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物联网技术发展与环境自动监控系统建设   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
概述了物联网的概念、主要技术特征、作用和影响,结合环境管理需求,讨论了物联网在环境自动监控系统建设中的若干应用场景,设计了环境物联网应用的基本框架,提出了物联网在环境自动监控应用中应关注和研究的若干主要问题。  相似文献   

Within the paradigm of “Industry 4.0”, data collection and management acquire new relevance. In this context, the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the manufacturing field allows to develop information systems able to offer the possibility of using a large amount of data collected from heterogeneous sources in real time. The information thus obtained is functional not only to the attainment of an industrial development but also for evaluation and improvement of its sustainability. For example, the benefit obtainable for the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology from the new digital configuration is represented by a greater specificity of data that wireless sensors networks (WSN) measure and transmit in a continuous way.This paper explores the benefit of using a sensor for the evaluation of the environmental impact, in particular for LCA, in an Italian company producing chemical formulations. The machinery electric consumption directly measured data is compared with the same data estimated with mathematical models. It highlights how much different approach of data measurement and calculation can affect the LCA results. The detection of the energy variable related to a single machine for a particular process, which has been described in the paper, represents a first step towards the implementation of a WSN, proposed by Scatol8 srl, to be used to produce in a more sustainable way.  相似文献   

环境物联网运用智能传感器等设备感知生态环境的变化,监测环境质量、监控企业的排污行为,通过环境数据的采集、传输、处理、整合,辅助环境管理决策。近年来环境物联网得到长足发展,但现有的环境物联网体系无法满足多种任务和应用场景的需求,主要问题体现在数据质量和精准度缺乏保证,数据传输能力有限,数据共享还未打通,数据分析应用能力还有待提升。笔者系统分析了环境物联网感知层、传输层和应用层的现状与问题,较全面地研究了物联网与大数据技术的最新进展,提出了环境物联网的发展方向以解决上述问题,为实现精细化管理与科学决策提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Water pollution is the root cause for many diseases in the world. It is necessary to measure water quality using sensors for prevention of water pollution. However, the related works remain the problems of communication, mobility, scalability, and accuracy. In this paper, we propose a new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that integrates with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology for real-time water quality monitoring. It aims to determine the contamination of water, leakage in pipeline, and also automatic measure of parameters (such as temperature sensor, flow sensor, color sensor) in real time using Arduino Atmega 368 using Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) module. The system is applied in the Tirunelveli Corporation (Metro city of Tamilnadu state, India) for automatic capturing of sensor data (pressure, pH, level, and energy sensors). SCADA system is fine-tuned with additional sensors and reduced cost. The results show that the proposed system outperforms the existing ones and produces better results. SCADA captures the real-time accurate sensor values of flow, temperature, and color and turbidity through the GSM communication.  相似文献   

为满足国家土壤样品制备与流转中心(华北分中心)及北京市土壤样品库的流转与存储需求,采用了一种基于物联网的智能土壤样品库建设方案。通过射频识别、气动传输、智能存取、信息关联与信息管理系统等技术手段,除可满足国家土壤环境监测样品制备、流转和质量控制的基本需求外,实现了对暂存土壤样品和长期保存土壤样品的智能化、自动化、信息化和规范化保存。该样品库的建设实践为环境样品的智能化、自动化和信息化存储提供了全新的方案,其设计思路可为各部门土壤等环境样品库的建设和管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

准确、可靠的环境监测数据是环境管理的重要现实依据,因此正确鉴别和处理异常数据是环境监测工作中的关键环节。简述了环境监测异常数据的类型和产生的原因,对异常监测数据的处理措施进行了分析。提出,应建立健全环境监测质量管理体系、重视现场采样的信息化管理、正确填写监测原始记录和加强监测数据的审核。  相似文献   

