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洮滆水系湖库富营养化生态风险的特点与比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
茅东水库、长荡湖、涌湖、太湖竺山湾是洮滆水系从上游到下游排列的4大典型湖库,2008年的监测分析表明,氮、磷是该水系湖库富营养化的主要污染因子,并沿流域呈加剧趋势,上下游TP质量浓度为0.081~0.296 mg/L,差异小,而TN质量浓度为0.314~5.67 mg/L,差异大,长荡湖到涌湖是洮滆水系首要污染物TN快...  相似文献   

于2020年9月在太滆运河、漕桥河、徐家大塘和竺山湾布设14个监测点位,调查入太湖河道底栖动物群落结构,并采用Goodnight修正指数(GBI)、生物学污染指数(BPI)和多样性指数(H)进行水质生物学评价。结果表明,研究区域共检出底栖动物6纲18种,霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)和中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)为优势种,生物多样性由高到低为竺山湾(H=1.20)>徐家大塘(H=1.09)>太滆运河(H=0.67)>漕桥河(H=0.33)。典范对应分析显示,总氮、正磷酸盐等因子与寡毛类生物量呈正相关,叶绿素a、IMn与摇蚊幼虫生物量呈正相关。生物学评价表明,太滆运河处于中重度污染状态,漕桥河、徐家大塘和竺山湾处于中度污染状态。  相似文献   

2017年分3个时期(丰水期、平水期、枯水期)采集妫水河及其支流12个断面表层水样,分析了COD、氨氮、TP、DO、pH值等水质指标,采用单因子评价法、水污染指数法、主成分分析法和模糊综合评价法对水质进行评价,根据4种水质评价方法的评价结果,分析4种方法在小流域河流评价中的适用性。结果表明:目前妫水河12个断面中S2、S10和Z2 3个断面水质较差,基本属于地表Ⅴ类水,污染程度为重度污染;其他9个断面水质等级为地表Ⅳ类水,污染程度为中度污染;中段世园会段水质较好,优于上段和下段,主要污染指标为COD;妫水河主要污染源于农业和生活,枯水期水质优于平水期和丰水期。水污染指数法更适合小流域水体水质的定性定量评价,且计算方便简单。  相似文献   

以《湖北省水环境遥感监测示范系统》为数据处理平台,对2012—2014年湖北省大东湖水网、梁子湖水系和汤逊湖水系共计12个湖泊的水质类别以及营养状态级别进行遥感监测,并对比实测数据进行精度评价。结果表明:遥感监测的梁子湖、豹澥湖和严西湖水质相对较好,杨春湖、北湖和南湖水质相对较差且富营养化状况较为严重。该系统能很好地实现对水质优良达标湖泊以及富营养化湖泊的识别。对示范区域各湖泊水质类别和营养状态级别的遥感监测,基本上能满足业务化运行的需求。个别湖泊遥感监测精度较低,主要表现为遥感监测的湖泊水质类别和营养状态级别均要优于实测的结果。系统对于面积相对较大的湖泊遥感监测精度更高。  相似文献   

以西鞍山铁矿为例,采用BP人工神经网络模型对区内12个监测点的水质进行评价。以枯水期水质监测的主成分总硬度、溶解性总固体、硫酸盐、氯化物、铁和锰、硝酸盐、氟化物指标作为评价因子,建立地下水评价指标体系,并将评价结果与模糊综合评价法及综合质量评价法的评价结果比较。结果表明,8、9、10、11号监测点属于Ⅰ类水,1、2、3、4、6、7、12号监测点属于Ⅱ类水,5号监测点属于Ⅲ类水,西鞍山铁矿的开采未对地下水造成影响;该方法与模糊综合评价法及综合质量评价法的评价结果基本一致,可以客观、合理性地评价水质。  相似文献   

