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固定源排污许可证监测管理制度研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
依靠排污许可证管理,固定源执行由行业排放标准为主正逐步过渡到"国家行业排放标准——单一源排放标准"双层排放标准,并以执行更全面和精准的单一源排放标准为主,对应的监测要求及考核方式更加多样化。对监测管理制度进行设计,明确固定源制定自行监测方案和守法监测的主体责任,厘清许可证核发部门、属地监测、执法部门的监管职责。系统设计"固定源制定并提交自行监测方案-核发部门审核-方案纳入排污许可证中成为规定-依规定自行监测和记录-固定源提交执行报告-监管部门审计式审核-执法监测和执法检查"的全过程管理机制,设计标准化的监管计划程序落实证后监管与执法监测,明晰监管部门的有限责任。  相似文献   

支撑排污许可制度的固定源监测技术体系完善研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排污许可制度是固定源核心管理制度,对污染源监测技术提出"便捷、智能、精细"的发展要求,依规发证、依证管理2个阶段均需要污染源监测技术的有效支撑。针对当前污染源监测技术体系现状,应进一步完善自行监测技术指南体系,对发证行业指南实施情况跟踪评估,适时修订;为将工业园区纳入核发排污许可证范围扎牢基础,制定工业园区自行监测技术指南;加快构建支撑证后监管执法的快速便捷方法标准体系和现场快速监测质控体系;加快构建智能化监测数据管理平台,实现"智慧大脑"功能;建立自行监测监督检查技术体系,强化排污许可制度框架下的自行监测质量的监督检查。  相似文献   

介绍了美国以排污许可证制度为载体的废水污染源自行监测制度;自行监测方案包括监测内容、监测指标、监测点位、监测频次、采样方法等,依据排污许可证中关于污染物及其排放限值的规定而设计;自行监测数据用于污染源监督检查和制定国家排放限值。对于我国企业自行监测,提出了进一步明确自行监测的主体地位与自行监测数据的法律地位、分行业制定自行监测指南、建立污染源监测数据信息综合平台、加强与企业自行监测相关内容的培训等建议。  相似文献   

美国空气固定源排污许可证中关于监测的规定及启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
监测规定是美国空气固定源运行排污许可证中的核心内容。基于"个案管理"原则,每个运行许可证中的各个产排污单元分别执行不同的监测规定。获得"连续"的监测数据需足够判定固定源排放是否合规,且成本有效。"固定源制定和提交监测方案-管理机关审核-监测方案载入排污许可证中-依方案监测-数据处理-排污许可证守法报告-管理机关合规监测和评估"的系统化监测程序,使得固定源监测更具可操作性,监测数据更规范。建议中国排污许可证制度中建立类似的监测规定。  相似文献   

排污单位自行监测的质量管理,是环境管理部门关注的重点。针对排污单位自行监测工作中存在的质控措施不规范;监测结果公开不完整;样品交接记录、原始采样记录、样品分析原始记录不齐全;流量计未检定或过期等问题。从自行监测方案的制定、自行监测信息公开、企业手工监测、企业自动监测等4个方面提出:应实施具体的质控措施;将污染物排放方式及排放去向、未开展自行监测的原因等方面的内容全部公开;通过计量认证第三方环境监测机构制订相关的记录单;将流量计送至计量单位实验室检定或者请计量单位现场检定等建议,对今后促进排污单位提高自行监测工作水平有指导意义。  相似文献   

按照机制设计理论,提出了排污许可证实施监督管理的发展阶段,以及政府在不同阶段的关键作用。基于排污许可证行政许可的属性,归纳了不同层级政府监督管理的框架和内容,包括监督性监测、许可证执行监督和守法系统监控。从公众参与、政府和企业信息公开两个角度,总结了排污许可证实施的社会监督管理内容。  相似文献   

环境统计面临依据排污许可数据估算工业污染排放总量的挑战.以某市4个行业6类污染物的排放数据为案例,讨论了在非重点源污染排放量估算问题上衔接排污许可和环境统计的可行性和存在的问题.研究结果表明:排污许可重点管理单位与环境统计重点调查单位存在显著差异,不能采用比率估算方法估算工业非重点源排污量;排污许可简化和登记管理单位排...  相似文献   

自行监测是排污许可制度的重要技术支撑。针对火力发电行业自行监测质量参差不齐的现实情况,笔者依据国家颁布的技术指南和行业检测机构实践经验,在调查研究全国有代表性的21家火力发电厂自行监测开展情况的基础上,对制度、方案、机制、管理等方面的关键问题进行了探讨,提出了加强企业自行监测制度建设、借助专业机构支撑、创新监测监督联合机制、发挥集团管控作用等方面的措施建议。  相似文献   

介绍了美国大气排污许可证制度的类型及适用范围、申领门槛及流程、内容及执行情况,指出美国通过实施预建许可证与运营许可证制度,实现了对新、改建固定污染源及现有固定污染源的全过程监管。结合我国大气排污许可证制度存在的问题,提出了进一步完善法律支撑、加强计量体系建设、加大许可证执行力度等建议。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,特别是"十三五"时期我国固定污染源监测体系在管理制度、监测技术、信息平台、业务体系方面均取得了积极进展。但随着排污许可制度的全面实施,省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂改全面完成,减污降碳全面提级,我国固定污染源监测体系面临着专项制度不完善、自行监测数据质量监管压力大、基层执法监测高需求与低能力矛盾突出、减污降碳监测体系有待系统设计等突出问题。为了适应新形势下生态环境管理需求,建议:健全制度体系,研究制订《固定污染源监测管理办法》;完善技术体系和质控体系,加快快速、便携、智能化的污染源监测新技术体系及基于物联、信息技术的全流程、全链条质控体系的研究应用;优化业务体系,推动污染源执法监测与排污单位自行监测帮扶规范化和监测信息平台改造提升及应用。  相似文献   

