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通过对上海市危险废物焚烧行业焚烧炉排放烟气数据的分析,结果表明:不管是医疗废物焚烧炉还是一般危险废物焚烧炉,其二蟋英分布规律大致相同;PCDFs对二曝英的贡献率远高于PCDDs;实测检出的二嚼英异构体中,占二嚼英总量比例较大的依次为1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD和OCDD;I—TEQ贡献最高的二嚼英异构体为2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF,贡献率达31.08%~53.56%。17种二喏英异构体与I—TEQ的相关性分析表明,仅2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF在2类焚烧炉中与I—TEQ均存在相关性,其相关系数分别为0.989和0.998,可以作为潜在的测定指示物。  相似文献   

为简化消解过程,使温度易于控制,提高总氮测定方法的稳定性,用烘箱代替高压锅进行消解,采用过硫酸钾氧化,用紫外光度法测定样品中总氮,经实验研究对比,该法稳定性好,易于操作,且能得到令人满意的结果  相似文献   

文中阐述了黄河沿岸废水随意排放,城市垃圾任意倾倒,造成水质恶化,尤其是漂浮物横流,大量的白色垃圾聚集在坝前库区,形成水上垃圾场,严重腐蚀机电设备,影响电站的安全生产和正常发电,本公司在力所能及的情况下,投入资金治理白色污染及呼吁政府部门加大执法力度,加强公民道德教育,让每一个市民从自已做起,共同保护母亲河.  相似文献   

对硫化物标准溶液保存时间进行了探讨,试验结果表明,在低温冷藏和密封贮存的条件下,配置好的硫化物标准溶液性质比较稳定,可以保存12个月,大大降低了试剂消耗,提高了工作效率.并结合多年的分析体会,提出了分析过程中应注意的几个事项,在实际工作中有一定的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

北京日报消息 一些科学家14日提醒,日本福岛县所在地区再遭高级别地震的风险大,发生事故的福岛第一核电站必须加强安全措施,以防二次遭灾。同一天,日本原子能委员会委员长近藤骏介承认,福岛第一核电站存在设计缺陷,但他认为,核电站再次失控的可能性不大。  相似文献   

2014年7月6~8日,受中国环境监测总站委派,由上海市环境监测中心、安徽省环境监测中心站、湖南省环境监测中心站一行4人组成的国家上岗证考核专家组,对新疆环境监测总站进行了上岗证考核。新疆环境监测总站高度重视上岗证考核工作,全站上下全力以赴,科学安排,认真准备,多次召开内审会议,查摆问题,督促相关科室和人员进行整改,开展了多个专项技术培训,并进行了摸底考试。另所有参考人员开展了百分之百的自认定考核,为全面迎接上岗证考核做好了充分的准备。经过3天紧张忙碌的考核,新疆环境监测总站31名持证上岗人员、10大类,531项次顺利通过了考核,考核成绩得到了专家组的充分肯定。通过此次上岗证考核进一步提升了本站的队伍素质和人员能力,单位质量管理体系得到更进一步完善,为今后的转型发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

以影响太湖入湖河流水质的24个因子值为研究对象,将PSO算法与SVM算法相结合。PSO算法用于优化SVM算法的参数c和g,以利于快速、高效地确定c和g的全局最优值;SVM算法基于最优的c和g,分别以24,21,18,15,12,9和6个因子作为特征向量预测水质的污染程度。结果表明,当特征向量为9个影响因子时预测率最高。其参数c=18.56,g=1.35,对应的预测率为:全局预测率92.59%,重度污染水质预测率88.89%,轻度污染水质预测率94.45%。因此,通过PSO和SVM混合算法,可以确定影响太湖入湖河流水质的主要因子,利用这些主要因子对水质进行预测预警,不但可以节省时间,而且可以得到精确的结果。  相似文献   

研究了1,2,4,5-四氯苯在C18膜/水相之间的分配规律。1,2,4,5-四氯苯在:25℃,80r/min条件下恒温震荡96h可达分配平衡,温度和盐度对1,2,4,5-四氯苯C18膜/水的分配过程影响很小,1,2,4,5-四氯苯C18膜/水分配平衡时间受溶液体积和容器容积的影响,但不受溶液中C18膜膜量的影响,推测脂溶性小于或接近1,2,4,5-四氯苯的有机污染物在恒温震荡条件下C18膜与水之间的分配96h可达到平衡。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,城市大气污染日益加剧,空气污染特征由单一型向复合性转变,灰霾成为近年来空气污染的又一特征。统计表明,从20世纪至今,上海市区的灰霾天数日渐增多,建立新的空气质量评价体系,预防和评估环境风险亟待加强。  相似文献   