应用水质标识指数法评价太湖湖滨带水质   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以2009年12月和2010年4、8月的全太湖湖滨带水质监测数据为基础,以TN、TP、NH3-N、CODMn、DO为评价指标,采用水质标识指数评价法对太湖湖滨带水质进行评价。水质指标基本信息显示,NH3-N冬季、春季空间变异较大,TP夏季空间变异较大;单因子标识指数评价结果显示,太湖湖滨带水体水质因子污染风险时空差异显著,TN冬季、春季全区域污染风险均较大,NH3-N冬季和夏季在竺山湾、西部沿岸区域污染风险较大,TP三季在竺山湾、西部沿岸区域污染风险较大;综合标识指数评价结果显示,东太湖、东部沿岸、贡湖区域水质较好,为Ⅲ类水,竺山湾和西部沿岸水体水质最差,为Ⅴ类水,且竺山湾和西部沿岸水体三季均处于重度污染状态。该研究可为太湖湖滨带水环境的生态恢复和标识指数应用的推广提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

对云龙湖水质进行了调查与评价.在云龙湖东湖、西湖区各设置3个采样点,监测水体中TN、TP、Imn、NH3-N、DO和SD指标;分别使用模糊识别法和湖泊综合营养指数对水体进行水质评价与富营养化评价,结果表明,云龙湖水质级别为III类,其中TN、TP超标明显,水体呈现中度富营养化;不同功能区水质差异明显,东湖区水质优于西湖...  相似文献   

基于2009—2018年鄱阳湖15个监测点位的水质监测数据,采用基于熵权改进的综合水质指数(WQI)法研究10年间该湖水质年际、季节演变特征及空间分布情况。结果表明:鄱阳湖WQI多年平均值为78.41,水质总体处于差等级,其中氮、磷污染较为严重;该湖水质空间分布差异较小,各湖区WQI较为接近,湖区西北部和东南部污染相对较为严重;该湖夏季水质较好,水质与降水量及湖面风浪强度紧密相关;该湖污染物主要来自入湖河流周边的工、矿、企业的废水及采砂造成的污染物释放,建议控制、治理入湖河流水质,提高鄱阳湖较重污染区水质。  相似文献   

江苏地表水体大型底栖无脊椎动物生物多样性状况研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构与水体水质和水生态系统健康状况关系密切,其受外界干扰后群落结构的变化趋势可以反映水体受污染的性质和程度。2008年,对江苏省主要饮用水源地,长江、京杭大运河等主要河流及太湖等重点湖泊开展底栖动物调查与评价研究,共设置调查点位154个。江苏主要饮用水源地底栖动物的物种数量为78种,主要河流发现底栖动物96种,主要湖泊底栖动物发现65种。从物种多样性指数评价结果看,主要湖泊的底栖生物多样性状况优于地表水源地和主要河流,丰富和较丰富所占比例合计达58%;主要河流的评价结果最差,丰富和较丰富所占比例合计仅达30.7%,存在11.3%物种多样性极贫乏的点位,且大部分水体底栖动物组成以耐污种为主,优势种为极耐污的霍甫水丝蚓,水质状况劣于饮用水源地和主要湖泊。  相似文献   

对宁波市11个湖库水质进行了调研,包括浮游藻类和理化指标。从浮游藻类的生物量、优势种以及藻类群落组成等指标评价了水质;还用修正的营养状态指数法评价了水质。结果表明,部分湖库已经出现富营养化。用浮游藻类评价与修正的营养状态指数法评价这些湖库,结果不完全一致,对此做了原因分析。同时提出防止湖库受污染的几点建议。  相似文献   

河流沉积物中有机污染物的分析研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
总结了近年来河流沉积物中有机污染物的研究进展 ,集中评述了国内有关沉积物中多环芳烃、有机氯农药和多氯联苯的分析研究现状 ,包括样品采集、样品前处理和样品分析 ,并对今后河流、湖泊及水库沉积物中污染物的分析工作作了展望  相似文献   

