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珠三角地区不同季节颗粒物数谱分布特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于珠三角大气超级站不同季节3 nm~10μm颗粒物数谱分布在线监测数据,系统分析不同季节颗粒物数浓度、表面积浓度与体积浓度的水平与构成及数谱分布日变化规律,揭示了珠三角地区颗粒物数谱分布特征。结果表明,冬季、春季和秋季珠三角大气超级站总颗粒物数浓度分别为2.17×104、1.97×104、2.24×104个/立方厘米,总颗粒物表面积浓度分别为2.98×103、2.28×103、2.78×103μm2/cm3,总颗粒物体积浓度分别为1.33×102、1.04×102、1.40×102μm3/cm3。颗粒物总数浓度中,爱根核模和积聚模态颗粒物是主要贡献者,在总数浓度的比例均达到40%以上;总颗粒物表面积浓度中,积聚模态颗粒物是主要贡献者,月平均比例高达88%以上;总颗粒物体积浓度中,积聚模态颗粒物也是主要贡献者,月平均贡献为65%~80%,其次为粗粒子模贡献较大,比例为20%~30%。积聚模态颗粒物的重要贡献较好地体现了超级站的区域性。冬季、春季和秋季颗粒物数浓度平均日变化趋势均为7:00~9:00和18:00~20:00存在较高的爱根核模态颗粒物数浓度,意味着机动车排放对细颗粒物污染的影响较显著。10月颗粒物数谱分布平均日变化中存在明显的颗粒物增长过程,体现了新粒子生成事件的重要影响。  相似文献   

上海市浦东城区冬季颗粒物数浓度及其谱分布特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用APS-3321空气动力学粒径谱仪对上海市浦东城区2012年12月至2013年2月0.5~20μm大气颗粒物浓度及其谱分布进行了实时监测。结果发现,上海市浦东城区冬季大气颗粒物数浓度为360个/cm3,其中0.5~1.0μm颗粒物数为345个/cm3,占总颗粒物的95.7%;1.0~2.5μm颗粒物数为15个/cm3,占颗粒物总数的4.1%;2.5~20.0μm颗粒物数为0.6个/cm3,占颗粒物总数的0.2%。当空气质量为AQI≤50、50AQI≤100、100AQI≤200、AQI200时,颗粒物数浓度分别为77.5、243.2、522.6、868.5个/m3。随着空气污染的加重,小于PM2.5颗粒物数浓度增加显著且对总的颗粒物数浓度的贡献也有所增加,且AQI200时,PM2.5中1.0~2.5μm颗粒物数浓度贡献增幅最大;此外,不同空气质量条件下,颗粒物数浓度的日变化存在一定差异,这对于空气污染防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

北京市冬季大气细粒子数浓度的粒径分布特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
考虑到对人体的健康危害,大气颗粒物的数浓度值可能比质量浓度值更重要.通过对北京市交通道路边、生活区和远郊背景点大气细粒子数浓度的监测,对北京市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源、浓度和粒径分布特征进行研究.文章认为交通源是城市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源.城市生活区的大气细粒子主要是污染源稀释后扩散而来.远郊区既可能存在气象污染物光化学成核生成的超细颗粒物,也存在外部运移而来的细粒子.与国外其他城市相比,北京市大气细粒子数浓度在道路边处于中等偏下水平,但生活区和背景点处于相当或偏高的水平.  相似文献   

在克拉玛依市中心城区布设4个采样点,在供暖期和非供暖期分别同步采集4个点位大气中不同粒径的颗粒物,采用HPLC进行分析并计算2个采样期内PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度和种类。结果表明:中心城区供暖期PM_(10)中PAHs浓度为56.19 ng/m3,PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度为48.85 ng/m3;中心城区非供暖期PM_(10)中PAHs浓度为18.86 ng/m~3,PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度为14.53 ng/m~3。不同采样期PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度变化趋势相同,均为供暖期明显大于非供暖期。中心城区供暖期大气颗粒物吸附的PAHs以4环以下的组份为主,非供暖期则是5~6环的高环数组份偏多。分析结果表明克拉玛依市中心城区供暖期颗粒物中PAHs来源于燃煤排放叠加机动车排放,与中心城区集中供热锅炉关系密切;非供暖期则是以机动车排放污染为主。  相似文献   

