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以陆生来源有机物为原料制备了模拟氯、氯胺消毒饮用水,系统研究了煮沸对六大类46种消毒副产物(disinfection by-products, DBPs)的去除规律.结果显示,相比氯消毒,氯胺消毒可有效减少三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、卤乙醛(HALs)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)、卤乙腈(HANs)等DBPs的生成,但会提高碘代DBPs (I-DBPs)、卤乙酰胺(HAcAms)的生成.煮沸对于绝大多数DBPs (除了二卤乙酸)有良好的去除效果,并发现如下规律:(1)就单种DBP而言,消毒方式对煮沸去除DBPs并无显著影响;(2)在同类型的DBPs中,取代程度高的DBPs普遍比取代程度低的DBPs容易去除;(3)取代程度相同的同类型DBPs,煮沸后DBPs去除率大部分遵循I-DBPs> Br-DBPs> Cl-DBPs的规律;(4)少部分DBPs (如Cl/Br-THMs、二卤乙腈),煮沸去除率表现出沸点或亨利常数依赖性.总体来看,DBPs去除率排序为THMs≈HANs≈HALs≈HNMs> HAcAms>>HAAs.此外,煮沸后各类DBPs的...  相似文献   

梅红  丁国际  黄鑫  高乃云  卢宁 《环境科学学报》2011,31(10):2162-2168
通过水厂出水DBPs调查和氯化培养实验探讨了黄浦江水中溴离子(Br-)在消毒过程中的迁移及对含溴副产物(溴代三卤甲烷和卤乙酸)生成的影响.结果表明,采用氯胺消毒的水厂出水中约10%的Br-迁移至Br-THMs和Br-HAAs.氯化培养时,在余氯充足的前提下增加Br-浓度,总有机溴(TOBr)和含溴副产物均增加.延长氯化...  相似文献   

饮用水中卤代消毒副产物的产生和影响因素的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
论述了卤代消毒副产物(三卤甲烷和卤代乙酸)对人体健康的危害,研究了投氯量、氯化时间、pH值和温度对它们的影响,提出了去除卤代消毒副产物的途径。  相似文献   

阿哈水库DOM的分离及其对消毒副产物的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究高原喀斯特湖库DOM(dissolved organic matter,溶解性有机质)的组成及其化学特征对DBPs(disinfection by-products,消毒副产物)生成路径的影响,以西南喀斯特地区贵阳市阿哈水库的DOM为研究对象,结合XAD大孔树脂分离技术,通过化学表征〔包括UV-Vis(紫外-可见光光谱)、FTIR(红外光谱)和3D-EEM(三维荧光光谱)〕手段来研究各组分对C-DBPs(含碳消毒副产物)和N-DBPs(含氮消毒副产物)的生成贡献.不同组分芳香性的大小依次为HON(憎水中性物)> HIB(亲水碱)> HOA(憎水酸)> HIN(亲水中性物)≈HIA(亲水酸)> HOB(憎水碱).憎水与亲水DOM的DBPs生成潜能相近.其中,HON最高,其次为HIB和HOA.HIB和HOA的主要卤代反应位分别来源于藻类有机物的蛋白质和富里酸,而HON的DBPs生成潜能的贡献主要为分子中的芳香和共轭不饱和结构.HIA和HIN的构成主要为脂肪烃,贡献较低的DBPs的生成潜能.对于C-DBPs,THMs和HAAs的生成潜能总体相近,不同组分的差异明显.对于N-DBPs,卤乙腈的生成潜能占80%以上,憎水DOM的贡献较高.DBPs的生成路径从UV-Vis、FTIR和3D-EEM的官能团和特征峰解析结果中均得到了较好的响应.   相似文献   

底泥、土壤均是水体有机物的重要来源,但目前相关消毒副产物(DBPs)形成方面的研究偏少.本研究以长三角重要水源地太湖、钱塘江取水口的底泥和周边土壤的浸出液为研究对象,探索氯、臭氧+氯、氯胺、臭氧+氯胺4种消毒方式下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤代酮(HKs)、卤乙腈(HANs)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的形成情况.结果表明,太湖、钱塘江取水口的底泥、周边土壤有机物的芳香度均很低(SUVA254(即比紫外吸光值)2),与腐殖质(Sigma)相比,底泥、土壤有机物不是氯消毒中THMs的重要前驱物,但却是HANs特别是HNMs的重要前驱物.相比氯消毒,氯胺消毒能大幅降低土壤、底泥有机物THMs、HKs、HANs、HNMs的生成量,而且也可抑制含溴DBPs的形成.臭氧预处理大幅提高了氯、氯胺消毒中HKs、HNMs的产量,但对THMs、HANs则不一定.太湖、钱塘江的土壤、底泥存在一定的溴污染,但不管是哪种消毒方式,均是HNMs的溴嵌入因子最大.  相似文献   