选取位于西藏拉萨的罗布林卡、龙王潭公园、布达拉宫广场,位于林芝的福建公园,以及位于昌都的天津广场等5个城市公园,于2017年5—6月采取样线法对其中的鸟类群落组成和外来鸟种情况进行调查。调查共记录到鸟类9目20科36种,其中属于古北界的有12种,东洋界和广布种也均为12种。36种鸟类中,留鸟24种,夏候鸟6种,冬候鸟2种,旅鸟4种。统计到外来鸟种4种,包括山噪鹛(Garrulax davidi)、八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrix lutea)及大紫胸鹦鹉(Psittacula derbiana),占调查鸟种种类的11.1%,外来物种的入侵风险在高原不容忽视。  相似文献   

Quantifying nickel in soils and plants in an ultramafic area in Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, concentrations of nickel (Ni) were quantified in the soils and plants in the agricultural areas of Salcedo watershed in Eastern Samar Island, Philippines. The quantity of total Ni in soils (TS-Ni) was significantly high with a mean of 1,409 mg kg?1, while the soil available Ni (SA-Ni) was low with a mean of 8.66 mg kg?1. As the levels of TS-Ni in the Salcedo watershed greatly exceeded the maximum allowable concentrations for agricultural soils, the site is not suitable for agricultural purposes. Despite significant TS-Ni levels, SA-Ni levels were very low due to tight binding between Ni and soil components. Consequently, all plants investigated did not meet the criterion for a Ni hyperaccumulator plant with low Ni contents (mean TP-Ni of 14.7 mg kg?1). Comparison of Ni levels between food plants and its recommended daily intake (RDI) suggests that consumption of food-plants grown in the study area is unlikely to pose health risks. However, caution must be taken against combined consumption of food plants with high Ni levels or their prolonged consumption, as it can induce accumulation of Ni above RDI.  相似文献   

Plants continue to be an important source of new bioactive substances. Brazil is one of the world’s mega-diverse countries, with 20 % of the world’s flora. However, the accelerated destruction of botanically rich ecosystems has contributed to a gradual loss of native medicinal species. In previous study, we have observed a fast and intensive change in trade of medicinal plants in an area of Amazon, where human occupation took place. In this study, we surveyed 15 public markets in different parts of Brazil in search of samples of 40 plants used in traditional medicine and present in first edition of Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia (FBRAS), published in 1926. Samples of plants commercialized as the same vernacular name as in Pharmacopoeia were acquired and submitted to analysis for authentication. A total of 252 plant samples were purchased, but the laboratory analyses showed that only one-half of the samples (126, 50.2 %) were confirmed as the same plant species so named in FBRAS. The high number of unauthenticated samples demonstrates a loss of knowledge of the original native species. The proximity of the market from areas in which the plant occurs does not guarantee that trade of false samples occurs. The impact of the commerce of the substitute species on their conservation and in public health is worrying. Strategies are necessary to promote the better use and conservation of this rich heritage offered by Brazilian biodiversity.  相似文献   

Implementing good practice social impact assessment (SIA) that meets international standards in countries in transition is problematic. We reflect on the challenges faced when undertaking SIA in the Russian Federation. These challenges restrict meaningful SIA processes from being undertaken and limit public participation and the effective community engagement of project-affected local people. Based on the self-reflexive professional experience of two Russian-based social practitioners, and their discursive interactions with two leading academics in environmental and social impact assessment, as well as on in-depth interviews with prominent Russian and international experts, we identified the key challenges that prevent effective SIA from being implemented in Russia: a lack of understanding of the international standards; discrepancy in the determination of the social area of influence between the national requirements and international standards; difficulties in combining national and international impact assessment processes; and a tendency by companies to restrict stakeholder engagement to the minimum. We hope that by having an awareness of these limitations, improvements to SIA practice in Russia and elsewhere will be made.  相似文献   