典型城市地表水质综合评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国10个典型城市2013年实测地表水水质资料为基础,运用内梅罗指数法、均值法、地表水质指数法(SWQI)3种评价方法对城市地表水质进行综合评价。结果表明:就评价指标而言,3套指标方案评价结果显著相关,最佳指标为DO、COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N、TP;就评价方法而言,内梅罗指数法是3种方法中的首选方法,SWQI法评价结果表现为过保护,均值法不能突出较差水质指标的影响。  相似文献   

Whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests, with Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum, were introduced to evaluate the biological toxicities of effluents from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Korea. In WET tests of WWTPs effluents, 33.3% (33/99) for D. magna and 92.6% (75/81) for S. capricornutum revealed greater than 1 toxic unit (TU), even though all the treatment plants investigated were operating in compliance with the regulations, as assessed using conventional monitoring methods (i.e., BOD and total concentration of N or P, etc). There were only minor differences in toxicities according to the types of influents (municipal and agro-industrial) in all treatment plants. However, the effluents treated by an activated sludge treatment process were found to exhibit significantly lower toxicity than those treated by rotating biological contactor (RBC) and extended aeration processes. The seasonal variations in the toxicity were lower in the summer compared to winter, which may have been due to the rainfall received to the sewage intake system during the former period. The impact of WET on river water was also investigated based on the discharge volume. At sites A and B, the total impact of toxicity to stream and river waters was observed to be 70.9% and 90.4% for D. magna and S. capricornutum, respectively. The other four small treatment plants (sites F, G, H and I), with relative discharging volumes between 0.001 and 0.002, contribute less than 1% to the total toxicity.  相似文献   

A study of the water quality of the Potrero de los Funes River (San Luis – Argentina) was carried out in order to evaluate the possible effect of the anthropogenic activities on the river developed in the homonymous town. Samples were collected during the period March 2000–November 2005 at three selected sampling sites (RP1, RP2 and RP3). Different physicochemical and bacteriological parameters (turbidity, pH, conductivity, suspended solids, alkalinity, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, chemical oxygen demand (COD), 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and total heterotrophic bacteria) were analysed according to the Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. When comparing the values of total coliforms, E. coli, total heterotrophic bacteria, COD, BOD5 and phosphates from the zone without anthropogenic influence (RP1) and the urban zones (RP2 and RP3) an important variation in the parameters was observed. These results indicate that the urban activity produces a serious and negative effect on the water quality, thus constituting a sanitary risk and may have a major impact on the trophic status of the Potrero de los Funes dam. As case study, we report on the use of General Quality Index (GQI) to evaluate spatial and seasonal changes in the water quality of Potrero de los Funes River. Results revealed a significant degradation of the water quality at RP2 and RP3.  相似文献   

Because emissions permits can be considered to be a pseudo-commodity, the permit price in the emissions trading markets has already attracted great interest from the economic literature. This research took the Jiangsu sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions trading program in China as a case study to examine the price dynamics over the next 10 years (2011–2020) based on Jiangsu’s new SO2 emissions trading policy design. An adaptive agent-based simulation model was developed to estimate the price dynamics as well as the impact of energy price, policy design, and new environmental regulation on the permit price. The results showed that the equilibrium price of the Jiangsu SO2 emissions trading market is approximately 4.20 CNY/kg, and the permit price will fluctuate around this price if the other conditions are not changed. If the coal price increases during 2011–2016, the permit price will decline to 2.79 CNY/kg by 2020 under China’s current coal–electricity price mechanism. In addition, the banking mechanism will smooth the price fluctuations and the average permit price will be generally higher when banking is not allowed. Finally, the stricter environmental regulation will reduce the market supply of permits and will raise the permit price. According to China’s potential new SO2 discharge standard, the permit price will jump to 11 CNY/kg. The quantification of the permit price dynamics can help power plants to make decisions on emissions trading.  相似文献   

于2019年春、夏、秋季对连云港近岸海域海水中营养盐、重金属等共19项指标进行3个航次采样监测。依照海水水质评价标准统计分析站点达标率,采用有机污染物指数法和富营养化指数法,对调查海域海水有机污染、营养水平等进行综合评价。结果表明:2019年连云港市海域站位全年达标率为86.4%,达标面积为6543 km2,占管辖海域面积的98.0%,水质质量较往年有所好转,主要超标物为无机氮、活性磷酸盐。调查海域海水的有机污染和富营养化程度均处于良好状况,近岸海水水质总体上要劣于远岸水质,且随季节的更替呈现波动性变化。  相似文献   

2016年秋季新乡市空气质量模式预报效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于新乡市空气质量数值预报平台,采用相关系数(r)、标准化平均偏差(NMB)等统计指标,系统评估2016年秋季新乡市嵌套网格空气质量预报模式(NAQPMS)和通用多尺度空气质量模式(CMAQ)的预报效果,对比分析2套模式不同预报时效和不同水平分辨率的空气质量等级预报准确率。结果显示:2套模式均较好地表征了各主要污染物的浓度变化特征,2套模式的等级预报准确率高于60%,其中CMAQ对中度及重度的预报等级准确率达到70%。对比模式24、48、72 h 3种预报时效效果,24 h预报时效的统计数据最优,说明24 h预报时效模拟结果可作为业务预报重要的支撑。  相似文献   

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