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Summary A comparison is made of some of the key elements of ambient air quality in the UK and the Russian Federation. In each country air quality has recently moved towards the top of public environmental concerns. The legislative and regulatory framework for controlling/improving air quality is considered briefly. In the Russian Federation ambient air ground level standards exist for over 20 chemicals. In contrast, in the UK, to date, only four EEC (European Union) imposed standards are in operation. The Russian standards are considerably stricter than those of the UK, but compliance in many cities is very poor. In each country air quality has benefited more from economic recessionary forces than direct government action. In both countries the trend is to a reduction in sulphur dioxide levels. In contrast, nitrogen dioxide levels are increasing primarily because of growing road traffic levels. An attempt is made to compare air quality in Moscow with that in London. Constraints include the use of different methodologies and forms of data presentation. However, the overall impression is of substantial similarities in the air quality of the two capital cities.  相似文献   

我国城市大气污染现状与特点   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
张继娟  魏世强 《四川环境》2006,25(3):104-108,112
中国城市化和工业化的快速发展与能源消耗的迅速增加,给中国城市带来了很多空气污染问题。20世纪70年代期间,煤烟型污染排放成为中国工业城市的特点;80年代,许多南方城市遭受严重的酸雨危害;近年来,汽车尾气排放的NOx、CO及随后形成的光化学烟雾,使得许多大城市的空气质量恶化。城市空气污染影响着城市居民的健康和城市的发展。为控制空气污染和保护大气环境质量,我国政府已经实施了许多规划。本文概述了当前中国城市特别是重点城市的空气质量状况,描述一些主要城市空气污染物包括总悬浮颗粒、PM10、PM2.5、SO2、酸雨、NOx/NO2的特点。尽管采取了很多应对措施,但目前我国城市的空气质量依然不容乐观,文中还讨论了未来城市空气污染控制面临的问题。  相似文献   

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of that country's efforts in the last 30 years to become a great industrial power. The burning of coal, which currently provides over 70% of all China's energy needs, is a major source of air pollution. Because Chinese coal is high in sulfur and ash content and because most combustion devices in China have low efficiencies, SO2 and particulate emissions are a serious problem and are comparable to or exceed those found in many countries that are much more industrialized. Although most coal is burned in North China, acid precipitation is most severe in South China because of the lack of buffering loess dust found in the former region.The Chinese government has already taken major steps to mitigate air pollution, such as relocating polluting industries, supplying coal with lower sulfur content, using gas instead of coal for residential heating, and levying fines on industries that exceed pollution standards. Atmospheric environmental impact assessment (AEIA) is also required for all major new projects. This article describes three types of mathematical diffusion models and field and wind-tunnel experiments that are used in such assessments.The Chinese authorities believe that a range of technological, managerial, locational, and behavioral changes must be effected before the air of Chinese cities can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Guangzhou is a city in southern China that has experienced very rapid economic development in recent years. The city's air has very high concentrations of various pollutants, including sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ozone (O3) and particulate. This paper reviews the changes in air quality in the city over the past 15 years, and notes that a serious vehicular-related emissions problem has been superimposed on the traditional coal-burning problem evident in most Chinese cities. As NOx concentrations have increased, oxidants and photochemical smog now interact with the traditional SO2 and particulate pollutants, leading to increased health risks and other environmental concerns.
Any responsible NOx control strategy for the city must include vehicle emission control measures. This paper reviews control strategies designed to abate vehicle emissions to fulfill the city's air quality improvement target in 2010. A cost-effectiveness analysis suggests that, while NOx emission control is expensive, vehicular emission standards could achieve a relatively sizable emissions reduction at reasonable cost. To achieve the 2010 air quality target of NOx, advanced implementation of EURO3 standards is recommended, substituting for the EURO2 currently envisioned in the national regulations. Related technical options, including fuel quality improvements and inspection/maintenance (I/M) upgrades (ASM or IM240), are assessed as well.  相似文献   

