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新疆草原利用与保护现状及对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对新疆目前的草原利用与保护现状及存在的问题进行分析,提出了解决新疆畜牧业发展的思路及实施的牧民定居工程、人工草料地建设工程、牧区水利工程、退牧还草工程和牧民转移等草原建设的五大重点工程。  相似文献   

在帕米尔高原高寒草原地区,选择了4个自然放牧梯度、处于3种典型退化阶段的草地为研究对象,进行了土壤草毡表层加厚引起的系统氮、磷分配和水分利用的变化过程的研究。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增加,草地禾本科植物逐渐减少,蒿类植物成为优势种群,土壤草毡表层逐渐加厚,从新疆银穗草+硬叶苔草群落的3.02±0.53 cm发育到高山绢蒿、西藏亚菊群落阶段的8.24±0.53 cm;矮生嵩草群落使系统生长需要的氮、磷养分数量急剧增加,分别从12 g/m2到23 g/m2、0.84 g/m2到1.7 g/m2,成为生物养分固定累积于土壤;同时致密加厚的、特别是老化死亡的草毡表层的存在,使土壤水分的渗透速率从新疆银穗草+硬叶苔草群落的1.94 mm/min降低到小嵩草群落的1.38mm/min,使系统接受自然降水的能力大大减弱,水分的利用效率极低,而根系数量的急剧增长导致需水量的增加,土壤湿度逐渐降低,降幅最大达到18.85%。草毡表层加厚导致的营养供求失调、干旱胁迫是引起高寒草地退化的内在原因之一。  相似文献   

“实施山水林田湖草生态保护和修复工程,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能”是习近平生态文明思想的重要创新成果,为开展生态环境保护修复工作提供了重要指引和根本遵循。2019年以来,江苏省开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复省级试点工程共5类59个工程项目。在总结了试点地区工作经验做法的基础上,针对存在的生态保护修复和绿色发展协同理念认识不足、生态修复保护整体性和系统性不够、生态修复经验总结及全周期管理有待加强、打破界限的体制机制改革创新亟需完善等问题及难点,提出了相应的工作政策建议,以期打造全国生态保护修复的江苏样板。  相似文献   

利用3S技术,对克孜勒苏州草地资源现状进行了调查.通过现场实地调查与历史资料比对,查清草地的退化现状及其原因,并提出相应解决草地退化问题的途径.  相似文献   

利用1985、2000、2013年遥感影像提取的土地覆盖数据,通过景观格局指数、动态度计算、转移矩阵等,分析1985—2013年我国典型地区各类型生态系统景观格局及其动态变化特征、生态系统相互转化时空变化特征等,揭示1985—2013年生态环境格局变化的特点和规律:一级分类生态系统综合变化率,赣江、闽江、白龙江和岷江上游流域分别为4.7%、3.9%、3.3%和1.7%,生态系统变化强度1985—2000年较缓,2000—2013年更剧烈。1985—2013年典型区生态系统的主要转化方向具有持续性和双向性特征,岷江、白龙江和赣江上游流域退耕还林还草政策效果明显,出现较高比例的耕地转为森林和草地;面积占67.4%生态系统类型变化与耕地生态系统和人工表面生态系统变化有关;生态系统变化具有明显的区域差异,生态变化主要表现为沿主要河流谷地的线状延伸,主要城镇居民点附近生态系统类型变化较为突出,人类活动是典型地区生态系统类型格局变化的主要驱动力;典型区尤其是敏感区应加大退耕还林还草政策,减少人类经济活动,降低洪水泥石流灾害发生的概率和程度。  相似文献   

东平湖菹草大面积衰亡的危害及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于东平湖近年来污染加剧,使湖水富营养化加重,出现了菹草大量生长,6月以后,又出现菹草大面积衰亡、腐烂等现象,不但造成生态环境破坏,还发生鱼类大量死亡事件.针对上述情况,作者分析了菹草生长的原因并提出了治理菹草污染的措施.  相似文献   

基于遥感和像元二分模型的新疆植被覆盖度格局动态监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料反演了2006—2015年新疆植被覆盖状况,获取不同时期的植被覆盖度图,并进一步分析了植被覆盖度变化的原因。结果表明:新疆植被覆盖度呈现北部高于南部、西部高于东部的分布特征,其中西部和西北部的山地森林、草地以及天山北坡绿洲农作物、草地区域植被覆盖情况最好。过去10年间,新疆植被覆盖度总体呈上升趋势,2015年植被覆盖度达到最高,为16.68%。生态恢复工程、降水和气温等是影响植被覆盖度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