系统研究了南水北调中线工程水源——丹江口水库水在氯(胺)化消毒条件下,常规消毒副产物的产生特性,考察了消毒方式、消毒剂投加量、接触时间、p H和溴离子浓度等因素的影响,并对消毒工艺参数进行了优化.结果发现,丹江口水库水经氯化消毒可产生三氯甲烷、二氯一溴甲烷等常规含碳和较低浓度二氯乙腈、三氯硝基甲烷等含氮消毒副产物,而氯胺化消毒仅产生三氯甲烷和三氯硝基甲烷等消毒副产物(disinfection by-products,DBPs).自由氯消毒过程产生的各类型DBPs浓度约为氯胺消毒的7.5倍,短时自由氯转氯胺方式DBPs产生量介于两者之间;随着自由氯投加量增加,各类型消毒副产物均呈现增加趋势,投加量大于2 mg·L-1后DBPs增加量较少.随氯胺投加量增加,三氯甲烷生成量变化不大,投加量大于2mg·L-1后可产生三氯硝基甲烷等副产物.随反应时间延长,自由氯的衰减速率明显大于氯胺,同时消毒副产物增长量明显快于氯胺消毒.随着p H升高,自由氯消毒后三卤甲烷含量呈现增加趋势,而氯胺消毒后变化不明显.随溴离子浓度的增加,自由氯和氯胺消毒后副产物类型均向溴代DBPs转变,同时总生成量明显增加,自由氯消毒DBPs增长量明显大于氯胺消毒过程.丹江口水库水采用氯胺化消毒可以降低消毒副产物的生成风险,如采用自由氯消毒方式,水厂需根据实际常规处理工艺重点控制自由氯的投加量等参数.  相似文献   

组合氯化消毒工艺的卤代消毒副产物生成特性   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
刘静  陈超  张晓健 《环境科学》2009,30(9):2538-2543
比较4种单独使用氯或组合氯化消毒工艺在较长管网停留时的卤代消毒副产物生成情况.4种工艺为单独游离氯消毒、氯胺消毒、清水池游离氯消毒后转氯胺的先氯后氨消毒、短时游离氯后转氯胺的顺序氯化消毒工艺.结果表明,游离氯消毒工艺在管网停留时间长时,卤代消毒副产物会持续大量的生成,而一氯胺消毒工艺生成的卤代消毒副产物量很低.目前使用较为普遍的先氯后氨消毒工艺与游离氯消毒相比,可以降低卤代消毒副产物的生成量,管网停留24 h时,三卤甲烷的生成量降低了9.6%,卤乙酸的生成量减低了42%.但是先氯后氨消毒工艺由于游离氯接触时间约为2 h,卤代消毒副产物已经大量生成.短时游离氯后转氯胺的顺序氯化消毒工艺,由于控制了游离氯的接触时间,可以在保障消毒工艺灭活微生物效果的同时更为有效地控制卤代消毒副产物,管网停留24 h时,三卤甲烷的生成量与单独游离氯消毒工艺相比降低了48%,卤乙酸的生成量减低了72%.因此,顺序氯化消毒工艺可以更好地控制卤代消毒副产物的生成,提高水质安全性.  相似文献   

以钱江源水源水为研究对象,以氯、氯胺为消毒方式,研究了不同消毒条件下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙腈(HANs)、氯代酮(CKs)、二卤乙酸(DHAAs)、三卤乙酸(THAAs)等消毒副产物(DBPs)的形成情况,以便为水务工作者监测钱江源建库前后水质、DBPs形成的变化提供基础数据.结果显示,氯消毒下DBPs的产量比氯胺消毒高出3~7倍甚至1个数量级,但不管是氯消毒还是氯胺消毒,THMs、HAAs形成量均在我国饮用水标准范围内.氯消毒下,大部分DBPs产量为中、碱性条件酸性条件(除了CKs),氯胺消毒则呈现不同的情况(所有DBPs的产量均为p H=6、p H=7p H=8).消毒剂量对所有DBPs形成具有明显的促进作用;溴离子对THMs、DHANs、DHAAs的形成有明显的促进作用.进一步研究表明,钱江源水源水的水质比钱塘江下游九溪水源水好,DBPs形成也较低,某些指标(如有机碳、有机氮、HANs形成量等)甚至比同省水质较好的金兰水库还要好;而且由于其较高的比紫外吸收值(SUVA),DBPs的溴嵌入能力均比九溪水源水、金兰水库低.此外,就目前的钱江源水源水来说,控制消毒剂量(氯、或氯胺)是控制DBPs形成的有效策略.  相似文献   