The measurement procedure of the open area in situ electric field strength is presented, acquiring the real field data for testing of the Serbian electromagnetic field monitoring network (SEMONT) and its Internet portal. The SEMONT monitoring system introduces an advanced approach of wireless sensor network utilization for the continuous supervision of overall and cumulative level of electromagnetic field over the observed area. The aim of the SEMONT system is to become a useful tool for the national and municipal agencies for the environmental protection, regarding the electromagnetic pollution monitoring and the exposure assessment of the general population. Considering the public concern on the potentially harmful effects of the long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation, as well as the public transparency principle that is incorporated into the Serbian law on non-ionizing radiation protection, the SEMONT monitoring system is designed for the long-term continuous monitoring, presenting real-time measurement results, and corresponding exposure assessment over the public Internet network.  相似文献   

环境监测实验室样品管理是质量管理的重要环节,样品管理的智能化、信息化将大幅提升实验室的管理水平。通过分析当前监测实验室样品管理现状和不足,借鉴相关行业样品智能物流管理系统应用经验,结合江苏省环境监测中心新建的监测实验大楼,开展环境监测样品智能物流管理系统设计研究。提出,考虑环境监测样品接收、任务分配、样品交接、样品留存各个环节,以样品属性为基准进行样品管理系统设计;同时,结合物联网集成管控、气动传输和机器人输送技术,构建包含分布式存储工作站和密集型土壤样品库的样品智能物流管理系统,实现高效、智能、规范的样品管理目标。  相似文献   

Recent developments in wireless sensor technology afford the opportunity to rapidly and easily deploy large-scale, low-cost, and low-power sensor networks across relatively sizeable environmental regions. Furthermore, the advancement of increasingly smaller and less expensive wireless hardware is further complemented by the rapid development of open-source software components. These software protocols allow for interfacing with the hardware to program and configure the onboard processing and communication settings. In general, a wireless sensor network topology consists of an array of microprocessor boards, referred to as motes, which can engage in two-way communication among each other as well as with a base station that relays the mote data to a host computer. The information can then be either logged and displayed on the local host or directed to an http server for network monitoring remote from the site. A number of wireless sensor products are available that offer off-the-shelf network hardware as well as sensor solutions for environmental monitoring that are compatible with the TinyOS open-source software platform. This paper presents an introduction to wireless sensing and to the use of external antennas for increasing the antenna radiation intensity and shaping signal directivity for monitoring applications requiring larger mote-to-mote communication distances.  相似文献   

介绍了目前对环境监测异常数据研究状况,简述了环境监测异常数据的辨识方法,分析了环境监测异常数据产生的原因,提出在建设项目环保验收监测过程中异常数据的处理,以及防止产生异常数据的措施.  相似文献   

水环境监测信息集成、共享与决策支持平台构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水环境监测数据可靠传输交换与集成、信息规范化处理分析、高效共享与决策支持为应用主线,对水环境监测信息集成、共享与决策支持平台的建设目标、总体架构、主要功能进行了研究,设计了平台的总体架构及主要功能,以实现涉水部门水环境信息的采集、传输、交换、存储、分析、发布、共享、展现等,为环境管理与决策人员、为公众、为各级(国家级流域级省级地市级县级)环境监测业务人员提供信息支撑。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,特别是"十三五"时期我国固定污染源监测体系在管理制度、监测技术、信息平台、业务体系方面均取得了积极进展。但随着排污许可制度的全面实施,省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂改全面完成,减污降碳全面提级,我国固定污染源监测体系面临着专项制度不完善、自行监测数据质量监管压力大、基层执法监测高需求与低能力矛盾突出、减污降碳监测体系有待系统设计等突出问题。为了适应新形势下生态环境管理需求,建议:健全制度体系,研究制订《固定污染源监测管理办法》;完善技术体系和质控体系,加快快速、便携、智能化的污染源监测新技术体系及基于物联、信息技术的全流程、全链条质控体系的研究应用;优化业务体系,推动污染源执法监测与排污单位自行监测帮扶规范化和监测信息平台改造提升及应用。  相似文献   