重金属铅由于其对人体健康的影响而广受关注。利用在线单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪对2012年发生在华南地区的一次金属铅污染事故中的含铅颗粒物的质谱特征、粒径分布及排放规律进行了分析。监测发现A、B两个监测点位的含铅颗粒物比例多在夜间或凌晨达到高峰,高峰时刻含铅颗粒物数浓度占比最高可达67%,对比广州市区、鹤山超级站的含铅颗粒物浓度占比,可知该地区含铅颗粒物的污染程度较高。两监测点位的含铅颗粒物质谱特征及粒径分布情况非常相似,可能存在相同的排放源或具有相同的形成机制。质谱中都均含有明显的铅、元素碳、硫、硫酸盐等信号,可能来自于燃煤源的排放。通过进一步对比分析燃煤烟气排放的含铅颗粒物质谱特征,判断其为燃煤源排放。  相似文献   

南京市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃变化特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
逐月采集南京市大气中不同粒径的颗粒物,采用HPLC分析了2010年每个月PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)颗粒物样品中的多环芳烃(PAHs)的种类和浓度水平。结果表明:PM_(10)中PAHs年均值为25.07 ng/m~3,范围为11.03~53.56 ng/m3;PM_(2.5)中PAHs年均值为19.04 ng/m~3,范围为10.82~36.43 ng/m~3。PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中PAHs总体浓度有着相似的变化趋势,呈现凹形变化曲线;在南京市大气颗粒物中吸附的PAHs大部分以5~6环的高环数组分为主,大部分PAHs和∑PAHs的相关性较好,年度变化幅度不大,分析结果表明,颗粒物中PAHs的来源与稳定的排放源相关,机动车排放不容忽视,与北方城市燃煤污染有着较大的区别。  相似文献   

以上海交通最为繁忙的隧道之一的邯郸路隧道为研究对象,设计了隧道内(进口、中段、出口)机动车NH_3排放因子测定实验和隧道外(垂直于隧道口310 m范围内)机动车NH_3排放环境扩散梯度实验。隧道内实验结果表明,隧道出口的ρ(NH_3)分别是隧道进口和外围环境质量浓度的5倍和11倍,机动车NH_3排放因子(平均值±标准差)为(28±5)mg/km。据此估算,2014年上海机动车的NH_3排放总量约为1 300 t,占该市NH_3排放量的12%。梯度实验表明,邯郸路隧道出口处的机动车NH_3排放一旦扩散到大气中,其对环境的影响强度在短短数十米内迅速降低,超过150 m的范围后影响基本趋同。证实了在交通路网密集的城市,机动车是大气环境NH_3的重要来源,进而对城市颗粒物污染有潜在贡献。  相似文献   

选取燃烧型煤和原煤的典型链条炉,应用自行设计的固定源烟气颗粒物稀释采样系统,现场测试细颗粒物PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和金属元素的排放特征。结果表明,型煤燃烧细颗粒物的排放比例高于原煤,型煤燃烧除尘器进口、出口PM_(2.5)质量比原煤燃烧分别增加715%和708%。燃烧型煤时,As和Pb在各粒径段的质量比均比原煤大。同时,由于型煤燃烧可吸入颗粒物的排放比例增加,包含或附着在烟尘上的金属元素排放比例也相应增加。  相似文献   

重庆城区不同粒径颗粒物元素组分研究及来源识别   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为研究重庆市大气颗粒物的污染特征及其来源,于2010年3—10月在主城区分别采集PM1.0、PM2.5和PM103种粒径的颗粒物样品,利用XRF分析其中的26种元素浓度。结果表明,重庆市主城区S元素在各粒径中含量都较高,细粒子中K的含量较高,粗粒子中Si、Ca和Fe的浓度较大。富集因子分析表明,主城区Cd、S、Se等污染元素的富集系数较大,且粒径越小,富集现象越明显。利用因子分析得出土壤风沙、扬尘、燃煤的燃烧、机动车燃油产生的尾气排放、生物质燃烧排放是重庆市颗粒物污染的主要来源。  相似文献   

