素,包括载气流速、柱温、衍生化试剂、样品称取量、前处理时碱性提取液加入量和反应瓶中提取液加入量的影响,分析了提取液加入量对Tenax管的影响、提取液保存的影响因素、沉积物样品保存的影响因素以及样品中Hg2+的干扰影响。根据影响情况确定最佳测定条件,应用于广西龙江河流域上9个代表性监测断面的底泥样品中甲基汞的测定,采用污染指数法对该流域甲基汞的污染现状进行评价。结果表明,最佳载气流速范围为22~27 mL/min,最佳柱温为46℃。衍生化试剂选择四乙基硼化钠和四丙基硼化钠均能达到较好的回收率。样品称取量选择0.50 g时回收率好。前处理时碱性提取液的加入量对甲基汞的提取效率没有显著影响。为保证水相衍生反应体系最终pH在5左右,乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲溶液的加入量随提取液加入量的增加而增加。当缓冲溶液为300μL时,提取液小于150μL不会影响Tenax管性能。避光与否对提取液的保存和样品的保存影响都不大,提取液保存3 d后、样品保存15 d后,甲基汞回收率将低于80%。衍生化前定量体积提取液中Hg  相似文献   

建立超声提取-离子色谱法55 min内同时测定大气PM_(2.5)中13种水溶性低分子有机酸和无机阴离子的方法,经不同样品膜空白值考察、预处理条件优化、样品保存实验研究等获得了最佳的实验条件。研究发现,无机阴离子线性回归系数均为0.999以上,有机酸均为0.993以上;样品膜中各离子的相对标准偏差为3.2%~9.8%,样品提取液中各离子的加标回收率为90.6%~108%;当采样体积为24 m~3时,各目标化合物的方法检出限为0.003~0.032μg/m~3。分别于2015年1、6月采集了PM_(2.5)实际样品,1月各离子浓度之和为31.9μg/m~3,范围为0.04~15.0μg/m~3;6月各离子浓度之和为22.3μg/m3,范围为0.01~12.7μg/m~3。两个采样期间,氯离子、硝酸根、硫酸根在13种化合物中占绝对优势,均占总量的95%以上;乙酸、甲酸、甲烷磺酸和乙二酸为其他低含量离子中的主要组分。  相似文献   

We compared soil moisture from the soil water balance model for European Water Accounting (swbEWA) with in situ observations from nine locations in three European climatic zones (continental, Mediterranean and maritime temperate), for different periods between 2003 and 2011. Despite the simplicity of the swbEWA model, the patterns of temporal changes in soil moisture content are well represented at all locations. Annual averages show that the model overestimates the soil moisture content, and that overestimations are the smallest when measurements are obtained from more than one depth. These results suggest that the relationship between simulated and observed soil moisture also depends on the number of measurements and the depth over which they are taken. In the continental climate, where snow cover and frozen soil influence soil moisture, we observe higher root mean square error values in winter months. However, in the Mediterranean and maritime temperate climates, we do not observe clear common seasonal patterns in the soil moisture profile, which makes it difficult to relate the model’s accuracy to climate. With the percentage of correctness and probability of detection measures, we tested the model performance in simulating dry versus non-dry events. The percentage of the correctly classified dry and non-dry events is higher than 84 % at all locations, whereas the probability to detect dry events is significantly lower, exceeding 50 % at only four out of nine stations. The frequency distribution of consecutive days with dry soil (CDDS) confirms the model performance: higher number of short dry periods (with less than 20 days of soil moisture near wilting point) are reproduced and observed in continental climates, whereas long dry periods (longer than 50 days) are noted in the Mediterranean climate. Overall, the statistical measures suggest that the model produces the highest accuracy in summer months at the stations in continental climates, whereas in the Mediterranean climate, the accuracy is slightly higher in the colder seasons.  相似文献   

This study reported the test done on ash-sludge mixture foramendment of soil in pot experiments. Ash-sludge mixture ratiostudies revealed that 1:5 fly ash-sludge mixture and 1:10 bottom ash-sludge mixture were the optimum mixture ratio thatminimized toxic element and provided sufficient nutrients. Experiments indicated that ash-sludge mixtures is more suitablefor amendment of acid soil than neutral soil which can increasesoil pH and reduce available heavy metal toxicity. The maximumheavy metal adsorption occurred in a pH range of 4 to 6 for allsoil studied. The finding also revealed that fly ash applicationseemed more effective than bottom ash, due to its higher loadingrate and metal contents. Heavy metal toxicity was monitored usingseed germination test. Marigold and tomato seeds were the two crops selected for this test. Seed germination test result showsthat percentage of seed germination increased in pot experimentswith sludge only and ash-sludge mixtures. In addition, higherpercentages of seed germination were observed to vary with longer incubation time (1–8 weeks). After week 12 of the incubation period, percentage of seed germination began to decline, as a result of reduced soil pH and release of toxic heavy metals.  相似文献   