工业企业颗粒物无组织排放是环境空气中颗粒物的主要来源之一。长期以来,由于我国工业生产粗放型发展,环境管理不够精细,企业重视程度不够,从而导致颗粒物无组织排放问题越发突出,严重影响了我国大气环境质量的根本改善。工业源颗粒物无组织排放控制标准是我国大气污染物排放标准体系的重要组成部分,亦是颗粒物无组织排放管理和执法监管的重要技术依据。了解国内外当前工业源颗粒物无组织排放控制标准的发展现状、体系特点及存在的问题,有助于科学指导我国工业源颗粒物无组织排放控制标准的制定。本文系统研究了中国、美国、德国和日本的工业源颗粒物无组织排放控制法规及标准,通过对比分析,指出了我国工业源颗粒物无组织排放控制标准存在的问题,并提出完善标准的建议,为优化我国现行大气污染物排放标准体系、深化颗粒物污染防治和管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用大气污染物超标指数、水污染物浓度超标指数、污染物浓度综合超标指数等3个指标,针对汶川地震极重灾区10个县市,评价了区域环境系统对社会经济系统的支撑能力。结果表明:10个县市中,环境承载力超载的县市有7个,接近超载的县市有3个。其中,9个县市的大气存在环境质量问题,4个县市的水环境质量存在问题,整个区域大气环境质量改善形式更为严峻。10县市的大气污染物中,O3、PM2.5、PM10普遍超标或接近超标,是影响区域大气质量的主要因素。在3指标中,又以PM10和PM2.5超标情况最为严重。大气污染在10个县市中具有明显的区域特征。都江堰市、彭州市、安县、绵竹市、什邡市等环成都城市圈的5县市大气污染物浓度超标指数普遍高于远离成都经济中心的5县市。根据影响水质的水污染物性质,及水环境影响因子排序分析,彭州市、什邡市在CODCr、P、N-NH3上有较高载荷,平武县在CODMn、DO两因子上载荷较大;汶川县的主要水环境影响因子是BOD5。根据在水污染因子上的载荷,10县市水污染特征归为集中污染型和面源污染型,以及混合污染三种类型。  相似文献   

通过系统调研对比国内外环境空气质量评价标准,本文对2013—2018年全国主要城市的空气PM2.5浓度及气象数据进行分析,得到如下结论:采用环境空气中污染物浓度三年滑动均值作为空气质量评价标准是国际通行做法;2013—2018年我国大部分城市PM2.5浓度受气象等相关因素影响,年均值波动较大,采用PM2.5浓度三年滑动均值变化曲线更为平滑,且采用前两年及当年的年均值进行计算更切合实际需求;采用EMI指数法量化分析气象因素对环境空气质量的影响,表明大气污染气象条件的年际变化具有波动性且各重点区域变化趋势也有所不同。建议引进三年滑动均值作为PM2.5长期变化的考核依据之一,使空气质量评价考核方式更为公平合理。  相似文献   

本文旨在对中国各城市高铁出行情况与人群环境健康影响进行大数据分析。文中的环境健康影响指将高铁出行过境次数引入经典泊松回归模型,进而直接得到各城市人群环境健康受到高铁出行的影响。另外,为了更好地分析高铁出行下的人群环境影响,笔者在计算环境影响指数时将受影响人群分为高铁沿线城市本地人群(PED)和过境人群(TPED)。最后总结分析了全国范围内环境健康受过境次数影响的程度大小。通过计算结果可得,华北、华中、四川盆地等地区的大城市,人口多、过境车次多、空气质量相对较差,PED和TPED值较高。华中、华南、西南边境地区城市的空气质量较好,PED和TPED值较低。另外,就特定高铁线路的环境健康影响而言,京津、郑西高铁沿线的PED和TPED值较高;广深、合福、沪昆高铁沿线的PED和TPED值较低。  相似文献   

This article presents a methodological approach for the formulation of control strategies capable of reducing atmospheric pollution at the standards set by European legislation. The approach was implemented in the greater area of Thessaloniki and was part of a project aiming at the compliance with air quality standards in five major cities in Greece. The methodological approach comprises two stages: in the first stage, the availability of several measures contributing to a certain extent to reducing atmospheric pollution indicates a combinatorial problem and favors the use of Integer Programming. More specifically, Multiple Objective Integer Programming is used in order to generate alternative efficient combinations of the available policy measures on the basis of two conflicting objectives: public expenditure minimization and social acceptance maximization. In the second stage, these combinations of control measures (i.e., the control strategies) are then comparatively evaluated with respect to a wider set of criteria, using tools from Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, namely, the well-known PROMETHEE method. The whole procedure is based on the active involvement of local and central authorities in order to incorporate their concerns and preferences, as well as to secure the adoption and implementation of the resulting solution.  相似文献   

Chinese governments play a key role in providing environmental public goods. Urban air quality is a significant indicator with which people evaluate the effects of governments’ environmental regulations and investments. This study aims to investigate how people's impression of government varies with air pollution in Chinese cities. Using the Baidu online search index on the specific keyword ‘corruption’ to represent public attitude toward the government, our estimations show that an increase in air pollution level yields a significant increase in online searches on this word. Such an effect is more significant on heavily polluted or severely polluted days. In further estimations, we find that people will not pay more attention to the polluters themselves on polluted days. These results are consistent with previous studies that air pollution causes people to be more depressed, selfish and sensitive to fairness. We conclude that efforts on air quality improvement will create a positive impression of government.  相似文献   