飞机噪声监测方法的有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 目前,各地方政府对飞机噪声的监测都是按照《飞机噪声的环境标准》(1973年12月27日环境厅第154号告示,以下称《环境标准》)去实施的。《环境标准》中,虽然对基本的测定与评价方法作了记述,但是有关测得的噪声值和飞机架次的处理方法,以及评价值本身的差别等都还存在问题。有关测定的实施细则,各地政府也提出了很多的询问意见。 本文,就环境厅对飞机噪声监测实施中有关问题研讨的结果作一概述。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国大陆的最西端,是中国荒漠化最为严重的地区之一。1992年联合国环境与发展大会召开以后,中国对于新疆地区荒漠化问题研究成果不断增多。本文立足于可持续发展政策,利用系统分析方法,从荒漠化的成因、现状、危害及其防治等四个方面综合评述新疆地区近20年的荒漠化问题研究,以便于从整体上把握并深入研究。综合来看,新疆地区的荒漠化成因等方面研究全面,荒漠化的防治措施在不断发展与创新,治理成果显著。但仍然存在一些问题,公民的防沙治沙意识还有待增强,防沙治沙实施重点还需进一步突出,防沙治沙资金管理还需整体把控。  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术,在空间数据库平台的支持下,对四川省20世纪90年代中期到2000年间的草地动态变化特征、草地动态变化的背景特征及其空间分布特征进行了分析。研究表明,净增草地部分主要来源于耕地,净减草地部分的主要去向是林地。总体上,净增草地面积3812公顷,净增草地部分主要是在轻度土壤侵蚀区、中度土壤侵蚀区、剧烈土壤侵蚀区和强度土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级5、6和1的区域,环境等级5、6、4和1的区域;净减草地部分主要是在微度土壤侵蚀区和极强土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级3、2和4的区域,环境质量等级7和8的区域。净增草地的区域为川西北高原、丘陵和川西南山区,净增草地面积的前四个地州市是遂宁市、泸州市、巴中地区和广安市,净减少草地的区域为盆周山地和平原,净减少草地面积的前四个地州市是广元市、绵阳市、达川市和宜宾市。  相似文献   

Atmospheric Change and Biodiversity in the Arctic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Canadian Arctic is characterized by a high variation in landform types and there are complex interactions between land, water and the atmosphere which dramatically affect the distribution of biota. Biodiversity depends upon the intensity, predictability and scale of these interactions. Observations, as well as predictions of large-scale climate models which include ocean circulation, reveal an anomalous cooling of northeastern Canada in recent decades, in contrast to the overall significant increase in average annual temperature in the Northern Hemisphere. Predictions from models are necessary to forecast the change in the treeline in the 21st century which may lead to a major loss of tundra. The rate of change in vegetation in response to climate change is poorly understood. The treeline in central Canada, for example, is showing infilling with trees, and in some locations, northerly movement of the boundary. The presence of sea ice in Hudson Bay and other coastal areas is a major factor affecting interactions between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Loss of ice and therefore hunting of seals by polar bears will reduce bear and arctic fox populations within the region. In turn, this is likely to have significant effects on their herbivorous prey populations and forage plants. Further, the undersurface of sea ice is a major site for the growth of algae and marine invertebrates which in turn act as food for the marine food web. A rise in sea-level may flood coastal saltmarsh communities leading to changes in plant assemblages and a decline in foraging by geese and other consumers. The anomalous cooling in the eastern Arctic, primarily in late winter and early spring, has interrupted northern migration of breeding populations of geese and ducks and led to increased damage to vegetation in southern arctic saltmarshes as a result of foraging. It is likely that there has been a significant loss of invertebrates in those areas where the vegetation has been destroyed. Warming will have major effects on permafrost distribution and on ground-ice resulting in a major destabilization of slopes and slumping of soil, and disruption of tundra plant communities. Disruption of peat and moss surfaces lead to loss of insulation, an increase in active-layer depth and changes in drainage and plant assemblages. Increases of UV-B radiation will strongly affect vulnerable populations of both plants and animals. The indigenous peoples will face major changes in life style, edibility of food and health standards, if there is a significant warming trend. The great need is for information which is sensitive to the changes and will assist in developing an understanding of the complex interactions of the arctic biota, human populations and the physical environment.  相似文献   

