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宜兴新威利成稀土有限公司是中国稀土控股有限公司旗下一家从事稀土分离及深加工的稀土企业,其前身为宜兴市稀土分离厂。其主要产品有:各种单一稀土氧化物、单一稀土化合物、单一稀土金属、灯用稀土荧光粉、稀土抛光粉等。产品质量稳定,远销美国、日本、韩国、中国香港及欧洲等国家和地区。  相似文献   

1 概述高纯度氧化钇是彩色电视红色荧光粉的基质材料。为适应我国彩色电视工业的迅速发展和赶超世界先进水平,需立足于国产的混合稀土精矿原料,开发研制出性能好、成本低的高纯度氧化钇。目前,我国生产高纯度氧化钇一般均采用离子交换法或溶剂萃取法。前者虽然可以制得高纯度的氧化钇,但生产周期长、产量低、成本高;后者是用含 Y_2O_3为98%~  相似文献   

本文主要介绍和分析了某雷达操控台环境工程设计及可靠性技术,根据该雷达的特点及各组成设备,对操控台进行了热环境设计、可靠性、维修性设计、人机工程及电磁兼容设计等,设计分析表明,该雷达操控台能够满足雷达使用要求.  相似文献   

某机载PCB模块环境适应性设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了某机载印制板模块插件的环境适应性设计,其中包括抗振设计、电磁防护设计以及防腐蚀设计等内容,并分析了印制板插件冷板接地与不接地两种情况下产生的电磁干扰的原因,同时还介绍了镁合金冷板防腐蚀设计措施和试验结果.  相似文献   

生态环境大数据建设是一项长期性、系统性的工作,需要科学、合理的顶层设计从全局的角度出发,对任务的各方面、各层次、各要素统筹规划,集中有效资源,高效、快捷地实现既定目标。本文总结了开展总体框架设计面临的主要问题;论述了顶层设计的基本概念和特征、原则和设计方法,阐述了大数据顶层设计与信息化顶层设计的关系,提出了生态环境大数据业务架构的设计方法、总体框架,并探讨了总体框架落地的主要思路。  相似文献   

在抗振缓冲设计中,人们通常按标准、合同中的要求进行设计,本文认为要按产品受振动与冲击后的响应进行设计,及如何按振动与冲击后的响应进行设计。  相似文献   

丁晓东 《环境技术》2007,25(6):35-38,24
对电子设备的可靠性设计进行了介绍,其中包括可靠性设计的任务和意义、可靠性设计基本任务、电子设备可靠性设计的基本方法等,其目的在于提高电子设备的可靠性和质量.  相似文献   

针对中石油企业在进行HSE培训顶层设计时面临的管理层和基层培训设计工具无法统一、基层员工培训矩阵相关要素无法确定的问题,采用国际先进的培训管理工具——培训矩阵进行研究。鉴于其在中石油基层单位培训管理中取得的良好效果,尝试对其改进形成HSE培训设计矩阵用于企业HSE培训的顶层设计,以解决上述问题。实例验证表明:该设计矩阵在统筹全员培训设计、指导基层HSE培训管理方面,实现了资源共享,增强了培训管理的整体性和系统性,显示出了培训设计矩阵的指导效果,值得在企业HSE培训顶层设计中尝试应用。  相似文献   

家具作为人们生活中不可缺少的重要组成部分,是设计师进行家居空间设计的核心问题。对近年来米兰国际家具展设计思潮进行初步总结,提炼主要设计潮流趋势的关键词,总结、学习意大利目前的设计动态和设计理念,有利于真正学习到意大利家居设计的精髓,并希望对中国家具家居业的新产品设计开发及室内设计有所帮助。  相似文献   

绿色设计是上世纪90年代出现的一股国际设计潮流,它反映了人们对于现代科技文化所引起的环境及生态破坏的反思,同时也体现了设计师道德和社会责任心的回归。特别是在产品设计领域,随着绿色设计概念的应运而生,它逐渐成为产品设计领域的风向标。什么是绿色设计,其起源是什么?它与传统设计有何区别,又有哪些特点?  相似文献   

在对污水进行回用处理时,须开发一种处理效果好、投资省、运行费用低、易管理的污水处理工艺,本试验研究采用改进的连续-间歇曝气工艺处理生活污水。经过4个多月的运行试验,结果表明:该工艺流程简单,无须预沉池、调节池和二沉池;对生活污水中COD的去除效果较好,在除磷脱氮方面都取得了理想的处理效果,COD去除率可达90.6%,氨氮去除率可达70.8%,总磷去除率可达96.1%。  相似文献   

