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通过对国内外有色金属行业温室气体排放估算方法研究现状的分析,将联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)温室气体排放清单指南、国际有色行业协会和环境科学研究中的一些常用算法,总结归纳应用于有色金属行业温室气体的排放量估算,从估算方法和结果上分析各种方法的优缺点和使用条件。以原铝生产CO2排放估算为例,对有色金属温室气体排放进行实证分析,为有色金属行业温室气体排放估算提供参选方法,促进有色金属工业的节能减排。  相似文献   

加拿大油气系统温室气体逃逸排放清单简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油气系统温室气体逃逸排放是温室气体排放清单的重要组成部分。加拿大在清单中统一考虑了油气系统可能存在的温室气体排放源,因此清单中不仅包括了温室气体的逃逸排放(泄漏、排空),还考虑了能源燃烧中的气体排放,所考虑的温室气体种类既包括甲烷,也包括二氧化碳。采用的是政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第三层次方法(Tier3),即设备清单法、操作时间法和活动水平法三种计算方法,详细地将排放源分类进行估算。该国对数据的管理、质量控制和质量评估、不确定性分析以及在如何保证数据的持续性方面的作法都值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

文章介绍了ISO 14064-1的基本内容,并与国内现行标准体系进行对比,认为GB/T 32150系列相比ISO 14064系列标准更加简洁,但两个系列的主要关注点不同:GB/T 32150系列更关注如何计算温室气体排放,而ISO 14064更关注如何建立有效的温室气体管理体系。这一差异客观体现了我国温室气体排放管理工作的发展阶段,但仍应以国际先进水平为目标积极建设温室气体排放管理能力、提高温室气体排放管理水平。由此出发,文章对温室气体管理工作的主要输出、各项步骤和过程性文件展开了初步探讨。温室气体管理工作的主要输出包括:组织边界、报告边界、温室气体清单、温室气体声明和/或报告及相关核查材料;具体步骤包括:确定组织边界、建立报告边界、识别各项源和汇、选定量化方法、选择收集计算量化数据、选定基准年、编制基准年温室气体清单、编制温室气体报告等。  相似文献   

新西兰政府认为,牛羊排放出的臭气中含有大量甲烷,而甲烷会损害地球臭氧层.由此可加速地球升温.该国能源部指出.家畜在消化饲料过程中所排放的甲烷和一氧化二氮是其排放的二氧化碳的21~310倍,其温室效应强烈。家畜排放的温室气体占该国内温室气体排放总量的55%。开征此税是为了减少温室气体排放.以及用于牲畜气体排放及减少温室气体排放的研究等。新西兰政府为出台这项税收政策在全国广泛征求了意见,  相似文献   

根据《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和《省级温室气体清单编制指南》方法,建立2018年云南省16个州(市)城市生活垃圾处理温室气体排放清单,包括生活垃圾填埋和焚烧处理过程,并分析了温室气体排放的时间分布、空间分布和影响因素等。结果表明;(1)2018年云南省生活垃圾处理温室气体总排放量为536万t CO_2当量,各州(市)间排放量差异明显,滇中经济发达地区和滇东北人口密度较高地区排放量明显高于滇西北地区。(2)2005—2018年,云南省生活垃圾处理排放的温室气体量增长了191.3%,温室气体排放组成发生明显变化,CH4比重不断下降,CO_2比重不断增加。(3)城镇人口数量、生活垃圾处理量、经济发展水平与温室气体排放量显著相关,其中人口数量更为明显。  相似文献   

石油石化企业温室气体清单编制简析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章通过简要阐述石油石化企业温室气体清单的编制全过程,确定石油石化企业温室气体排放种类、识别主要温室气体排放源、列举重点生产过程中温室气体排放量的核算方法,为石油石化企业实现温室气体减排和控制工作、为完成国务院规定的到2020年我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度比2005年下降40%~45%的约束性指标,奠定数据理论基础。  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物管理系统是产生温室气体的一个不可忽视的排放源。随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化水平的提高,城市固体废弃物排放量逐年增多,如何准确地核算城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放已成为国内外关注的热点问题之一。本文概述了城市固体废弃物管理系统的演进与优化研究进展,重点对城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放核算规范和标准及其影响因素的研究进行了综述,指出了研究中存在的问题。并进一步建议今后在城市不同类别的固体废弃物管理系统演进过程及其影响、温室气体排放的核算方法、温室气体排放的校正系数、城市固体废弃物管理系统的优化模式及温室气体减排机制等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