为研究长三角典型城市公交车细颗粒物排放特征,采用便携式排放测试系统(PEMS),对上海、杭州和苏州三大城市的8辆典型城市公交车开展实际道路细颗粒物排放实验。研究结果表明:长三角典型城市车辆的实际道路平均车速为22.7 km/h,怠速比例为20.4%,加减速比例为54.5%;在稳态行驶工况下,随车速增大,公交车颗粒物质量及数量排放呈逐渐增大趋势;在20 km/h车速范围内,上海国III、国IV和苏州国III公交车颗粒数浓度呈双峰粒径分布,其他公交车均为单峰分布;随比功率的增大,公交车颗粒质量呈逐渐增大的趋势,国IV公交车颗粒数量呈先下降再增大趋势,国III公交车颗粒数量呈上升趋势;公交车颗粒质量综合排放因子为0.8~189 mg/km,颗粒数量综合排放因子为6.2×1012~9.6×1014#/km。  相似文献   

A summertime study of the number concentration and the size distribution of combustion derived nanometre sized particles (termed nanoparticles) from diesel and spark-ignition (SI) engine emissions were made under rush-hour and free-flow traffic conditions at an urban roadside location in Leeds, UK in July 2003. The measured total particle number concentrations (N(TOTAL)) were of the order 1.8 x 10(4) to 3.4 x 10(4) cm(-3), and tended to follow the diurnal traffic flow patterns. The N(TOTAL) was dominated by particles < or =100 nm in diameter which accounted for between 89-93% of the measured particle number. By use of a log-normal fitting procedure, the modal parameters of the number based particle size distribution of urban airborne particulates were derived from the roadside measurements. Four component modes were identified. Two nucleation modes were found, with a smaller, more minor, mode composed principally of sub-11 nm particles, believed to be derived from particles formed from the nucleation of gaseous species in the atmosphere. A second mode, much larger in terms of number, was composed of particles within the size range of 10-20 nm. This second mode was believed to be principally derived from the condensation of the unburned fuel and lube oil (the solvent organic fraction or SOF) as it cooled on leaving the engine exhaust. Third and fourth modes were noted within the size ranges of 28-65 nm and 100-160 nm, respectively. The third mode was believed to be representative of internally mixed Aitken mode particles composed of a soot/ash core with an adsorbed layer of readily volatilisable material. The fourth mode was believed to be composed of chemically aged, secondary particles. The larger nucleation and Aitken modes accounted for between 80-90% of the measured N(TOTAL), and the particles in these modes were believed to be derived from SI and diesel engine emissions. The overall size distribution, particularly in modes II-IV, was observed to be strongly related to the number of primary particle emissions, with larger count median diameters observed under conditions where low numbers of primary soot based particles were present.  相似文献   

Aerosol size distributions, trace gas, and PM(2.5) concentrations have been measured in urban Jinan, China, over 6 months in 2007 and 2008, covering spring, summer, fall, and winter time periods. Number concentrations of particles (10-2,500 nm) were 16,200, 13,900, 11,200, and 21,600 cm(?-3) in spring, summer, fall, and winter, respectively. Compared with other urban studies, Jinan has higher number concentrations of accumulation-mode particles (100-500 nm) and particles (10-2,500 nm), but lower concentrations of ultrafine particles (10-100 nm). The number, surface and volume concentrations, and size distributions of particles showed obvious seasonal variation and are also influenced by traffic emissions. Through correlation analysis, traffic emissions are proposed to be a more important contributor to Atkien-mode and accumulation-mode particles than coal firing. Around midday, the presence of nanoparticles and new particle formation is limited to pre-existing particles from traffic emissions and the mass transport of particles from suburban and rural areas. Compared with other studies in urban areas of Europe and the USA, the variation of particle number concentration and related gas concentration in Jinan between weekdays and weekends is smaller and the reasons has been deduced.  相似文献   

不同气团来源对广州细颗粒物理化特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2006年7月广州细颗粒物质量浓度、数谱分布与化学组成的观测数据与气团后向轨迹聚类分析结果,系统分析了不同气团来源对广州细颗粒物理化特性的影响。观测期间,广州气团来源可分成来自远海、近海、西面陆地和北面陆地4种类型。细颗粒物总数浓度水平在4种类型中基本相当。当气团来自远海时,二次转化影响较小,PM2.5质量浓度较低,颗粒物数浓度从大到小依次为老化爱根核模态新鲜爱根核模态度积聚模态;受到海洋气团的影响,Cl-在PM2.5中比例为4种类型中最大。气团来自近海时,颗粒物二次生成与老化现象突出,数谱峰值出现在积聚模态,而其他类型出现在爱根核模态;SO2-4、OC与NO-3之和在PM2.5中的比例大于50%,为4种类型中最高。气团来自西面陆地和北面陆地时,细颗粒物受陆地传输老化气团和本地来源影响均较明显。来自北面陆地时,250 nm以上颗粒物数浓度明显升高,是PM2.5平均浓度远高于其他类型的直接原因之一。  相似文献   