The stem cuttings of the terrestrial, ornamental plant, Portulaca oleracea, grew well in distilled water by producing adventitious roots and leaves. However, when exposed to various concentrations of sulfate and nitrate salts of copper resulted in a suppression of root growth, increase in initiation time of roots and sprouts and decay of stem cuttings from the cut open end, decrease in number of leaves with an increase in concentration of copper in the growth medium. Accumulation of copper increased with increasing concentrations of both copper sulfate and copper nitrate. However, copper accumulation was greater in copper nitrate than in copper sulfate treatment. Hence, copper in the presence of nitrate is more toxic than in the presence of sulfate. The accumulation factors in all treatment concentrations were greater than 1, hence P. oleracea is a copper accumulator.  相似文献   

根据2011—2018年河北省近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中氮和磷的监测数据,分析了海水中氮和磷的变化趋势及其影响因素。结果表明:2011—2018年,河北省近岸海域海水中无机氮(DIN)和无机磷(DIP)的平均浓度均低于第二类海水水质标准,海域富营养化状况以贫营养和轻度富营养为主,超标(第二类海水水质标准限值)点位和中度、重富营养区域主要集中在沧州市近岸海域。河北省近岸海域海水中DIN的平均浓度在2011—2014年、2015—2017年呈现阶段性上升趋势,2018年大幅下降;DIP的平均浓度在2011—2013年无明显波动,2014年陡增后开始逐年下降;N/P在2011—2014年无明显变化,2015—2018年呈逐年上升趋势。自2016年起,入海河流中氨氮和总磷的平均浓度、降水中氨氮的平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势。近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中的氮和磷表现出一定的相关性和协同性,陆源污染输入总量降低是海水中氮磷浓度降低的主要原因。应警惕污染物控制力度的不同所导致的海水中生源要素结构的改变,及其引发的潜在海洋生态风险。  相似文献   

Heavy Metal Availability in Soil Amended with Composted Urban Solid Wastes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was performed to evaluate the pH and the availability of Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Ni in soil amended with increasing doses of composted solid wastes, collected in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State and in Coimbra, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The influence of the time elapsed between compost application to the soil and the sampling of the plant growth substrate (soil + compost) for pH and metal availability analyses was also examined. The availability of heavy metals in the soil, in the compost and in the substrate was evaluated using DTPA solution for metal extraction. The increase of the compost doses added to the soil resulted in the increase of the pH in the substrate. The addition of the compost from the bigger city, Rio de Janeiro, resulted in higher increase in soil pH and available Zn, Cu, Pb, and Ni levels as compared to the addition of the compost from the smaller city, Coimbra. Increasing the time elapsed between the compost application to the soil and the sampling of the mixture resulted in higher available Zn, Cu, Mn, and Pb levels. The addition of the compost from Rio de Janeiro resulted in substrate metal concentrations in the order Zn > Pb > Ni > Cu > Mn and for the Coimbra compost the metal concentrations in the substrate was Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Mn. The higher values of pH and available metals obtained for the bigger city were attributed to the greatest metal contamination of its compost.  相似文献   

We evaluated exposure of aquatic biota to lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) in streams draining a Pb-mining district in southeast Missouri. Samples of plant biomass (detritus, periphyton, and filamentous algae), invertebrates (snails, crayfish, and riffle benthos), and two taxa of fish were collected from seven sites closest to mining areas (mining sites), four sites further downstream from mining (downstream sites), and eight reference sites in fall 2001. Samples of plant biomass from mining sites had highest metal concentrations, with means 10- to 60-times greater than those for reference sites. Mean metal concentrations in over 90% of samples of plant biomass from mining sites were significantly greater than those from reference sites. Mean concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cd in most invertebrate samples from mining sites, and mean Pb concentrations in most fish samples from mining sites, were also significantly greater than those from reference sites. Concentrations of all three metals were lower in samples from downstream sites, but several samples of plant biomass from downstream sites had metal concentrations significantly greater than those from reference sites. Analysis of supplemental samples collected in the fall of 2002, a year of above-average stream discharge, had lower Pb concentrations and higher Cd concentrations than samples collected in 2001, near the end of a multi-year drought. Concentrations of Pb measured in fish and invertebrates collected from mining sites during 2001 and 2002 were similar to those measured at nearby sites in the 1970s, during the early years of mining in the Viburnum Trend. Results of this study demonstrate that long-term Pb mining activity in southeast Missouri has resulted in significantly elevated concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Zn in biota of receiving streams, compared to biota of similar streams without direct influence of mining. Our results also demonstrate that metal exposure in the study area differed significantly among sample types, habitats, and years, and that these factors should be carefully considered in the design of biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