HPLC法测定饲料中维生素A、维生素D 3 和维生素E   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
建立了以w(C2H5OH)=95 %乙醇直接提取,高效液相色谱仪在波长280 nm和254 nm处连续测定饲料中维生素A、维生素D3和维生素E的方法.色谱柱为大连依利特Hypersil ODS C18(25 cm×4.6 mm×5 μm),流动相为甲醇-水,流速为1.2 mL/min.维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E的质量浓度分别在1.0 mg/L~20.0 mg/L、0.5 mg/L~15.0 mg/L 、2.5 mg/L~50.0 mg/L范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,检测限分别为0.3×10-6 μg、0.04×10-6 μg、5.0×10-6 μg,相对标准偏差分别为1.6 %、2.7 %、2.4 %,平均回收率分别为99 %、102 %、98 %.  相似文献   

As a part the Italian National Programme of Research in Antarctica (PNRA) a monitoring study has been undertaken to quantify the concentrations of some selected trace elements in human hair of participants in the Antarctic expeditions. Such concentrations may vary as a consequence of the extreme environmental conditions and changes in lifestyle experienced by participants in the expeditions, as some evidence in previous investigations seems to suggest. The present study regards samples collected on the occasion of the 2002-2003 expedition to the Italian Base of Terra Nova Bay (now Mario Zucchelli Base), i.e., just before the expedition and about one month later. Seven essential elements were taken into account, namely, Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Mo. Determinations were performed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) and Dynamic Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (DRC-ICP-MS). Data obtained were statistically treated by using the non-parametric Friedman test. The concentrations of Ca, Cu and Mg were found to decrease (P < 0.05). The stress caused by the severe environmental conditions might well play a role in the observed decrease.  相似文献   

Concern about nitrogen loads in marine environments has drawn attention to the existence and possible causes of long-term trends in nitrogen transport in rivers. The present study was based on data from the Swedish environmental monitoring programme for surface water quality; the continuity of these data is internationally unique. A recently developed semiparametric method was employed to study the development of relationships between runoff and river transport of nitrogen since 1971; the observed relationships were then used to produce time series of flow-normalised transports for 66 sites in 39 river basins. Subsequent statistical analyses of flow-normalised data revealed only few significant downward trends (p 0.05) during the time period 1971–1994, and the most pronounced of these downward trends were caused by reduced point emissions of nitrogen. The number of significant upward trends was substantially larger (15 for total-N and 18 for NO3-N). Closer examination of obtained results revealed the following: (i) the most pronounced upward trends were present downstream of lakes, and (ii) observed increases in nitrogen transport coincided in time and space with reduced point emissions of phosphorus or organic matter. This indicated that changes in the retention of nitrogen in lakes were responsible for the upward nitrogen trends. The hypothesis that nitrogen saturation of forest soils has caused a general increase in the riverine export of nitrogen from forested catchments in Sweden was not confirmed. Neither did the results indicate that improved agricultural practices have reduced the export of nitrogen from agricultural catchments.  相似文献   

为调查丽水市空气中Pb污染现状,在机动车相对集中的市区布设5个测点,测点高度1.2m;监测周期为1a,每星期采样1d或2d,每天采集1个样,每次采样6h;监测项目为TSP、Pb;评价标准采用GB3095—1996《环境空气质量标准》。结果表明,丽水市各测点空气中Pb最大的季均值、年均值均未超标;常规测点和交通路口测点之间TSP、Pb质量浓度值均存在显著的差异性。  相似文献   

基于城市超级站对2018年12月—2019年2月南京市在线水溶性离子污染特征进行研究。结果表明:监测期间水溶性无机离子(WSIs)质量浓度均值为45.7μg/m3,占PM2.5的67.8%,各离子排序为NO3-> SO42->NH4+>Cl->K+>Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+。二次离子(SNA)是PM2.5主要组分,大气气溶胶呈中性。各离子日变化存在差异,SNA变化趋势和WSIs基本一致。南京市冬季存在明显SO2和NO2向SO42-和NO3-二次转化;NO3-/SO42-均值为1.96,移动源增量大于固定源。通过相关性和三相聚类分析可知,SNA主要结合方式为(NH4)2SO4和NH4NO3。主成分分析表明,南京市冬季PM2.5中水溶性离子主要来源是二次转化,燃煤、生物质燃烧和土壤建筑扬尘也有贡献。  相似文献   

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