中国城市碳达峰趋势的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中国在2020年9月提出2060年碳中和目标,并提出加快落实2030年国家碳达峰任务。考虑到城市在国家碳减排工作中的重要使命和极大潜力,以及其碳排放在总量、结构、行动进展和趋势上存在的显著差异,深入认识中国城市碳达峰趋势的类型特征,对地方政府设计和开展差异化达峰行动具有重要意义。本文综合考虑影响城市碳达峰趋势的静态因素和动态因素,采用蒙特卡洛方法与K均值聚类算法,对中国286个样本城市的达峰趋势进行了分类分析。结果表明,中国城市的达峰类型可以划分为5类,根据其特点可概括为低碳潜力型城市、低碳示范型城市、人口流失型城市、资源依赖型城市和传统工业转型期城市。其中,低碳潜力型城市和传统工业转型期城市是决定我国能否落实2030年达峰行动的关键。最后,针对不同类型城市,本文对城市碳达峰的目标设计和行动重点提出了切实建议。  相似文献   

为调研设区的市立法权放开后各地立法进展,通过全国各省市政府网站(除港澳台外)等公开渠道收集整理的各设区的市"首次立法"(第一部实体法,简称"首法")立法情况,发现截至2017年7月,全国89%新获立法权设区的市已完成"首法"立项,超一半新获立法权设区的市已顺利出台"首法"。从"首法"立项类型来看,约40%设区的市"首法"关注环境保护,仅次于城乡建设与管理类立法,表明环境保护是各地"首法"立法关注的重点领域之一。从地方环境"首法"立项类型来看,水环境保护领域条例立项数最多,其次是生态保护领域和大气污染防治领域;从地方环境"首法"立项分布来看,水环境保护类条例多分布于位于水系末端的沿海各省,大气污染防治条例则主要集中于京津冀及其周边空气质量较差的区域。当前国家高度重视生态文明建设,各地有必要抓住地方立法这一机遇,研究出台地方环境条例,助力地方环境管理水平的提升。  相似文献   

In Chinese cities, air pollution has become a serious and aggravating environmental problem undermining the sustainability of urban ecosystems and the quality of urban life. Besides technical solutions to abate air pollution, urban vegetation is increasingly recognized as an alternative ameliorative method by removing some pollutants mainly through dry deposition process. This paper assesses the capability and monetary value of this ecosystem service in Guangzhou city in South China. The results indicated an annual removal of SO(2), NO(2) and total suspended particulates at about 312.03Mg, and the benefits were valued at RMB90.19 thousand (US$1.00=RMB8.26). More removal was realized by recreational land use due to a higher tree cover. Higher concentration of pollutants in the dry winter months induced more removal. The lower cost of pollution abatement in China generated a relatively subdued monetary value of this environmental benefit in comparison with developed countries. Younger districts with more extensive urban trees stripped more pollutants from the air, and this capacity was anticipated to increase further as their trees gradually reach final dimensions and establish a greater tree cover. Tree cover and pollutant concentration constitute the main factors in pollutant removal by urban trees. The efficiency of atmospheric cleansing by trees in congested Chinese cities could be improved by planting more trees other than shrubs or grass, diversifying species composition and biomass structure, and providing sound green space management. The implications for greenery design were discussed with a view to maximizing this ecosystem service in Chinese cities and other developing metropolises.  相似文献   

Compositional changes to air quality from coal mining are not only the most visible impact from these activities on the environment, they can also immediately affect the health of mine professionals and adjoining populations. The presence of gases and suspended solids emitted by mining activities affects the human respiratory system and decreases production in mines. This article summarizes a case study of several Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) coal mines with an emphasis on particulate matter (PM) to report the status of air quality connected to coal production and overburden removal. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and suspended particulate matter (SPM) reported in the literature are also summarized in table form to allow comparisons to the permissible standards set by the Indian Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and other standards used around the world. An up‐to‐date status of air quality at coal mines is compared for mines located in different parts of India. Subsequently, all coal mines were divided into different classes in regard to the severity of their emissions. These classes are, in increasing order of severity, green, yellow, red, and black. SPM measurements were tabulated in regard to concentration and composition. Our article concludes with the recommendation that an environmental impact assessment (EIA) to be conducted to better characterize changes in the environment from mining emissions to develop integrated mitigation measures and to identify additional parameters to define air quality at mines.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify principal factors controlling the Degree of Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources (DSDMR) of mining cities and then to measure their DSDMR and reveal their developing trends. To do this, 78 Chinese mining cities are used as an example. These cities are classified on a hierarchical level of the DSDMR in order to support decision-making of sustainable development. Six principal factors controlling the DSDMR are recognized using factor analysis. They are used to measure the DSDMR of the Chinese mining cities and their developing trends. The results show that in terms of the type of mineral resources, the DSDMR decreases from petroleum to multi-resources to non-metal to coal to metal cities. It decreases also from middle to old to young aged cities and from eastern to central to western cities in geographical location. In addition, large and very large cities have higher DSDMR values than middle- and small-sized cities. These Chinese mining cities are classified into six clusters by cluster analysis, which forms the basis for policy making.  相似文献   