We began monitoring concentrations of both total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in surface water at Stormwater Treatment Area-2 (STA) on July 20, 2000. This 2602 hectare STA was constructed with three independent marshes to remove phosphorus from agricultural runoff and reduce eutrophication in the northern Everglades. However, there was concern that in doing so, STA-2 might inadvertently worsen the existing mercury problem in the Everglades. Accordingly, operating permits stipulated that flow-through operation of these treatment cells could not begin until concentrations of THg and MeHg in the interior marsh were not significantly greater than corresponding concentrations in the supply canal. Cells 2 and 3 quickly met the start-up criteria in the fall of 2000. In contrast, Cell 1 exhibited anomalously high MeHg concentrations in the fall of 2000 and 2001, and the summer of 2002. During the last such event, water-column concentrations in Cell 1 reached 32 ng THg/L and an unprecedented 20 ng MeHg/L. Tissue Hg in resident fishes reached levels as high as 430 ng/g in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, 930 ng/g in sunfish, Lepomis spp., and 2000 ng/g in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Guided by results from the monitoring program, flow rate and water depth were managed as a means to alter sulfur biogeochemistry and, thereby, reduce in situ mercury methylation. This adaptive management strategy likely played a role in the decline in water-column concentrations of THg and MeHg in Cell 1 by late 2002 and the subsequent declines in tissue Hg levels in resident fishes. Cell 1 finally met formal start-up criteria on November 26, 2002.  相似文献   

合肥市环巢湖地区种植业面源污染监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2016-2018年在合肥市环巢湖5个县区主要农田周边沟渠中采集水样,监测农田氮磷流失浓度,并评价该区域种植业面源污染状况。结果表明,这3年该区域种植业TN、TP流失的平均质量浓度分别为3.48 mg/L、0.602 mg/L,均高于地表水Ⅴ类水质标准。2016年与2017年TN、TP浓度差异不大,2018年较前两年TN浓度有所提高,TP浓度相比显著降低。巢湖市农田沟渠水中TP浓度高于其他县区,TN浓度相对较低;NO-3 N浓度庐江县高于其他县区;NH 3 N地区间几乎没有差异。TP和NH 3 N浓度均为秋季高于夏季,TN和NO-3 N浓度均为夏季高于秋季。  相似文献   

污水处理厂出水中主要离子和重点元素的浓度特征及去除效果会影响受纳水体的盐度、碱度等指标,从而影响河湖的生态服务功能,但是这方面的研究长期以来未得到充分关注。在陕西省全境选择51家城镇污水处理厂,测定进水和出水中的钾、钙、钠、镁、氟、氯和硫酸根离子,以及铁、锰、硼、钼、锶等重点元素的浓度。测定结果显示:陕西省城镇污水处理厂进水和出水中的阳离子以钠离子为主,其次是钙、镁离子,钾离子浓度最低;阴离子中,氯离子浓度最大,其次为硫酸根离子。就总离子浓度而言,陕北和关中地区污水处理厂进水的离子浓度普遍高于陕南地区。相关性分析结果显示:在污水处理厂进水中,钠、氟、氯、镁及硫酸根离子相互之间均呈现显著正相关关系;铁、锰在进水中没有表现出明显的相关关系,而在出水中呈现显著的正相关关系。污水处理厂仅能够处理污水中少量的氟、钾和镁离子。铁元素和锰元素在经过污水处理厂的处理后,浓度有所升高。此研究的研究结果可为河湖水化学组成管理决策提供参考。  相似文献   

生物监测在跨界河流中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合分析了生物监测在跨界河流流经国家间的协调管理、生物类群的选择以及监测技术的选择方面所面临的问题;选择欧洲多瑙河、亚洲湄公河以及非洲尼日尔河等跨界河流作为典型案例,对比分析使用不同生物类群(例如底栖动物、浮游藻类以及鱼类)进行跨界河流生物监测的技术方法,阐述了跨界生物监测项目中的资金来源、管理办法和运行机制等;并对未来的跨界河流生物监测提出建议,以期为中国的跨界河流生物监测提供实践依据。  相似文献   

Cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc concentrations were determined in sediment and body tissues, viz. digestive gland, mantle and shell, of the freshwater snail, Angulyagra oxytropis (Benson) (Gastropoda : Viviparidae), from River Barak and one of its floodplain lakes in Cachar district, Assam State, Northeastern India. The concentrations of all the metals except iron are significantly higher in the lake sediment. When compared to their riverine counterparts, the lacustrine snails contain higher concentrations of cadmium, chromium and iron in their mantle; nickel and zinc in digestive gland; manganese in both digestive gland and mantle; and lead in all the three tissues examined. The accumulation patterns of most of the metals varied considerably between the two sites. The implications of these findings in storage, sequestration and detoxification of metals by this animal are discussed. The study also indicates that A. oxytropis may be a potential biological indicator of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

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