分析国内环境监测业务和环境监测信息化建设的现状和发展趋势,提出地级市环境监测站信息系统的监测业务、数据中心、综合应用3层构架思路,对信息系统各层次的主要功能作出描述,着重对环境监测业务系统的集成和分工进行阐述。进行环境监测信息系统建设,在先进性、安全性、稳定性和可扩充性等方面满足地级市环境监测部门今后相当长一段时期内的信息化建设需求。  相似文献   

按照环境监测网络的信息处理结构,将网络划分为采集层、网络层和应用层,归纳了数据级融合、特征级融合、决策级融合3层融合级别,介绍了加权平均、卡尔曼滤波、人工神经网络、支持向量机、遗传算法、贝叶斯系统等在环境监测数据分析中的应用,指出当前面临的数据处理技术不成熟、评价体系不完善和数据质量监管能力不足等问题,提出优化网络结构、数据多元应用和强化决策支持等研究建议。  相似文献   

针对城市噪声污染多头管理、监测方法单一、治理效率低等问题,基于Android 4G技术城市环境噪声分布式监测设计思想,介绍智慧城市噪声分布式监测的应用方法。以移动终端作为传感器节点替代传统集中式噪声监测的分布式监测方法,依托云计算数据处理平台,解决了监测网络数据管理分散、定点检测站和一些手持检测设备收集数据引起的信息滞后的问题,有益于实现城市环境噪声污染数据分析、处理和融合等复杂功能,使各种质控任务和标准传递等复杂任务得到自动化执行与反馈,将对城市噪声污染联防联控起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

以环境监测管理各项法规政策、空气自动监测技术规范和方法标准的技术规定及管理要求为准绳,研究搭建环境空气自动监测质量管理总框架,制定体系化的环境空气自动监测质量管理框架体系及管理文件规程,从而规范环境空气自动监测活动,提高空气自动监测数据的科学性和准确性,为环境保护管理部门实施环境空气预报预警及规划空气污染治理各项工作奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

环境监测数据是客观评价环境质量状况、反映污染治理成效、实施环境管理与决策的基本依据。为了进一步加强环境监测过程管理,有效提高环境监测数据质量,以列举法对影响生态环境监测机构数据质量的样品采集、运输、交接和实验室分析等监测活动的各环节进行了技术分析,梳理总结了数据质量技术判断的常见方法,旨在为环境管理部门开展监督管理提供经验借鉴。同时,就进一步提高生态环境监测机构的监测数据质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, several monitoring programs have been established as a consequence of EU Directives which include requirements for monitoring the quality of water resources (drinking water, groundwater and surface water). Plant protection products (PPPs) are an obvious target for monitoring activities, since they are directly released into the environment. In Italy, the National Environmental Protection Agency (ISPRA ex APAT) has recently published two reports containing the results of the National Plans for Control of Environmental Effects of PPP. These documents contain the collection of monitoring data related to the presence of PPP residues in surface water and groundwater. The first objective of this work was to critically analyze the results of monitoring campaigns on pesticide residues in surface waters in Italy. In particular, the paper focuses on whether and how the Italian approach satisfies the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, whether they are representative of the whole national territory, and how the utilized approach is appropriate for the characterization of risk to surface water. Starting from this analysis, some considerations about the limits of environmental monitoring as a tool for managing risk were highlighted.  相似文献   

环境监测自动监测系统信息共享技术研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
针对我国环境监测现状,分析了当前各地监测系统存在的环境监测信息综合处理困难及信息交换障碍等问题,结合国家不同层次对环境监测数据的需求及侧重点,分析了实现环境监测数据共享存在的问题,给出了信息共享元数据内容,介绍了科技部项目主要功能和设计方法及思路。最后对环境监测信息共享技术发展提出了自已的观点。  相似文献   

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