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自然保护地是区域灾害风险管理热点地区,国家公园是自然保护地体系的重要组成部分。国家公园管理目标的多样性决定其暴露在多种致灾因子下的承灾体多样性,使其灾害风险管理极具综合性。从国家公园管理职责、管理规划实践与科学研究热点出发,总结国家公园灾害风险管理的总体理念、共性与差异,将其置于社会—生态系统管理框架内,提出对中国国家公园体制试点区灾害风险管理的三个启示:(1)灾害风险管理是实现国家公园多重管理目标的必然需求;(2)灾害风险管理要重视维持国家公园社会—生态系统的理想状态;(3)灾害风险管理需要采用“整体”思想,在“愿景—目标—目的”的“层级式”管理目标下协调各部门,以适应性管理方式开展。  相似文献   

何露 《世界环境》2011,(1):24-25
农业物种资源是保障粮食安全的重要战略物资,保护它就是保护人类的"饭碗"。然而,这些生存了成百上千年,与人类生存和发展息息相关的农业物种资源,正在从地球上大量消失。联合国粮农组织提供的数字触目惊心:从20世纪初至20世纪末,全球有75%的农业物种已经消失,现在每年  相似文献   

安娜 《环境》2010,(3):66-67
<正>人类总是号称在致力于为物种保护作出贡献,但殊不知有些活动却加速了物种危机。人类和地球上其他生物有一种相互依存的生态关系。然而,这一良性关系有被破坏趋势。去年,世界自然保护联盟对全球约4.8万种和人类依存关系较大的一些生物展开调查,结果发  相似文献   

为分析人类活动强度对锦江浮游细菌群落结构的影响机制,本研究于2021年1月(枯水期)和7月(丰水期)在锦江21个采样点采集表层水样,基于高通量测序技术研究浮游细菌群落特征,运用网络分析等方法阐明浮游细菌群落的交互作用,并探讨人类活动强度对其结构及构建过程的影响.结果表明:①枯/丰水期第一优势浮游细菌门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria,53.08%/37.84%),其次是放线菌门(Actinobacteriota,30.89%/32.05%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota,9.41%/13.94%);②与枯水期相比,丰水期浮游细菌群落的距离衰减效应更强,且其群落结构的季节变化大于人类活动强度影响下的空间变化,平均最近邻体指数(ENN_MN)和农田是影响河流细菌群落的最主要因子,而该群落构建过程主要由不同水化学指标驱动;③Proteobacteria和Patescibacteria是浮游细菌群落交互作用的关键物种,低干扰强度下浮游细菌群落交互网络的稳定性优于其他干扰强度,林地和温度(T)分别是影响枯/丰水期网络稳定性的主要环境因子.④人类活动强度变化可通过调节确定性和随机性过程平衡来影响浮游细菌群落构建,随着强度增加,确定性过程对浮游细菌群落构建的相对重要性不断增强,且人类活动强度每增加10%,将使浮游细菌群落交互网络的稳定性在枯/丰水期分别减少约 6.38%和6.06%.以上结果为研究人类活动影响下河流生态系统监测和保护提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

科学评价生物多样性价值可为生物多样性和生态系统经济学(the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity,TEEB)支持下的生物资源管理提供有效的技术方法和政策依据,对受威胁物种的保护尤为重要.从TEEB的理念和研究目标出发,以我国特有保护植物——翅果油树(Elaeagnus mollis)为例,采用选择试验法定量评估受访者对受威胁物种保护和开发的偏好以及支付意愿;针对种植面积、产品开发、树苗品种、保护投入和农户收益这5项物种属性,在多模型比较的基础上最终选择随机参数模型(RPL)和潜在分层模型(LCM)进行价值评估.结果表明:基于RPL模型得出受访者的偏好选择具有异质性,正选择偏好的属性变量按重要性表现为“保护增加投入” > “高低端产品同时开发” > “农户收益” > “树苗品种” > “种植面积”,其中对“保护增加投入”的支付意愿〔331.0元/(户·a)〕最高,其次为“高低端产品同时开发”〔242.71元/(户·a)〕;对“保护不投入”为负选择偏好,且支付意愿〔-154.71元/(户·a)〕最低.基于LCM模型可将受访者分为保护偏好型和发展偏好型2个潜在类别,前者所占样本比例远高于后者,他们更愿意在物种保护方面支付较多的费用,而后者更愿意在产品开发上支付较多的费用.补偿剩余分析得到,翅果油树保护和开发的最大价值为285.62元/(户·a).研究显示,选择试验法在受威胁物种保护及价值评估中具有良好的适用性,评估结果可为物种保护政策的制定提供科学依据.   相似文献   