The number concentration and size distribution of ultrafine particles in a S?derberg and a prebake potroom of an aluminium primary smelter have been measured using a scanning mobility particle spectrometer. The particle morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The study shows the existence of elevated number concentrations of ultrafine particles in both potrooms. The main source of these particles is likely to be the process of anode changing. The ultrafine particles were measured directly at the source but could also be identified as episodes of high number concentrations in the general background air. Unlike the larger particles belonging to the 50-100 nm mode, the nanoparticle mode could not be detected in the TEM indicating that they may not be stable under the applied sampling conditions and/or the high vacuum in the instrument.  相似文献   

This study used a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) to measure and categorize submicron atmospheric particles in the 14–737-nm size range for ambient and urban roadside air and for air in the Hsuehshan Tunnel (12.9 km), Taiwan. Principal component analysis, traffic flow, and particle size distributions were used to identify the emission characteristics of light-duty vehicles (LDV) with the SMPS data. In the Hsuehshan Tunnel, the particle size from the majority of emissions discharged by LDV is approximately 20–60 nm, and the maximum particle number can reach up to 2.5?×?105. In contrast, submicron particle size distribution for urban roadsides is mostly 14–200 nm, and the maximum particle number is approximately 4?×?104 with the particle number for most particle sizes being below 1,200. The submicron particle size distribution at the ambient air station was unimodal with a mode sizes at 30–50 nm with the maximum particle number of 3,000.  相似文献   

Street dust has been sampled from six different types of land use of the city of Murcia (Spain). The samples were fractionated into eleven particle size fractions (<2, 2-10, 10-20, 20-50, 50-75, 75-106, 106-150, 150-180, 180-425, 425-850 μm and 850-2000 μm) and analyzed for Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd. The concentrations of these four potentially toxic metals were assessed, as well as the effect of particle size on their distribution. A severe enrichment of all metals was observed for all land-uses (industrial, suburban, urban and highways), with the concentration of all metals affected by the type of land-use. Coarse and fine particles in all cases showed concentrations of metals higher than those found in undisturbed areas. However, the results indicated a preferential partitioning of metals in fine particle size fractions in all cases, following a logarithmic distribution. The accumulation in the fine fractions was higher when the metals had an anthropogenic origin. The strong overrepresentation of metals in particles <10 μm indicates that if the finest fractions are removed by a vacuum-assisted dry sweeper or a regenerative-air sweeper the risk of metal dispersion and its consequent risk for humans will be highly reduced. Therefore, we recommend that risk assessment programs include monitoring of metal concentrations in dust where each land-use is separately evaluated. The finest particle fractions should be examined explicitly in order to apply the most efficient measures for reducing the risk of inhalation and ingestion of dust for humans and risk for the environment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if there is an exposure gradient in particulate matter concentrations for people living near interstate highways, and to determine how far from the highway the gradient extends. Air samples were collected in a residential area of Greater Cincinnati in the vicinity of two major highways. The measurements were conducted at different distances from the highways by using ultrafine particle counters (measurement range: 0.02-1 microm), optical particle counters (0.3-20 microm), and PM2.5 Harvard Impactors (0.02-2.5 microm). The collected PM2.5 samples were analyzed for mass concentration, for elemental and organic carbon, and for elemental concentrations. The results show that the aerosol concentration gradient was most clearly seen in the particle number concentration measured by the ultrafine particle counters. The concentration of ultrafine particles decreased to half between the sampling points located at 50 m and 150 m downwind from the highway. Additionally, elemental analysis revealed a gradient in sulfur concentrations up to 400 m from the highway in a residential area that does not have major nearby industrial sources. This gradient was qualitatively attributed to the sulfate particle emissions from diesel engine exhausts, and was supported by the concentration data on several key elements indicative of traffic sources (road dust and diesel exhaust). As different particulate components gave different profiles of the diesel exposure gradient, these results indicate that no single element or component of diesel exhaust can be used as a surrogate for diesel exposure, but more comprehensive signature analysis is needed. This characterization is crucial especially when the exposure data are to be used in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

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