应用2007—2017年期间4个时间点的遥感影像数据,选取典型景观格局指数,对三亚市的景观空间格局动态特征进行分析,探求其驱动因素。研究表明:近十年来,三亚市内同种土地利用类型的空间聚集程度降低,空间分布逐渐趋向于分散,不同类型的土地之间相互融合度较高,形状趋于复杂化,景观类型分布趋势呈均衡化,景观的破碎化程度加强,景观复杂程度增高,土地利用的丰富程度逐渐加强。通过驱动因素分析,国家政策的导向、城市总体规划的实施、产业结构调整及自然环境的变化是影响三亚城市景观空间格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在我国共860多个土壤样品、41种土类中的48种元素背景值调查研究中,元素含量差异的来源并估计了各部分来源的差异所占比例;同时采用单因素方差分析法,研究了土壤类型对48种元素背景值的影响。结果表明,土壤背景值数据的伯差主要来源于样品本身固有的差异;常量元素的采样偏差大于分析测试过程产生的偏差;而微量元素的分析测试偏差大于采样偏差。  相似文献   

北京市主要水污染物排放特征及水质改善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染排放信息是环境决策的重要依据。分析了北京市水环境质量的现状,基于最新源排放清单,解析北京市当前主控污染物COD、氨氮排放的结构特征和空间特征,以期为北京市开展基于流域综合治理的水污染控制和水环境管理提供依据。按照工业源、农业源、生活源和集中处理设施的环境统计口径,2013年,COD、氨氮的排放构成分别为2.7%、37.1%、35.0%、25.3%和1.5%、20.1%、54.8%、23.6%。其中,农业源中畜禽养殖排放是主要来源,COD、氨氮总排放分别占农业源总排放量的94.7%和87.0%。在北京市五大水系中,北运河流域排放量最大,COD、氨氮排放量分别占全市总排放量的53.3%和57.4%。为改善北京市水环境质量,建议从加快污水处理厂提标改造、推动面源污染治理、加强水利联通、合理规划城市规模布局等4个方面入手。  相似文献   

Kelp may be useful as a bioindicator because they are primary producers that are eaten by higher trophic level organisms, including people and livestock. Often when kelp or other algae species are used as bioindicators, the whole organism is homogenized. However, some kelp can be over 25 m long from their holdfast to the tip of the blade, making it important to understand how contaminant levels vary throughout the plant. We compared the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in five different parts of the kelp Alaria nana to examine the variability of metal distribution. To be useful as a bioindicator, it is critical to know whether levels are constant throughout the kelp, or which part is the highest accumulator. Kelp were collected on Adak Island in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska from the Adak Harbor and Clam Cove, which opens onto the Bering Sea. In addition to determining if the levels differ in different parts of the kelp, we wanted to determine whether there were locational or size-related differences. Regression models indicated that between 14% and 43% of the variation in the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, manganese, mercury, and selenium was explained by total length, part of the plant, and location (but not for lead). The main contributors to variability were length (for arsenic and selenium), location (mercury), and part of the plant (for arsenic, cadmium, chromium and manganese). The higher levels of selenium occurred at Clam Cove, while mercury was higher at the harbor. Where there was a significant difference among parts, the holdfast had the highest levels, although the differences were not great. These data indicate that consistency should be applied in selecting the part of kelp (and the length) to be used as a bioindicator. While any part of Alaria could be collected for some metals, for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and manganese a conversion should be made among parts. In the Aleutians the holdfast can be perennial while the blade, whipped to pieces by winter wave action, is regrown each year. Thus the holdfast may be used for longer-term exposure for arsenic, cadmium, chromium and manganese, while the blade can be used for short-term exposure for all metals. Cadmium, lead and selenium were at levels that suggest that predators, including people, may be at risk from consuming Alaria. More attention should be devoted to heavy metal levels in kelp and other algae from Adak, particularly where they may play a role in a subsistence diets.  相似文献   