本文研究了在pH 6~8、反应时间2~72 h、反应温度10~30℃条件下,钱塘江水源水在臭氧-氯消毒联合作用下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、二卤乙酸(DHAAs)、三卤乙酸(THAAs)、二卤乙腈(HANs)、三卤硝基甲烷(THNMs)等5类消毒副产物(DBPs)的形成和溴取代特征.结果显示,臭氧-氯消毒下DBPs的形成与氯消毒有较多相似之处:①大部分DBPs形成量均随着温度的升高、时间的延长而增加,相应的溴取代因子(BSFs)则随着时间的延长、温度的上升而呈下降趋势;②氯代DHANs倾向于在酸性条件下形成多,而溴代DHANs则倾向于在碱性条件下形成多;③不管是氯消毒还是臭氧-氯消毒,也不管是哪种消毒条件,5类DBPs的BSF值顺序均为BSF_(HNMs)BSF_(DHANs) BSF_(THAAs)BSF_(THMs)≈BSF_(DHAAs).但与氯消毒不同的是,臭氧-氯消毒下THMs、DHAAs、THAAs、HANs的形成产量更低,而THNMs的产量则更高;而且与氯消毒相比,臭氧-氯消毒普遍增加了DBPs的溴取代程度,也改变了溴离子在不同DBPs之间的分配,即减少了THMs、DHAAs、THAAs、DHANs对溴的利用率,但大幅增加了HNMs的溴利用率.鉴于溴代HNMs的极高毒性,因此对于钱塘江水源水,臭氧-氯消毒要注意HNMs带来的健康风险.  相似文献   

含氯消毒副产物的种类、危害与地表水污染现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情期间,含氯消毒剂被大量使用,含氯消毒剂会与水中本底存在的有机物反应生成含氯消毒副产物(CDBPs),CDBPs包括卤甲烷、卤乙酸、无机卤氧酸盐、卤代乙腈、卤化氰、卤化硝基甲烷、卤代乙醛和其他CDBPs.梳理了各类CDBPs的危害,结果表明:大部分CDBPs具有致癌、致畸和致突变的“三致”毒性,在自然水体中威胁水生生物安全和人群健康;虽然现阶段大量研究集中于饮用水中的消毒副产物,但也有少量研究证实地表水中已有消毒副产物的检出.新冠肺炎疫情期间含氯消毒剂使用量较大,建议对余氯呈阳性的地表水继续开展主要CDBPs的筛查,有针对性地开展监测,推动含氯消毒剂的合理使用;同时,应加强监管,在地表水质量标准修订时完善消毒副产物指标,在相关行业废水控制标准中增加消毒副产物指标,避免对地表水生态系统造成次生环境影响.   相似文献   

Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone are widely used as disinfectants in drinking water treatments. However, the combined use of different disinfectants can result in the formation of various organic and inorganic disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The toxic interactions, including synergism, addition, and antagonism, among the complex DBPs are still unclear. In this study, we established and verified a real-time cell analysis (RTCA) method for cytotoxicity measurement on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell. Using this convenient and accurate method, we assessed the cytotoxicity of a series of binary combinations consisting of one of the 3 inorganic DBPs (chlorite, chlorate, and bromate) and one of the 32 regulated and emerging organic DBPs. The combination index (CI) of each combination was calculated and evaluated by isobolographic analysis to reflect the toxic interactions. The results confirmed the synergistic effect on cytotoxicity in the binary combinations consisting of chlorite and one of the 5 organic DBPs (2 iodinated DBPs (I-DBPs) and 3 brominated DBPs (Br-DBPs)), chlorate and one of the 4 organic DBPs (3 aromatic DBPs and dibromoacetonitrile), and bromate and one of the 3 organic DBPs (2 I-DBPs and dibromoacetic acid). The possible synergism mechanism of organic DBPs on the inorganic ones may be attributed to the influence of organic DBPs on cell membrane and cell antioxidant system. This study revealed the toxic interactions among organic and inorganic DBPs, and emphasized the latent adverse outcomes in the combined use of different disinfectants.  相似文献   