建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,从改革角度看是贯彻习近平生态文明思想的重大举措,从国土空间治理角度看是做实生态建设的核心载体和维护其在国家生态安全中的首要地位。为了更好地理解与诠释生态文明建设背景下中国自然保护地的发展规律及其背后的驱动因素,我们邀请了七位来自生态文明和国家公园相关领域的知名专家,就自然保护地的以下方面进行了探讨:生态文明建设、人地关系、人与自然的冲突和共生转换机制、自然保护地的治理体系和中国治理体系对全球生态文明建设的贡献、自然资源资产产权制度、自然保护地的日常管理与监督、自然保护地的生态补偿和特许经营等。主要结论有:(1)只有生态文明体制才能真正使各地地方政府处理好自然保护地的保护与发展关系,而国家公园是生态文明体制改革中整体进展最快、制度改革最系统的领域。(2)要实现“最严格的保护”,在关注自然保护地“地”的同时,强调在“因地制宜”“恋地主义原真性”等视角下考虑“人”(尤其本地居民)在生态系统中的功能和参与方式。(3)自然保护地人与自然冲突的制度成因主要源自不同层级政府之间的利益结构冲突。解决冲突、实现人与自然共生,需要优化治理体系尤其是调整各级政府的责权利...  相似文献   

通过文献内容分析,探究中国自然保护地研究主题的变化过程与研究特征,揭示中国自然保护地研究的现状和问题,提出研究展望。结果显示:(1)中国自然保护地研究历程可分为三个阶段:起步探索阶段(1998—2008年)、多元拓展阶段(2009—2018年)、深化发展阶段(2019年至今);(2)国内研究总体循着“自然资源调查—开发利用—体系建设—多元治理”方向不断深入并拓展,研究主题可分为体制建设、空间分布和管控、生态环境的监测与评估、自然保护地与社区发展、游憩利用五个方面,各主题呈现出不同的阶段性特征和演进趋势;(3)基于各主题的研究现状及新时代背景,提出自然保护地研究框架及自然保护地体系建设背景下的体制建设深化研究、自然保护地“自然—人类—社会”复合生态系统研究、国土空间规划背景下的自然保护地空间布局研究、自然保护地与社区良性互动发展研究、自然保护地游憩开发与管理研究等五个研究方向的科学问题。  相似文献   

国家公园是最重要的自然保护地,在保护生态环境、促进经济和社会发展方面具有独特优势。定量分析人类活动对关键生态系统服务的影响,有助于国家公园规范保护和利用行为、提升可持续发展能力。运用InVEST模型、广义相加模型等方法,探究了祁连山国家公园人类活动与水源涵养、土壤保持、碳固存、生境质量等关键生态系统服务的时空格局,并分析了人类活动对生态系统服务的影响。研究发现:(1)2000—2019年祁连山国家公园人类活动强度逐渐减弱,整体呈西高东低的空间分布特征。(2)土壤保持量、碳固存量、生境质量均呈增加趋势,大致呈西低东高的分布格局,但水源涵养量呈先增后减趋势,并存在较明显的空间异质性,在整个研究期间变化显著。(3)人类活动与生境质量、碳固存、土壤保持存在负相关关系,表明人类活动强度的增加会直接影响国家公园生态系统服务的提供。建议未来国家公园的管理以及相关生态保护政策的制定应充分考虑人类活动的影响,并根据人类活动强度,精准实施分区管控、提高保护的有效性。  相似文献   