Modeling spatio-temporal variation of soil moisture with depth in the soil profile plays an important role for semi-arid crop production from an agro-hydrological perspective. This study was performed in Guvenc Catchment. Two soil series that were called Tabyabayir (TaS) and Kervanpinari (KeS) and classified as Leptosol and Vertisol Soil Groups were used in this research. The TeS has a much shallower (0–34 cm) than the KeS (0–134 cm). At every sampling time, a total of geo-referenced 100 soil moisture samples were taken based on horizon depths. The results indicated that soil moisture content changed spatially and temporally with soil texture and profile depth significantly. In addition, land use was to be important factor when soil was shallow. When the soil conditions were towards to dry, higher values for the coefficient of variation (CV) were observed for TaS (58 and 43 % for A and C horizons, respectively); however, the profile CV values were rather stable at the KeS. Spatial variability range of TaS was always higher at both dry and wet soil conditions when compared to that of KeS. Excessive drying of soil prevented to describe any spatial model for surface horizon, additionally resulting in a high nugget variance in the subsurface horizon for the TaS. On the contrary to TaS, distribution maps were formed all horizons for the KeS at any measurement times. These maps, depicting both dry and wet soil conditions through the profile depth, are highly expected to reduce the uncertainty associated with spatially and temporally determining the hydraulic responses of the catchment soils.  相似文献   

Of the operations required for reclamation in arid and semi-arid regions, establishing vegetation entails the most uncertainty due to reliance on unpredictable rainfall for seed germination and seedling establishment. The frequency of successful vegetation establishment was estimated based on a land surface model driven by hourly atmospheric forcing data, 7 years of eddy-flux data, and 31 years of rainfall data at two adjacent sites in southern Arizona, USA. Two scenarios differing in the required imbibition time for successful germination were evaluated—2 or 3 days availability of sufficient surface moisture. Establishment success was assumed to occur if plants could germinate and if the drying front in the soil did not overtake the growth of seminal roots. Based on our results, vegetation establishment could be expected to fail in 32 % of years. In the worst 10-year span, six of ten plantings would have failed. In the best 10-year span, only one of ten was projected to fail. Across all assessments, at most 3 years in a row failed and 6 years in a row were successful. Funding for reclamation seeding must be available to allow reseeding the following year if sufficient amount and timing of rainfall does not occur.  相似文献   

The most commonly used normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from remote sensing often fall short in real-time drought monitoring due to a lagged vegetation response to drought. Therefore, research recently emphasized on the use of combination of surface temperature and NDVI which provides vegetation and moisture conditions simultaneously. Since drought stress effects on agriculture are closely linked to actual evapotranspiration, we used a vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) which is more closely related to crop water status and holds a key place in real-time drought monitoring and assessment. In this study, NDVI and land surface temperature (T s) from MODIS 8-day composite data during cloud-free period (September–October) were adopted to construct an NDVI–T s space, from which the VTCI was computed. The crop moisture index (based on estimates of potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture depletion) was calculated to represent soil moisture stress on weekly basis for 20 weather monitoring stations. Correlation and regression analysis were attempted to relate VTCI with crop moisture status and crop performance. VTCI was found to accurately access the degree and spatial extent of drought stress in all years (2000, 2002, and 2004). The temporal variation of VTCI also provides drought pattern changes over space and time. Results showed significant and positive relations between CMI (crop moisture index) and VTCI observed particularly during prominent drought periods which proved VTCI as an ideal index to monitor terminal drought at regional scale. VTCI had significant positive relationship with yield but weakly related to crop anomalies. Duration of terminal drought stress derived from VTCI has a significant negative relationship with yields of major grain and oilseeds crops, particularly, groundnut.  相似文献   

通过条件实验确定烘箱加热法的恒重条件,确定微波加热法、红外加热法和烘箱加热法测定固体废物水分含量的最佳样品称取量。采用3种方法的最佳条件分别测定了10余种不同类型的固体废物的水分含量,比较了3种方法的测定时间、精密度和测定值的差异性。结果表明:烘箱加热法的最佳恒重条件为前后2次测定差值不超过最终测定质量的±0.1%。烘箱加热法最优称样量范围为25~45 g,红外加热法和微波加热法的最优称样量分别为3.0 g和2.5 g。烘箱加热法所需测定时间最长,约8~28 h,红外加热法和微波加热法所需测定时间分别为4~65 min和1~2 min。3种方法中烘箱加热法精密度最好,且样品水分含量越高精密度越好,烘箱加热法、红外加热法和微波加热法的相对标准偏差范围分别为0.31%~12%、4.6%~18%和1.1%~22%。在0.05的显著性水平上,3种方法测定值不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

南通地区很多钢丝绳企业采用酸洗磷化工艺,产生大量含铅、铁、锌等重金属离子的酸性废液,造成区域特征性环境污染.选用山东天维膜技术有限公司的扩散渗析阴膜进行钢丝绳酸性废液处置实验.结果表明:该膜能有效地将酸、盐分离,酸的回收率达到90%以上,铅截留率达到70%以上,铁截留率达到80%以上.但实验中出现氯化铅晶体析出,堵塞处...  相似文献   

综合传统重量法与冷凝法测定废气含湿量的特点,建立冷凝-吸附法测定固定源废气含湿量,有效解决重量法与冷凝法不适用于高温、高湿条件下的测定问题。通过优化测定条件,使冷凝-吸附法测定3台不同类型固定源废气结果的RSD为1.5%~4.7%,方法再现性试验结果的RSD为4.5%。用该方法与重量法同时测定油田注汽湿蒸汽发生器及普通流化床锅炉废气含湿量,结果表明冷凝-吸附法具备更强的适用性。  相似文献   

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