基于文献计量学的“十三五”生态环境监测研究热点分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用科学计量与可视化相关工具,以《中文核心期刊要目总览(2017年版)》27种环境科学类核心期刊发表的2016—2020年生态环境监测论文数据为基础,从载文量分布、高被引论文、高产机构分布和技术主题分布等方面分析了"十三五"期间我国生态环境监测研究热点。结果表明:"十三五"期间生态环境监测论文数量有所增加,主要载文期刊分布于《环境科学》《中国环境监测》《环境科学与技术》;主要发文机构是中国环境科学研究院、中国环境监测总站、中国科学院大学;排名前10位的技术主题词分别是PM_(2.5)、重金属、土壤、污染特征、颗粒物、挥发性有机物、生态风险、臭氧、沉积物、多环芳烃,结合"十三五"前期和中后期热点主题词变化分析了生态环境监测研究关注点的变化趋势。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the potential of greywater availability in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman, to establish a methodology for greywater quantity estimation, to test greywater quality in order to assess reuse potential, and to examine public acceptance for reuse.Total fresh water consumption and greywater generation from different household sources were measured by water meters in five selected households during summer and winter. Additionally, a survey was designed and conducted in five administrative areas of Muscat Governorate, with the objective of testing a methodology for estimating greywater generation potential in these areas. Collected data were compared with that used by the Ministry of Housing, Electricity and Water, Sultanate of Oman. The survey covered a total of 169 houses and 1,365 people. Greywater samples were collected and analyzed from showers, laundries, kitchens and sinks in some of these households to determine their water quality parameters. Statistical analysis results indicated that there is no significant variance in the total fresh water consumption between data used by the ministry and those measured and estimated during this study, highlighting the applicability of the tested method. The study concluded that the average per capita greywater generation rate is 151 Lpcd. Greywater production ranged from 80 to 83% of the total fresh water consumption and most of the greywater is generated from showers. Further, 55 to 57% of the greywater generated in a typical Omani household originated from the shower, 28 to 33% originated from the kitchen, 6 to 9% originated from laundry, and 5 to 7% originated from sink, which constitutes approximately 81% of the total fresh water consumption. The physical, chemical, and biological analyses of the grab samples revealed that greywater contains significant levels of suspended solids, inorganic constituents, total organic carbon, chemical and biochemical oxygen demands, total Coliforms and Escherichia Coliform bacteria. The public acceptance survey illustrated that approximately 76% of the respondents accepted the reuse of greywater for gardening, 53% for car washing and 66% for toilet flushing.  相似文献   

通过对土层中石油烃类污染物索氏抽提流程的改进 ,实现蒸馏氯仿的回收与再利用。实验结果表明 ,用改进索氏抽提流程测的有机物含量与传统的流程相比 ,所减少的石油烃类物质损耗占总石油物质含量的 1 0 % ;同时 ,蒸馏回收的氯仿的 70 %可以重新用于索氏抽提 ,由此产生的误差小于 1 % ,不会影响残油微生物降解试验的分析精度 ,具有资源回收与保护环境的双重效应  相似文献   

为提高沙尘天气的预报准确率,利用ECWMF再分析资料和近地面PM10小时质量浓度监测数据,评估WRFNAQPMS模式对2021年3月15—21日甘肃强沙尘过程的预报能力。结果表明,WRF-NAQPMS能够在一定程度上模拟此次污染过程:WRF对“3· 15”天气系统的模拟与实况整体趋势较为一致,随着预报时效延长,气象模拟场移动偏快,导致沙尘预报场发展偏快、沙尘二次传输影响下游时间提前;近地面风向的局地偏差是导致甘肃中东部地区沙尘浓度出现预报误差的主要气象因素。NAQPMS模式对PM10小时质量浓度的模拟随着预报时效增加和离沙源地距离的增大,预报误差逐步增大:在河西地区,沙尘影响时段和起沙浓度的模拟值均接近监测值,其中嘉峪关、酒泉、张掖的PM10小时质量浓度模拟值与监测值相关系数r>0.8;中部地区城市的沙尘影响时段预报略有偏差,且模拟值低于监测值;受复杂下垫面和气象场预报误差影响,省内其他地区沙尘预报结果参考性较低。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the extent of heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of a lead battery manufacturing plant in the Czech Republic, both in the general environment and within homes. Topsoils (0–5 cm) were sampled from 100 sites along 4 transects which crossed the battery factory, the town centre and outlying rural areas. Housedust samples were collected from 15 plant-workers' homes and 15 non plant-workers' homes located at various distances from the factory. Samples were analysed for levels of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb, using ICP-AES. Soil concentrations of Pb, Cd, As and Sb peaked at the perimeter fence of the battery factory with Pb levels of up to 12 650 g g> -1. Concentrations of these metals decreased exponentially within 500 m of the plant. Whilst the battery factory does appear to be a source of all the metals with the exception of Zn, emissions do not appear to be transported to any great extent over distances of more than 0.5 km. Topsoil and housedust concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb in the general Mlada Boleslav area do not appear to be significantly different from those recorded in a large scale survey of urban soils in the United Kingdom. A comparison of housedust Pb concentrations in homes of plant workers and non-plant workers suggests that there may be a small input of Pb into the home environment by battery plant employees.  相似文献   

The assessment of marine pollution due to metals was made for surficial sediments sampled from 20 sites along Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The samples were dried, acid digested and analyzed for leachable and total heavy metal contents (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (air–acetylene) with deuterium background correction. Evaluation of the heavy metals pollution status was carried out using enrichment factors (EFs), the effect range-low (ERL) and the effect range-median (ERM). The study showed high concentrations of Cd, Co, Pb, Ni and moderate concentrations of Cr, Cu and Mn were contaminated in the sediments of studied sites. The results of Spearman correlation, factor and cluster analysis of the heavy metals analyzed in the collected sediment were discussed. The main source of contamination is the offshore oil field and industrial wastes, which arise due to the ineffective and inefficient operation equipments, illegal discharge and lack of supervision and prosecution of offenders.  相似文献   

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