生物多样性的干扰、生活史及优化管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在许多生态系统中,日益增长的人类活动已经加剧了干扰的频度和强度.结果,在地球上,短命物种(包括许多外来的物种)在丰富度上可能会有巨大的提高;同时长寿命的物种又可能消失.这个结论可以通过对理论和经验研究中大量演替循环的观察得到.这篇文章主要讨论现有生态管理政策和保护中两个受到忽视的问题①生活史的限制因素;②未来全球变暖趋势.同时也强调了这两个因素在平衡干扰的频度和强度以优化生物多样性保持和生态系统管理方面的重要性.  相似文献   

生态空间的划定是落实主体功能区制度,确定三种空间、三条红线的重要环节。目前生态空间概念界定尚未有共识、分类体系仍不统一。以西藏自治区为例,探索了生态脆弱区省级生态空间分类体系构建、空间范围识别及人类活动强度模拟的方法。结果表明:(1)按照生态系统类型西藏生态空间可分为林地、草地、湿地、未利用地等4个一级类,13个二级类和29个三级类。按照管制强度可分为I级严格管制区、II级限制开发区和III级动态管制区。(2)识别得到西藏生态空间面积约为105.45万km2,占西藏总面积的87.7%,与其国家重要生态安全屏障的功能定位一致。(3)模拟了西藏人类活动强度,生态空间内受人类胁迫水平整体较弱,约92%的区域人类活动强度指数低于0.0447。本研究可为高寒生态脆弱区省级生态空间划定及管理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   


The identification of species-rich areas and their prognosticated turnover under climate change are crucial for the conservation of endemic taxa. This study aims to identify areas of reptile endemicity richness in a global biodiversity hot spot (Morocco) under current and future climatic conditions and to investigate the role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation under climate change. Species distribution models (SDM) were performed over the distribution of 21 endemic reptiles, combined to estimate current species richness at 1?×?1 km resolution and projected to years 2050 and 2080 according to distinct story lines and ensemble global circulation models, assuming unlimited and null dispersion ability. Generalized additive models were performed between species richness and geographic characteristics of 43 protected areas. SDM found precipitation as the most important factor related to current species distributions. Important reductions in future suitable areas were predicted for 50 % of species, and four species were identified as highly vulnerable to extinction. Drastic reductions in species-rich areas were predicted for the future, with considerable variability between years and dispersal scenarios. High turnover rates of species composition were predicted for eastern Morocco, whereas low values were forecasted for the Northern Atlantic coast and mountains. Species richness for current and future conditions was significantly related to the altitude and latitude of protected areas. Protected areas located in mountains and/or in the Northern Atlantic coast were identified as refugia, where population monitoring and conservation management is needed.


长江流域重要保护物种分布格局与优先区评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
开展大尺度重要物种的保护优先区研究对于提高生物多样性保护效率十分重要. 选取1 020个物种(包括植物568种、哺乳动物142种、鸟类168种、两栖动物57种、爬行动物85种)为长江流域重要保护物种. 在分析重要保护物种类群分布格局的基础上,利用系统保护规划与专家参与的方法,提出了长江流域物种保护的27个保护优先区.保护优先区总面积占流域面积的41.8%,涵盖了重要保护物种973种,占全部重要保护物种数目的95.4%.建议以保护优先区为基本单元,开展有关生物多样性保护研究及保护区群的建设.   相似文献   

The footprint of human activities within Antarctica is increasing, making it essential to consider whether current conservation/protection of environmental and scientific values is adequate. The Antarctic protected area network has developed largely without any clear strategy, despite scientific attempts to promote protection of representative habitats. Many Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) Management Plans do not state clearly if conservation or science is the priority objective. This is problematic as science and conservation may have conflicting management requirements, i.e. visitation may benefit science, but harm conservation values. We examined recent estimated mean annual levels of visitation to ASPAs. On average, ASPAs protecting scientific research interests were visited twice as often as ASPAs conserving Antarctic habitat and biological communities. However, ASPAs protecting both science and conserving habitat were visited three times as often as ASPAs conserving habitat alone. Examination of visitation data showed that the proportion of visitors entering ASPAs for science, environmental management and/or education and tourism purposes, did not reflect the primary reason for designation, i.e. for science and/or conservation. One third of APSAs designated since the Environmental Protocol entered into force (1998) did not describe clearly the main reason for designation. Policy makers should consider (i) for all Management Plans stating unambiguously the reason an area has ASPA designation, e.g. either to protect habitat/environmental values or scientific research, in accordance with adopted guidance, (ii) designating new protected areas where visitation is kept to an absolute minimum to ensure the long-term conservation of Antarctic species and habitats without local human impacts (possibly located far from areas of human activity), and (iii) encouraging the use of zoning in ASPAs to help facilitate the current and future requirements of different scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