Halogenated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are an unintended consequence of drinking water disinfection, and can have significant toxicity. XAD resins are commonly used to extract and enrich trace levels of DBPs for comprehensive, nontarget identification of DBPs and also for in vitro toxicity studies. However, XAD resin recoveries for complete classes of halogenated DBPs have not been evaluated, particularly for low, environmentally relevant levels (ng/L to low µg/L). Thus, it is not known whether levels of DBPs or the toxicity of drinking water might be underestimated. In this study, DAX-8/XAD-2 layered resins were evaluated, considering both adsorption and elution from the resins, for extracting 66 DBPs from water. Results demonstrate that among the 7 classes of DBPs investigated, trihalomethanes (THMs), including iodo-THMs, were the most efficiently adsorbed, with recovery of most THMs ranging from 50%-96%, followed by halonitromethanes (40%-90%). The adsorption ability of XAD resins for haloacetonitriles, haloacetamides, and haloacetaldehydes was highly dependent on the individual species. The adsorption capacity of XAD resins for haloacetic acids was lower (5%-48%), even after adjusting to pH 1 before extraction. Recovery efficiency for most DBPs was comparable with their adsorption, as most were eluted effectively from XAD resins by ethyl acetate. DBP polarity and molecular weight were the two most important factors that determine their recovery. Recovery of trichloromethane, iodoacetic acid, chloro- and iodo-acetonitrile, and chloroacetamide were among the lowest, which could lead to underestimation of toxicity, particularly for iodoacetic acid and iodo-acetonitrile, which are highly toxic.  相似文献   

廖雨枫  王正  潘旸  李爱民 《环境科学》2024,45(3):1561-1576
在水资源紧缺的当下,污水再生利用是一项重要的环保战略更是资源战略.消毒能有效杀灭病菌和阻断介水疾病的传播,是保障再生水用水安全的重要手段.然而,消毒剂会不可避免地与水中有机物发生反应形成具有毒害效应的消毒副产物.围绕污水在再生消毒过程中所产生的消毒副产物,针对其检测识别方法、生成条件(前体物、消毒工艺及水质条件对消毒副产物生成的影响)以及控制方法(源头控制、过程控制及末端控制)进行综述.在此基础上,对再生水消毒副产物的未来研究动态进行了探讨,可为保障再生水的安全利用提供依据.  相似文献   

Although the health benefits of swimming are well-documented, health effects such as asthma and bladder cancer are linked to disinfection by-products (DBPs) in pool water. DBPs are formed from the reaction of disinfectants such as chlorine (Cl) or bromine (Br) with organics in the water. Our previous study (Daiber et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 6652; 2016) found correlations between the concentrations of classes of DBPs and the mutagenic potencies of waters from chlorinated or brominated swimming pools and spas. We extended this study by identifying significantly different concentrations of 21 individual DBPs in brominated or chlorinated pool and spa waters as well as identifying which DBPs and additional DBP classes were most associated with the mutagenicity of these waters. Using data from our previous study, we found that among 21 DBPs analyzed in 21 pool and spa waters, the concentration of bromoacetic acid was significantly higher in Br-waters versus Cl-waters, whereas the concentration of trichloroacetic acid was significantly higher in Cl-waters. Five Br-DBPs (tribromomethane, dibromochloroacetic acid, dibromoacetonitrile, bromoacetic acid, and tribromoacetic acid) had significantly higher concentrations in Br-spa versus Cl-spa waters. Cl-pools had significantly higher concentrations of Cl-DBPs (trichloroacetaldehyde, trichloromethane, dichloroacetic acid, and chloroacetic acid), whereas Br-pools had significantly higher concentrations of Br-DBPs (tribromomethane, dibromoacetic acid, dibromoacetonitrile, and tribromoacetic acid). The concentrations of the sum of all 4 trihalomethanes, all 11 Br-DBPs, and all 5 nitrogen-containing DBPs were each significantly higher in brominated than in chlorinated pools and spas. The 8 Br-DBPs were the only DBPs whose individual concentrations were significantly correlated with the mutagenic potencies of the pool and spa waters. These results, along with those from our earlier study, highlight the importance of Br-DBPs in the mutagenicity of these recreational waters.  相似文献   