运用模糊综合评判的方法,选取二氧化硫、二氧化氮和可吸入颗粒物作为评价因子,参照我国环境空气质量标准,通过建立各污染物的隶属函数和权重集,计算出各污染物的隶属度和权重分配系数,进而对达州市空气质量进行模糊综合评判。并将模糊综合评判法与空气污染指数分析所得结果进行比较。  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes the English literature on current issues, policies and practices, and their effects on environmental and resource sustainability in China's ongoing urbanization. Aspects of urban sustainability reviewed include air, water, solid waste, energy efficiency, transportation and land use. It shows that Chinese cities have been and probably will continue to be struggling with issues such as air pollution, scarcity of clean water, solid waste and greenhouse gas emissions. But there are many opportunities for improvement. It suggests shortages of existing policies and major gaps in knowledge and practice, which can be helpful to policy makers, planners and researchers in China and other developing countries.  相似文献   

With China's rapid economic development, environmental problems have become more and more serious. Particulate air pollution is terrible in cities with large and dense population. It may lead to adverse health effects and economic costs. In this study, we calculated the health effects of pollution caused by particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10mum (PM(10)) in 111 Chinese cities in 2004 according to statistical data and epidemiological exposure-response functions. Using economic burden of disease analysis, an economic assessment of these health risks was also presented. In contrast to many previous studies that have examined individual cities, this study covered most large and medium-sized cities in China, which accounted for more than 70% gross domestic product (GDP) of China in 2004. The total economic cost caused by PM(10) pollution was estimated as approximately US$ 29,178.7 million. Mega cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin contribute relatively more to the total costs. The results will help policy makers in formulating more effective countermeasures and increasing public awareness to enhance environmental protection.  相似文献   

城市既是受到气候变化和空气污染影响的重点区域,又是落实应对气候变化和大气污染防控政策的关键主体。在城市尺度上研究减污降碳政策的协同效应及其时空异质化的影响规律,将为因地制宜地制定减污降碳政策提供依据。本研究分析了2012—2019年我国284个地级市减污降碳协同效应指数的动态时空变化特征和规律;而后通过构建STIRPAT模型和地理时空加权回归(GTWR)模型,探讨了低碳政策、大气污染物防控政策、产业结构等驱动因素对减污降碳协同效应的时空异质化影响机制。结果表明:全国主要地级市耦合协调度指数平均值由2012年的0.79增加至2019年的0.85,环京津冀区域、汾渭平原等京津冀大气污染传输通道城市区域耦合协调度指数显著提高。以低碳试点城市为代表的区域,其降碳政策、减污政策、产业结构、人口规模、城镇化水平以及技术投入对减污降碳协同效应的影响存在显著的空间异质性。华北平原城市群作为大气污染防治的重点区域,主要通过减污政策提高协同效益;低碳政策主要在京津冀城市群、长江中游以及东南沿海地区城市发挥作用;中西部城市则主要通过产业结构调整、加大技术投入实现协同效益。最后,基于此提出促进城市减污降碳协同效益的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines how air pollution control policies will affect the welfare of the different races in Southern California. The paper adopts the concept of the Net Welfare Impact (NWI) function to measure how air quality improvements affect the welfare (monetary and non-monetary) of individual households. The core finding is that many of the benefits of air quality improvement are enjoyed by minorities, especially Latinos (and African-Americans and Asians to a lesser extent), whose household incomes tend to be lower and family size larger than the regional average, and who are more likely to live in the neighbourhoods that are currently polluted. Thus, because minorities have suffered more from dirty air, they are the major beneficiaries from implementation of clean air policies. This is the result of the Federal clean air mandate that dictates uniform standards for all metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

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