苏浙皖珍稀濒危植物保护规划的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在进行全面野外调查和资料收集的基础上,研究了三省珍稀濒危植物的保护规划。根据人为保护现状和植物的分布及多度等,将该地区65种国家保护植物分为几组,并提出几种类型的保护规划。在就地保护方面,提出增建6个自然保护区、2个国家公园和40多个自然保护点;在迁地保存方面,提出建立一个由地区迁地保存中心、三个省级保存繁殖基地和若干小型引种园圃组成的多层次迁地保存网。本文还提出“就地-迁地”保存规划,这是一种结合了就地和迁地保存优点的规划方法。此外,本文还特别强调了“归化自然”的规划,“归化自然”要求将人工繁育的珍稀濒危植物种群归化到它们原先的生境中去。  相似文献   

宫兆宁  苏朔  杜博  关晖  张强 《自然资源学报》2021,36(8):1964-1975
景观演变对野生动物栖息地质量和连接度造成的影响,一直是威胁全球生物多样性保护的关键问题,开展扎龙湿地丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)繁殖栖息地选择及繁殖期生境间的扩散研究,对野生丹顶鹤的保护具有重要的意义。首先利用需要“出现点”的生态位MAXENT模型,进行适宜栖息地选择研究。从水源、食物、干扰、隐蔽物四个方面选择明水面距离、土壤湿度、NDVI、道路距离和居民地距离五个环境变量作为丹顶鹤繁殖栖息地选择的影响因子,预测扎龙保护区可供丹顶鹤进行营巢繁殖的栖息地分布,并分析各影响因子的反应曲线。结果显示:丹顶鹤易于选择远离道路和居民地干扰且靠近明水面的区域作为营巢栖息地,栖息地土壤湿度较高并且植被覆盖较多。从MAXENT模型中提取了38个适宜栖息地斑块,基于电路理论模拟丹顶鹤繁殖期失去飞行能力时的多路径扩散,最大电流密度图突出了可能的“夹点”,模拟出具有一定宽度范围的连接区域,可供丹顶鹤在繁殖期间进行扩散。累积电流密度图突出了在维持网络连通性方面起到积极作用的斑块,并进行面积加权来评估适宜栖息地斑块的综合重要性。结果表明,在MAXENT模型预测出的适宜栖息地斑块基础上,考虑丹顶鹤繁殖期的迁移扩散行为,利用累积电流密度面积加权来评估适宜栖息地斑块的综合重要性,得到的适宜性等级更符合丹顶鹤真实巢址的分布。研究成果可为保护区丹顶鹤栖息繁殖生境的恢复和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Selecting reserves for forest biodiversity maintenance is often done by setting criteria for components of structural elements of biodiversity, such as a volume of decaying wood. We tested how the different threshold values for the components of structural elements affect the cost-effective site selection. Using Finnish National Forest Inventory information and remote sensing data, we determined a habitat quality index and economic value for each site in Satakunta region in Finland. Moreover, we defined several sets of potential conservation targets using alternative criteria for the habitat quality index developed for the Finnish case study. These figures were used in the site selection model in order to maximize the sum of habitat index of selected areas under a given budget constraint. We found that the production possibility frontier for the outputs of timber and biodiversity is only slightly concave when using the given threshold values. Thus, the optimal combination of the outputs is sensitive to the relative values of these goods. Our results suggest that an integrated approach in forest conservation could provide to environmental managers considerable cost savings compared with current management practices. Environmental managers could also reduce conservation costs by loosening the criteria for potential conservation targets. This would not lower considerably the quality of conserved forests.  相似文献   