Disinfection by-products (DBPs), formed from the reactions of disinfectants with natural organic matter and halides in drinking water, were considered to be cytotoxic and genotoxic, and might trigger various cancers. The relatively low concentration of DBPs in finished water (low µg/L or even ng/L levels) and the interference from water matrix inhibited in situ determination of DBPs. Moreover, the further formation and degradation of DBPs by disinfectants during the holding time (several hours to several days) from sample collection to analysis could adversely affect the determination of DBPs. To obtain accurate, precise and reliable data of DBP occurrence and formation, robust and reliable sample preservation is indispensable. However, the commonly used quenching agents (e.g., sodium sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, and ascorbic acid) for sample preservation can decompose reactive DBPs by reductive dehalogenation. This study evaluated the performance of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione (GSH) as quenching agents for the analysis of halogenated DBPs by investigating the stoichiometry of the disinfectant-quenching agent reaction, the formation of DBPs during chlor(am)ination of NAC or GSH, and the effects of NAC or GSH on the stability of 18 individual DBPs and total organic halogen (TOX). Based on the results of this study, NAC and GSH were considered to be ideal quenching agents for the analysis of most DBPs and TOX, except halonitromethanes.  相似文献   

Although disinfection byproducts(DBPs) in drinking water have been suggested as a cancer causing factor, the causative compounds have not yet been clarified. In this study, we used liquid chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight spectrometry(LC-QTOF MS) to identify the unknown disinfection byproducts(DBPs) in drinking water produced from Taihu Lake source water, which is known as a convergence point for the anthropogenic pollutants discharged from intensive industrial activities in the surroundi...  相似文献   

A broad range of organic compounds are known to exist in drinking water sources and serve as precursors of disinfection byproducts(DBPs).Epidemiological findings of an association of increased risk of bladder cancer with the consumption of chlorinated water has resulted in health concerns about DBPs.Peptides are thought to be an important category of DBP precursors in water.However,little is known about the actual presence of peptides and their DBPs in drinking water because of their high sample complexity and low concentrations.To address this challenge and identify peptides and non-chlorinated/chlorinated peptide DBPs from large sets of organic compounds in water,we developed a novel high throughput analysis strategy,which integrated multiple solid phase extraction(SPE),high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)separation,and non-target identification using precursor ion exclusion(PIE)high resolution mass spectrometry(MS).After MS analysis,structures of candidate compounds,particularly peptides,were obtained by searching against the Human Metabolome Database(HMDB).Using this strategy,we successfully detected 625 peptides(out of 17,205 putative compounds)and 617 peptides(out of 13,297)respectively in source and finished water samples.The source and finished water samples had 501 peptides and amino acids in common.The remaining 116 peptides and amino acids were unique to the finished water.From a subset of 30 putative compounds for which standards were available,25 were confirmed using HPLC-MS analysis.By analyzing the peptides identified in source and finished water,we successfully confirmed three disinfection reaction pathways that convert peptides into toxic DBPs.  相似文献   

水中典型含氮有机物氯化生成消毒副产物的潜能研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
选取了受污染原水中广泛存在的12种含氮有机物(除草剂、杀虫剂、氨基酸、工业品等),开展了氯化和氯胺化培养生成典型消毒副产物的实验,目的是通过对水中脲类除草剂、嗪类除草剂和其他含氮化合物培养生成不同消毒副产物的生成量,讨论不同种类含氮化合物生成含碳和含氮消毒副产物规律以及考察不同消毒副产物的可能前体物.研究发现,脲类除草...  相似文献   

反渗透(RO)技术因操作简便、无药剂添加等特点,被广泛应用于管网末端痕量污染物的去除. 为深入理解RO技术在去除饮用水中消毒副产物(DBP)的应用,总结了近20年来RO截留DBPs的效果、机理、影响因素及工艺. 结果表明:①空间位阻效应是RO膜去除DBPs的主要作用机制,静电排斥效应对带电小分子DBPs的去除更加明显. ② RO膜对疏水性DBPs也具有一定的吸附截留作用,适当提高pH、操作压力或膜改性(如使膜孔变小或增强膜的亲水性)能增强DBPs的去除,但升高温度不利于DBPs去除. ③在一定范围内DBPs浓度变化(0~200 μg/L)对RO膜截留影响不明显,目前尚存争议的是水中离子浓度和膜老化对RO膜截留的影响及各种RO工艺的优选. 建议未来深入探究DBPs在RO工艺中的吸附和穿透行为及规律,并致力于开发净水能力更强且更节能省水的RO工艺.   相似文献   

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