为适应国家对全国碳排放权交易市场的工作目标及工作要求,根据国家政策及集团公司需求,中国石油天然气集团公司编制了《中国石油天然气集团公司温室气体排放核算与报告工作方案》,设计开发了集团公司温室气体排放核算与报告平台。文章分析了温室气体排放核算和报告四大步的工作流程;根据中国石油集团公司温室气体核算工作方案的工作要求,对难点进行分析:核算边界差异较大、基础数据来源分散、数据填报量及核算量庞大。阐述了核算系统的设计思路及系统构架、主要功能,并介绍了系统的应用情况。  相似文献   

石油化工生产企业是高耗能企业,也是温室气体排放主要来源之一,温室气体排放统计、计算与监测可为参与碳交易提供基础信息,促进石油化工生产企业可持续发展并实现减排目标。文章介绍了国内外认知度较高的温室气体核算标准,并对目前国内外已发布实施的石油石化行业清单编制标准进行归纳和比较。在此基础上提出了石油石化行业完善温室气体清单编制标准、加强温室气体排放核查工作、建立温室气体统计和管理体系等建议措施。  相似文献   

欧盟对共同体范围内温室气体排放管理及排放标准分两部分:一是自然温室气体排放标准及其管理;二是欧盟氟化温室气体排放管理。这套较为完备的管理体系有效控制了欧盟温室气体排放,并推动了节能技术开发和产业升级。我国现有温室气体排放标准的整体性、系统性、灵活性方面存在诸多不足,借鉴欧盟已有经验,我国应完善立法,注重体系性、整体性建设,灵活执行排放标准,尝试与绩效标准、排放权交易、能源发展战略衔接,引领技术进步与经济社会协调发展。  相似文献   

Many firms generate large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases when they burn fossil fuels in their production processes. In addition, production of raw materials and other inputs the firms procure for their operations also generates greenhouse gases indirectly. These direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions occur in many sectors of our economies. In this paper, we first present sector-specific estimates for such greenhouse gas emissions. We then show that estimates for such sector-specific greenhouse gas emissions are often required for various types of corporate as well as public policy analyses in both domestic and international contexts. Measuring greenhouse gas emissions resulting from firms' multi-stage production processes in a multi-sector context is relevant for policies related to the Kyoto protocol, an international agreement to limit global greenhouse gas emissions. For example, since the protocol allows firms to engage in trading and offsetting of their greenhouse gas emissions across national borders, provided that emissions are correctly measured, the firms can take advantage of such trading schemes by placing their energy-intensive production facilities globally and strategically. We present several case studies which illustrate the importance of this and other aspects of greenhouse gas emissions in firms' environmental management. We also argue that our modeling and estimation methods based on input-output analyses are suitable for the types of research goals we have in this paper. Our methods are applied to data for Canada and Japan in a variety of environmental management circumstances.  相似文献   

甲烷是由人类活动造成的仅次于二氧化碳的第二大温室气体,大幅度减少甲烷排放有助于降低近期温升,是实现巴黎协定目标的必要手段,也是中国实现“碳中和”目标的重要抓手。相比其他排放源,油气行业的甲烷减排最快、最有经济性。而有效的减排政策和监管必须建立在完整、准确的甲烷排放清单基础上。文章以甲烷为重点,概述了美国国家温室气体清单和油气行业的报送制度,介绍了两个报送体系的覆盖范围、要求等相关差异,说明了设施界定、排放因子和活动水平来源、监测方法以及有待改进之处,并针对中国油气行业甲烷排放数据的质量改善提出了建议。  相似文献   

