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在环境纠纷的非诉讼解决方面,我国虽然已有运用各种非诉讼纠纷解决方式来处理环境纠纷的实践,但在立法方面以及运作方式上仍然不完善,通过对该机制的各种程序进行分析和阐述,提出我国在环境纠纷解决中运用非诉讼解决机制进行重构.  相似文献   

近年来我国环境邻避形势严峻,人民群众日益增长的对美好生态环境的需求、公众参与环境保护的意愿、维护自身权益的意识和当前纠纷解决机制不平衡不充分的矛盾突出。为了有效化解冲突,环境邻避纠纷解决机制先后经历了萌发期、探索期,并逐步进入多元化发展阶段。现阶段环境邻避纠纷非诉讼解决方式存在制度局限,诉讼解决方式在实际应用中面临诉讼积极性不高、立案难、举证难、审理难等问题。为此,结合环境邻避纠纷的特点,本文提出了环境邻避纠纷解决机制完善建议:一是预防为主,建立贯穿项目建设始终的公众参与法律制度体系,增强公众意见反馈的强制性;二是分类化解,建立和完善适应不同需求的纠纷解决程序,加强多元化纠纷解决机制的衔接。希望通过建立"预防为主,分类化解"的精细化纠纷解决机制来推动环境邻避冲突的有序解决。  相似文献   

论环境民事纠纷行政处理机制的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林全玲  张邦辉 《四川环境》2006,25(1):115-119
行政处理机制在解决环境纠纷时具有高效性和专业化的优势,但我国现行行政处理方式单一,行政处理决定的效力不明确,不利于纠纷的及时解决。完善之途在于制定专门的法律,设立专门的处理机关,增加行政处理方式,明确行政处理决定的效力。  相似文献   

关于完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的飞速发展,环境污染的现象日益严重。目前我国解决环境污染损害赔偿责任纠纷的方式包括两种,即行政处理和诉讼解决。我国环境污染损害赔偿制度尚不完善。本文就完善环境污染损害赔偿法律救济提出具体建议,即修改、完善环境污染损害赔偿相关法律制度,使其适应经济和社会可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

民事司法手段的局限性限制了司法手段在环境纠纷解决中的地位和作用。民事司法改革进程的深入发展和多元化纠纷解决机制的兴盛为环境纠纷的多元化解决途径带来了新的发展契机。环境纠纷行政处理的专业性、便捷性、可接近性决定了行政处理在环境纠纷解决中的独特作用和适用空间。在借鉴发达国家和地区环境纠纷行政处理的立法经验和灵活多样的纠纷解决途径的基础上,从环境纠纷行政处理专门立法、纠纷解决机构设置、纠纷解决方式、行政处理的纠纷范围、行政处理救济的程序保障等方面,提出完善我国环境纠纷行政处理制度的思考和建议。  相似文献   

水资源配置是在水资源归国家所有的前提下,对水资源使用权的分配管理。近年来,水资源分配的重要性逐渐得到认识和重视。水事纠纷,尤其是北方地区省际水事纠纷的加剧促进了水资源分配立法管理的步伐。  相似文献   

WTO处理环保议题主要是通过召开会议、制定协议、创制协调机构以及解决争端等方式,上述路径从整体上构成了世界贸易组织的环境保护实践。"借用"WTO争端解决机制处理环保议题,成为有效协调环境保护与促进贸易自由的现实选择。WTO争端解决机制履行世贸组织环境保护方面的职权,解决与环境有关的贸易争端,其法律解释和裁决报告等不断塑造着世贸组织的环保体系。在缺少完善的环境领域争端解决机制的情况下,"借用"WTO争端解决机制处理环保议题的模式将会长期存在。  相似文献   

因环境污染与破坏而产生的环境纠纷,是目前大量存在的一种社会纠纷。随着我国工农业生产及交通运输业的迅速发展,各种环境法规的陆续制定与实施,人民群众环境法律意识的提高,环境纠纷有进一步增加的趋势。笔者认为解决这些环境纠纷可以采用仲裁方式,其理由如下: 一、大部分环境纠纷具有用仲裁方式解决的性质目前,对于环境纠纷除双方当事人自行协商解决一部分外,大部分按其性质及其危害程度,分别由人民法院、环境保护部门依照刑法、民法、环保法或有关政策规定处理。在用民事法律手段或行政手段解决的环境纠纷中,许多纠纷具有如下特征:第  相似文献   

浅析政府对环境民事诉讼不适当干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济发展,环境污染纠纷在不断增加。由于环境行政法律规范的缺陷和环境行政执法的不力,很多纠纷未能得到及时有效的解决,于是污染受害者不得不求助于环境民事诉讼程序。然而,政府部门对这些诉讼活动的不适当干预引起了一系列严重后果:降低了法律、政府和司法部门的权威性,加剧了环境质量的恶化,严重威胁了公众的生命健康和财产安全,不利于我国法制建设和可持续发展战略目标的实现。文章着重探讨了种种危害后果,并在此基础上分析了政府干预的动机和法院软弱的成因,最后提出了初步的建议。  相似文献   