European Union (EU) member states set aside between 5 and 15% of arable land during the last two decades, but abolition of the set-aside scheme in 2008 caused a sudden loss in habitat availability and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Management of set-aside has many facets and in this perspective paper we focus on the biodiversity effects of successional age, sowing strategies and landscape context. Young, 1-2-year-old set-asides have been initially considered to be too ephemeral to have any conservation value. However, when a rich seed and bud bank is available, a species-rich natural (secondary) succession can be observed. Arable (annual) weed communities in the first two years of succession can even include endangered plant species with associated rare insect consumers. Furthermore, many bird species benefit from early-successional habitats, whereas small mammal communities are richer in older habitats. If the local plant species pool is poor, sowings of diverse mixtures from regional seed collections can be recommended. Set-aside managers using species-rich sowings often experience that dominant weeds suppress the less competitive annual species. This trend to species-poor communities can be avoided by intraspecific aggregation of competitively weak species. Broadening the spatial scale from the plot to the landscape, efficiency of set-aside is highest in simple landscapes, where set-aside exhibits greatest effect in enhancement of biodiversity and associated services such as pollination and biological control. In complex landscapes, however, additional set-aside does not add much to the high level of biodiversity and ecological processes already present. Twenty percent of semi-natural, non-crop habitat appears to be a rough threshold for enhancing biodiversity and sustaining services such as pollination and biological control, but improved set-aside management should have the potential to reduce the percentage of semi-natural non-crop habitat needed. EU policy should tailor set-aside schemes for the maintenance of biodiversity and also consider that management efficiency is higher in simple than complex landscapes.  相似文献   

Canadian and US marine conservation law, and other related law, was analyzed to determine if it reflected ecological criteria needed to implement connectivity among marine protected areas of the northeast Pacific in the proposed trilateral Baja to Bering Sea (B2B) initiative. The analysis included both nations’ federal laws and those of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia. While legal provisions exist already to implement marine protected areas for varying reasons, there is little capacity in most laws to create connectivity among them for conservation purposes. Only California's legislation contained explicit provisions for all the criteria. Other federal, state, and provincial laws, while containing provisions for species at risk and vulnerable habitats, generally lacked explicit provisions for the vital criteria, size of area, migratory patterns, and recruitment patterns. Implementation, future management, and protection of the proposed B2B marine network would be facilitated by amendment of both Canadian and US laws. Some of the ecological criteria are already implied implicitly or vaguely, but they need to be made explicit in the amended law. The legislative model of California could serve as a template for amending the laws of other jurisdictions in the B2B venture.  相似文献   

鲎的保护与族群恢复之研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从1997年开始在金门进行鲎的保护与族群恢复之研究,内容包括人工培育稚鲎、成鲎引入野外产卵复育试验、人工栖息地复育试验。同时,关于鲎的地理亲缘关系的研究,对探讨西太平洋地区生物多样性成因及三棘鲎的保护遗传问题都具有相当的价值。  相似文献   

2016-2020年连续对营口滨海湿地春季迁徙期水鸟种类和数量进行了调查监测。5年的长期调查监测共记录到水鸟4目8科39种,其中鸻鹬类、鸥类及雁鸭类(共占记录物种总数的92.31%)是构成营口滨海湿地春季迁徙期水鸟的主要类群。年际间水鸟种类和数量总体呈增加趋势,翘鼻麻鸭(Tadorna tadorna)、斑尾塍鹬(Limosa lapponica)、黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)、大杓鹬(Numenius madagascariensis)、环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)6种优势种处于动态变化之中。记录到的39种水鸟都被列入国内外有关保护条例,且分布达到全球种群评估数量1%的濒危大杓鹬、易危黑嘴鸥(Saundersilarus saundersi)、翘鼻麻鸭、环颈鸻、黑尾塍鹬、斑尾塍鹬、黑腹滨鹬7种水鸟,表明营口滨海湿地及水鸟具有国际重要保护价值。为更好地保护营口滨海湿地水鸟及其栖息地,建议尽早在目前未受保护的营口滨海湿地新建国家公园、自然保护区或自然公园,或纳入生态保护红线;并将营口滨海湿地申报列入《国际重要湿地名录》。  相似文献   

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