Based on a recognition of the essence of climate change and the pressure on China to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this paper interprets the important role that the Chinese iron and steel industry may play in managing emissions. Through an investigation of the key sources of GHG emissions in the Chinese iron and steel industry, a comparison of the current Chinese and international situations, and a survey of the technology and methods available for reducing GHG emissions, and their application in China, the authors analyze the major issues currently faced by the Chinese iron and steel industry, and propose the following four approaches through which the industry might reduce its GHG emissions: (1) encouragement of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, mainly involving secondary energy reuse, to provide capital and technology for GHG reduction activities in China; (2) stimulation of the social responsibility-based voluntary carbon market (VCM) to increase the long-term benefits for the Chinese iron and steel industry from emission reductions; (3) undertaking of strict energy auditing to help enterprises establish appropriate emission reduction targets and formulate reasonable plans; (4) promotion of emission reduction-oriented investment within the industry to obtain profits from project operation, while at the same time gaining extra compensation for emission reductions. More specifically, the design of each of these approaches should take into consideration the related economic factors and incentive mechanisms.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖趋势的不断加剧,碳排放已经成为国内外学者研究的重点,尤其是钢材生产的碳排放情况更是重中之重。针对国内钢材生产碳排放现状,本文提出了一种碳排放抵扣计量方法,该方法以钢材生产碳排放计量基本方法——质量守恒法和活动水平因子法为基础,着重分析了钢材生产过程的理论碳排放、实际碳排放、碳排放抵扣以及企业理论直接减排潜力。并以某钢材生产企业为实例,对该企业生产流程中碳排放进行抵扣分析,识别与企业直接减排潜力相关的物质及流程,增加副产品及二次能源利用度,最后对企业碳减排潜力的研究方向做出初步展望,提出碳减排潜力的有利发展方向。进一步证明该方法的实用性,为该方法在钢材生产企业碳排放权的实际应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

积极减排温室气体应对气候变化已经成为石油天然气行业的共识。文章介绍了2011年以来最新的国际和国内应对气候变化的政策环境,分析其对我国石油天然气行业的影响,特别强调国务院《"十二五"控制温室气体排放工作方案》对石油天然气行业的引导作用。在此基础上还提出积极参与行业碳减排政策研究、注重低碳经济发展规划、抓住低碳经济重点发展领域、积极呼应碳金融和碳交易的发展趋势、注重天然气应用技术开发、加强余热余压回收节能等发展低碳经济的建议。  相似文献   

文章围绕我国石油行业低碳发展现状、制约条件和技术方向展开论述。通过统计我国"十一五"能源需求形势和石油行业能源使用情况,总结石油行业温室气体排放特征,预测了"十二五"油气能源需求和石油行业温室气体排放趋势。在此基础上,对石油行业低碳技术进行系统的梳理和评估,并提出我国石油行业分阶段低碳技术选择建议。  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry, reduces N losses when added to composting livestock manure, but its impact on greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of PG addition on greenhouse gas emissions during cattle feedlot manure composting. Sand was used as a filler material for comparison. The seven treatments were PG10, PG20, PG30, S10, S20, and S30, representing the rate of PG or sand addition at 10, 20, or 30% of manure dry weight and a check treatment (no PG or sand) with three replications. The manure treatments were composted in open windrows and turned five times during a 134-d period. Addition of PG significantly increased electrical conductivity (EC) and decreased pH in the final compost. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), and mineral nitrogen contents in the final composted product were not affected by the addition of PG or sand. From 40 to 54% of initial TC was lost during composting, mostly as CO(2), with CH(4) accounting for <14%. The addition of PG significantly reduced CH(4) emissions, which decreased exponentially with the compost total sulfur (TS) content. The emission of N(2)O accounted for <0.2% of initial TN in the manure, increasing as compost pH decreased from alkaline to near neutral. Based on the total greenhouse gas budget, PG addition reduced greenhouse gas emissions (CO(2)-C equivalent) during composting of livestock manure by at least 58%, primarily due to reduced CH(4) emission.  相似文献   


We analyzed the patterns of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Polish industry arising during the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. A method of analyzing industry energy use and GHG emissions is discussed. Using this method, the impact of changes in industrial production value, the share of specific industry branches in the total industrial production, energy intensity, and the mix of the energy carriers in the 1989–1993 period has been analyzed. The last year of the analyzed period shows favorable trends in efficiency and signs of production structure shift to a less energy-intensive one. Economic reform implemented after 1989, which released energy carriers' prices from government control, had important effects on the industrial sector. Energy efficiency and emission intensity trends of 1992–1994 were favorable; if they continue, production will return to 1989 levels with much lower energy consumption and significantly decreased GHG emissions.


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