对目前国内外钻井液生物毒性评价的主要方法──糠虾法、黑褐新糠虾法、发光细菌法、发光海藻法等进行了对比,分析了各种评价方法的优缺点。研究结果表明,发光细菌法快速、简便,符合我国钻井现场应用实际情况,因而推荐使用发光细菌法作为钻井液生物毒性评价方法。  相似文献   

本文对SBR工艺及其变形工艺ICEAS工艺、CASS工艺、UNITANK工艺、MSBR工艺在我国的研究应用情况进行了介绍,认为具有除磷脱氮功能的新型SBR工艺在我国具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

室内空气中污染物的检测技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
室内环境空气污染对人体健康影响很大,文中指出了影响人体健康的致病因子,分析了单个微粒的光通量和粒径之间的关系。鉴于单下颗粒的散射光信号很弱,本文提出一种方法,把激光器的内腔作为颗粒注入区,利用激光器的内腔功率谱密度远大于腔外功率密度的特点,结合先进的激光散控制理论,对空气中的颗粒进行检测。  相似文献   

在防垢剂防垢性能测评中,对适于弱碱性条件下的防垢剂进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,在pH值为8时,有机膦酸、膦羧酸类防垢剂均具有很好的防垢性能;加入量为5mg/L时,对碳酸钙的防垢率可达95%以上。在pH值为9时,复配防垢剂有较好的防垢效果。例如FG-01与HPAA按1∶1复配后,加入量为5mg/L时,防垢率可达71.3%;加入量为10mg/L时,防垢率可达78.1%。  相似文献   

介绍了脉冲喷流复合厌氧污泥床技术用于低浓度有机废水处理的实验室及中试效果,以及在农村生活污水处理项目中的应用,结果表明:以该技术为核心的生活污水生物处理系统,在HRT为6~10h,即有机物容积负荷为0.93~0.52kgCOD/m3.d时,COD去除率可稳定达到35%以上,氨氮和总磷去除率可达到17%~25%,具有优化处理系统、强化处理效果、降低后续好氧段能耗及占地面积的特点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computerized technique was developed to identify storm runoff episodes and calculate storm discharges, storm loads, and storm average concentrations for each event in datasets with up to 10,000 records. This technique was applied to four watersheds within the Lake Erie drainage basin and identified between 160 and 250 runoff events in each. Storm event loads and storm event mean concentrations were calculated for each runoff event for suspended solids, total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen. The basic characteristics of the resulting data are described, as are systematic differences as a function of watershed size, seasonal differences, and trends over time. Many of the results of this study reflect the importance of nonpoint processes and improvements in agricultural best management practices in these watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increased visitation at Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) has raised concerns about impacts on surface water in the park. The purposes of this study are to perform a benchmark trophic state survey for comparison to future evaluations and to identify possible areas of concern. Four watershed regions based on geographic and geologic features were delineated for study. Six Alpine lakes, six Moraine lakes, three Valley lakes, and two Colter Bay lakes are evaluated. Lakes were sampled for total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll‐a, and transparency. The water quality, as defined by trophic state, in the park is generally good. Oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions were found in the Alpine and Moraine lakes and mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions were found in the Colter Bay and Valley lakes. High inflow TP concentrations in the park's northeast side may be due to the presence of natural geologic phosphate from the Phosphoria Formation.  相似文献   

The relationship between light and perceived safety at night is intuitively strong, yet theoretically and empirically its workings are largely unknown. Intelligent dynamic road lighting, which continuously adapts to the presence and behavior of users, can light the street only when and where it is needed. As such, it offers a solution to the energy waste and luminous pollution associated with conventional road lighting. With this innovation, however, new questions emerge about the effect of lighting on perceived safety. We need to consider not only how much lighting pedestrians need to feel safe, but also which parts of the street should be lit. In two experiments, we investigated the effect of different light distributions on perceived safety, and explored mediation by people's appraisal of three safety-related cues suggested in the literature: prospect (having an overview), escape (perceived escape possibilities), and refuge/concealment (perceived hiding places for offenders). Both experiments, one with stationary and one with walking participants, demonstrated that people prefer having light in their own immediate surroundings rather than on the road that lies ahead. This could be explained, partially, by changes in prospect, escape, and concealment. Against expectations, prospect was higher with lighting distributions in which participants' immediate surroundings, but not the more distant parts of the road, were most strongly lit.  相似文献   

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