从经济发展和社会意识形态来看,币场经济对环境法制是一种内在的必然要来,而不是一种方式的选择,成熟的市场经济,必须有完备的法律体系。而完备的法律体系,要求立法机制、执法机制、监督机制的建立和有效运作,三者缺一不可。我国的环境保护立法工作始终以解放和发展生产力为宗旨,适应经济发展的规模、结构、速度和技术水平的环境保护法律作为保护环境和资源,促进经济发展的行为规范,是市场经济条件下法律体系的重要组成部分,也为市场经济的建立、培育、完善和正常运作,提供了强有力的法律保障。我国环院立法工作始于70耸代,进入…  相似文献   

The courts have provided the traditional battleground for conflicts between environmental interest groups and those whose actions in some way have an adverse impact on the environment The judicial process is a time-consuming one in which all sides usually must concede to some points. Environmental disputes involve complex scientific issues which the court system is not set up to comprehend, so that the process gives the parties to a dispute the sense of having lost control of their own destinies. An increasing number of parties to environmental disputes are turning to negotiation, or mediation, as an alternative in which they can be active parties in the settlement-making process rather than the victims of a court-imposed solution When do the parties to a dispute choose a negotiated settlement over a court battle? To what extent does each party make the concessions necessary to reach an agreement? These questions can be answered by the game theory that provides a model for analyzing the negotiation process. This paper will apply game theory to two environmental conflict cases A series of questions pertinent to the analysis of all environmental disputes will be raised  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the arid West, the development and implementation of water policy often results in disputes among water users, resource managers, and policy makers. Although significant attempts have been made to improve public involvement and dispute resolution in water resources planning, the traditional planning process has not historically played this role for a variety of reasons. Water resources planning can become a forum for proactively resolving water policy disputes by employing the principles of environmental dispute resolution. The purpose of this article is to explore the role of collaborative, consensus-building planning processes in resolving water policy disputes. The Montana State Water Plan is evaluated as an example of such a process, and a model state water planning process is outlined.  相似文献   

马春燕 《四川环境》2010,29(4):125-130
由于水资源的流动性,水污染事故常常影响到上下游不同的行政区的生态环境,跨行政区域水污染纠纷几乎成了中国水污染治理的一项制度痼疾。2008年新修订的《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》第二十八条对跨行政区域水污染纠纷的解决做了原则性的规定,所以根据该条的规定对跨行政区域水污染纠纷的范围、解决方式的效力以及救济方式进行研究,有利于更好的解决跨行政区域水污染纠纷。  相似文献   

Asia's offshore, from North Korea to Indonesia, is becoming an increasingly important petroleum frontier, one disputed by various littoral states. The People's Republic of China (PRC) intends to become a major petroleum producer, with the offshore playing a major role. The paper examines: (1) important jurisdictional disputes; (2) accommodations between disputants; and (3) third-party involvements, such as the USA. Recent progress towards dispute solution has occurred - establishment of a Japan-Korea Joint Development Zone and a PRC overture towards Japan for settlement of suzerainty in the Senkakus. PRC and Vietnamese disagreements seem less tractable. New US policies towards the two Chinas, along with the USSR's support for Vietnam, further complicate the region's offshore disputes.  相似文献   

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea have been exacerbated by the great potential for oil reserves in the area. The Spratly Islands have been a major object of these disputes. While China and other countries have softened their positions to a degree, questions remain regarding how each country would cooperate in oil exploration in this area. The ultimate resolution of the dispute over the Spratly Islands could set an example for the future handling of rival claims, but whether the approach will be one of cooperation or conflict is unclear.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most forest lands are managed for multiple purposes, among them timber production and water supply. Conflicts often arise in such cases because logging is perceived as a threat to water quality. These conflicts can result from uncertain factual information, from differences in underlying social values, or from imbalances in the incidence of costs and benefits. Resulting conificts may go unresolved because existing institutional structures fail to address the real roots of the dispute. When such conificts go unresolved, benefits are often lost, and social, political, and managerial costs are high. This study found that the roots of conifict may lie in value differences or in interest impacts, but attention may be focused inappropriately and unproductively on factual issues. It suggests that at least some long-standing disputes in the management of forested watersheds may be resolved by identifying the root causes of these disputes and choosing those actions, whether they be changes in management guidelines or altered institutional structures, which are appropriate to those causes.  相似文献   

This article offers a different perspective to the well known problems of water scarcity in the Middle East. It is argued that there are strong linkages between prevailing national ideologies and intraregional water disputes. Domestic political necessities and commitments often limit foreign policy choices open to countries with regard to the settlement of water disputes. This tends to exacerbate existing conflict. Reasons given include ideologically intertwined issues related to national security, including food security and national independence in conjunction with a deep socio-cultural commitment to a prospering agricultural sector. Any proposed solution to Middle East water disputes needs to take ideological-political factors into account in addition to the physical, social, cultural and economic aspects.  相似文献   

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